TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,766,069,050,704 +5.1%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,904 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.8 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -10.17% and currently stands at $329.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7602 COSMIC CosmicSwap -6.62% 0.0255 $ +0.20% -2.67%
7603 VUSDC Venus USDC +0.66% 0.0252 $ +0.22% +0.06%
7604 LOOP LoopNetwork -32.14% 0.0257 $ +0.02% -11.83%
7605 BO Wallet Sniffer -39.19% 0.025 $ +1.30% +39.00%
7606 SFEX SafeLaunch -26.64% 0.025 $ +1.81% -1.19%
7607 VUSDT Venus USDT +0.70% 0.025 $ +0.31% +0.19%
7608 SARCH Liquid Finance ARCH -21.34% 0.025 $ +1.23% -4.94%
7609 ART Salvor -24.32% 0.025 $ +5.32% -17.75%
7610 PRXY Proxy +1.96% 0.0249 $ -5.60% -8.68%
7611 CYDOGE Cyberdoge +44.83% 0.0247 $ +16.74% -6.44%
7612 VDAI Venus DAI +0.66% 0.0248 $ +0.16% +0.17%
7613 MEN MetaHub -53.69% 0.0242 $ -6.37% -28.27%
7614 XNET ioTube Bridged XNET (IoTeX) -4.28% 0.0245 $ +7.29% +0.35%
7615 EDE El Dorado Exchange (Base) +2.29% 0.0242 $ +3.01% +3.54%
7616 TTG Trust Trading Group -16.37% 0.0245 $ +1.78% -9.74%
7617 BALL Ball -4.60% 0.0242 $ +0.96% -0.49%
7618 DAUMEN Daumenfrosch -14.78% 0.024 $ +9.43% +9.72%
7619 WEIRDO Weirdo [OLD] -20.96% 0.0241 $ -0.04% +1.60%
7620 SENSO SENSO -18.89% 0.0241 $ -3.18% -12.58%
7621 ETHG Ethereum Gold -29.61% 0.0239 $ 0% 0%
7622 WIFI ioTube Bridged WIFI (IoTeX) -9.41% 0.0239 $ +5.29% -12.22%
7623 WNZ Winnerz -11.99% 0.0238 $ -9.71% -5.51%
7624 VXT VOXTO +10.96% 0.024 $ +1.49% +3.43%
7625 BONE PolyPup Bone -3.42% 0.0237 $ +1.09% -0.49%
7626 UP TonUP -22.25% 0.0226 $ +7.98% -2.08%
7627 LBK LBK +130.34% 0.0238 $ +10.27% +18.51%
7628 STZIL stZIL -21.27% 0.0233 $ 0% -6.93%
7629 WONE Wrapped One -24.56% 0.0233 $ +8.30% -4.32%
7630 MUSD Mad USD -10.80% 0.0236 $ +5.80% +2.71%
7631 MDX MultiDEX AI +5.47% 0.023 $ 0% +1.04%
7632 AICR AICrew -37.24% 0.0228 $ 0% -10.26%
7633 AU AutoCrypto -1.65% 0.0228 $ +1.71% -0.58%
7634 VMPX VMPX +24.77% 0.0227 $ +1.17% +53.51%
7635 XBTC XenBitcoin -20.62% 0.0226 $ +6.20% -4.13%
7636 KLTR Kollector -3.26% 0.0226 $ +3.07% +3.33%
7637 CRK Croking -65.10% 0.0226 $ 0% 0%
7638 SWORD eZKalibur -50.45% 0.0225 $ +3.18% -41.06%
7639 WINK WinkHub -37.34% 0.0223 $ +7.11% -10.82%
7640 RAKER MarketRaker AI -48.12% 0.0224 $ +0.38% -8.66%
7641 BS Black Stallion -27.89% 0.0222 $ +6.35% -4.50%
7642 HC HyperCash -13.77% 0.0221 $ +12.57% +5.88%
7643 AAST AASToken -61.26% 0.0201 $ -8.64% -12.02%
7644 VBUSD Venus BUSD -1.75% 0.0218 $ +3.47% -0.23%
7645 PBUX Playbux -11.71% 0.0215 $ +20.73% +1.68%
7646 GCOTI COTI Governance Token -40.16% 0.0214 $ +1.75% -12.36%
7647 ANARCHY Anarchy -18.03% 0.0214 $ +0.09% -4.76%
7648 WX WX Network Token +51.58% 0.0217 $ +6.27% +8.95%
7649 FACTORY ChainFactory -71.40% 0.0213 $ -15.71% -52.82%
7650 AXV-XARCH xARCH_Astrovault -20.99% 0.0214 $ +4.38% -7.88%
7651 FRGX FRGX Finance -21.08% 0.0212 $ -1.44% -6.91%
7652 BALD Bald -5.57% 0.021 $ +2.51% +3.15%
7653 LEMON Lemon Terminal +14.46% 0.0211 $ 0% 0%
7654 HIVEWATER hiveWater -8.43% 0.0211 $ +1.28% -3.28%
7655 BTC BlackrockTradingCurrency -49.52% 0.021 $ 0% -27.40%
7656 YVHEGIC HEGIC yVault +21.12% 0.0208 $ -0.89% +2.89%
7657 WMC Wrapped BEAM -29.83% 0.0209 $ +7.00% -6.95%
7658 DSS Defi Shopping Stake -12.65% 0.0208 $ -6.49% +11.20%
7659 PHY Physis +230.14% 0.0207 $ +6.67% -12.94%
7660 KALIS Kalichain -2.02% 0.0204 $ -0.67% -6.96%
7661 ELP The Everlasting Parachain -4.03% 0.0206 $ +2.69% -0.47%
7662 XGPT X-GPT -26.83% 0.0206 $ 0% +7.28%
7663 META Meta Pool DAO -12.84% 0.0205 $ +1.71% -20.65%
7664 AC ArtCoin -76.34% 0.0204 $ 0% +1.91%
7665 MBE MxmBoxcEus Token -4.01% 0.0204 $ +1.38% -0.63%
7666 PMG Pomerium Ecosystem Token -43.16% 0.0214 $ +7.97% -21.06%
7667 EXFI Flare Finance -14.86% 0.0205 $ +7.89% -8.60%
7668 ENNO ENNO Cash +1.78% 0.0202 $ +7.78% +4.37%
7669 JK JK Coin -32.83% 0.0201 $ -4.50% -34.31%
7670 AGC Argocoin -88.61% 0.0208 $ -65.79% -82.10%
7671 JNE Jake Newman Enterprises -34.58% 0.0201 $ +0.05% -4.56%
7672 MOJO Planet Mojo -24.04% 0.0201 $ +1.01% -5.14%
7673 TAVA ALTAVA -13.85% 0.02 $ +1.88% -4.02%
7674 RUUF RuufCoin +1.47% 0.0198 $ +0.29% +0.10%
7675 LNDRY LNDRY -48.98% 0.0198 $ -0.02% -6.82%
7676 ZRPY Zerpaay -21.09% 0.0197 $ +0.20% +5.41%
7677 SHNT Sats Hunters -44.08% 0.0197 $ 0% 0%
7678 XSPECTAR xSPECTAR +1.10% 0.0197 $ +3.97% -7.39%
7679 BUDDY BuddyAI -59.81% 0.0192 $ 0% 0%
7680 CSR CSR +5.48% 0.0199 $ +4.83% +0.42%
7681 OTSEA OTSea -11.64% 0.019 $ +35.27% +49.90%
7682 FRC Freicoin +65.36% 0.019 $ -33.82% -21.61%
7683 CORE CORE (Ordinals) -62.84% 0.0189 $ +3.07% -27.55%
7684 EPCT Epics Token +1.29% 0.0188 $ -0.45% +1.41%
7685 SMOG Smog +4.43% 0.0186 $ +5.65% +23.24%
7686 ROCKY Rocky -5.93% 0.0187 $ +7.22% +29.45%
7687 NUA Nuance -9.45% 0.0188 $ +4.27% -18.74%
7688 ATP Alaya +30.98% 0.0184 $ +4.18% -13.84%
7689 GFS GameFantasyStar -17.87% 0.0185 $ +7.58% -5.09%
7690 BOOP Boop -31.23% 0.0184 $ +2.89% -1.98%
7691 FREED Freedomcoin -48.56% 0.0183 $ -0.53% -19.34%
7692 PULSE PulseMarkets -18.96% 0.0183 $ +5.22% +4.26%
7693 TRIO Maximus TRIO -15.82% 0.0182 $ +10.95% -1.88%
7694 STARS StarLaunch -35.22% 0.0182 $ +1.74% -6.44%
7695 SIR Sir +1.18% 0.0182 $ +1.86% -4.96%
7696 XWC Whitecoin -40.92% 0.0181 $ -1.05% -17.49%
7697 MPH Morpher -8.16% 0.0181 $ -1.24% -2.25%
7698 OXN 0xNumber -11.13% 0.018 $ +2.61% -4.22%
7699 SANDR Bridged Andromeda -32.04% 0.018 $ +1.98% -13.32%
7700 SIENNA Sienna -0.69% 0.018 $ +1.51% -4.89%
7701 LION Lion Scrub Money +23.79% 0.0179 $ -0.39% +4.49%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.