TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,317,947,132,299 +2.6%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,612 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.02% or -395.8 mln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -0.61% and currently stands at $171.3 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7602 XERT XertiNet -30.31% 0.0024 $ -1.28% -1.35%
7603 FTO FuturoCoin -4.85% 0.0024 $ 0% -6.47%
7604 MNTG Monetas [OLD] +11.32% 0.0023 $ 0% -2.14%
7605 ZYR Zyrri -52.85% 0.0023 $ -52.29% -39.68%
7606 KDL KDLaunch -36.84% 0.0023 $ -8.52% -6.58%
7607 BLIN Blin Metaverse +11.57% 0.0023 $ +2.61% +9.74%
7608 KCT Konnect +18.76% 0.0023 $ +1.75% +12.17%
7609 BUGS Bugs Bunny -3.69% 0.0023 $ +3.09% +6.02%
7610 JPGC JPGoldCoin +3.95% 0.0023 $ -1.26% -5.13%
7611 MGA Metagame Arena +14.74% 0.0023 $ +4.95% +12.00%
7612 ZRPY Zerpaay -28.00% 0.0023 $ +0.10% +8.38%
7613 XMC Monero-Classic -99.02% 0.0023 $ -55.90% -96.03%
7614 ESGC ESG Chain -35.24% 0.0022 $ 0% 0%
7615 SPACE Spacelens -2.77% 0.0022 $ +3.18% +4.02%
7616 DEXI Dexioprotocol -18.67% 0.0022 $ -13.03% -20.38%
7617 BUNI Bunicorn -0.70% 0.0022 $ -0.43% +1.19%
7618 DNA EncrypGen -17.70% 0.0022 $ -0.28% +0.93%
7619 NEXBOX NEXBOX -14.43% 0.0022 $ 0% -0.05%
7620 WORK The Employment Commons Work -58.81% 0.0022 $ 0% 0%
7621 LDZ Voodoo -10.22% 0.0022 $ +1.85% +0.23%
7622 FIBO FibSwap DEX -57.70% 0.0022 $ 0% 0%
7623 NYAN ArbiNYAN +0.41% 0.0022 $ +3.67% +6.15%
7624 JOY Drawshop Kingdom Reverse Joystick -5.43% 0.0022 $ +1.42% +1.38%
7625 STR Solster -13.27% 0.0022 $ -0.54% +0.02%
7626 BRO Brokkr -20.25% 0.0022 $ 0% -0.61%
7627 CSWAP CSWAP -10.25% 0.0022 $ +2.29% -12.80%
7628 HBDC Happy Birthday Coin +24.19% 0.0022 $ -0.47% +2.63%
7629 CHARGED GoCharge Tech -6.38% 0.0022 $ +0.67% +0.49%
7630 AMI AMMYI Coin +43.43% 0.0021 $ +0.07% +123.46%
7631 QDT QChain QDT +1.10% 0.0021 $ -5.08% -5.07%
7632 VDOGE Venus DOGE -0.24% 0.0021 $ -1.27% -2.20%
7633 DEM Deutsche eMark +8.71% 0.0021 $ +0.40% -8.23%
7634 ZENF Zenland -14.92% 0.0021 $ 0% -0.30%
7635 SOR Sorcery Finance +158.94% 0.0021 $ +0.11% +4.48%
7636 BLURT Blurt +17.71% 0.0021 $ +7.19% +5.26%
7637 ULAB Unilab +47.72% 0.0021 $ 0% 0%
7638 AVO AVOCADO BG -13.47% 0.0021 $ -0.23% -5.74%
7639 INDI IndiGG +129.33% 0.0021 $ -12.53% +19.37%
7640 GUAP Guapcoin -6.21% 0.0021 $ 0% -7.33%
7641 NT NexDAX -38.69% 0.0021 $ -0.44% -34.44%
7642 JEX JEXchange -15.57% 0.0021 $ +0.28% -0.60%
7643 OCV Ocvcoin +27.21% 0.0021 $ +77.88% +75.65%
7644 ORYM Orym -33.09% 0.0021 $ +2.98% +7.04%
7645 FRP Fame Reward Plus -0.08% 0.0021 $ -0.11% -0.15%
7646 LAMBO Lambo +0.52% 0.0021 $ -0.30% +5.10%
7647 CGU Crypto Global United -17.08% 0.0021 $ -0.43% -10.27%
7648 FCR FCR Coin +2.31% 0.0021 $ +7.67% +0.95%
7649 WMOXY Wrapped MOXY +12.73% 0.0021 $ -2.09% +23.35%
7650 BERN BonkEarn +15.27% 0.0021 $ +25.57% +29.89%
7651 COLA Cola Token -0.10% 0.002 $ +0.44% -2.34%
7652 PZT Pizon -52.42% 0.002 $ 0% 0%
7653 DOCK Dock +1.91% 0.002 $ +4.36% +10.82%
7654 WYNN Anita Max Wynn +64.53% 0.002 $ -3.37% +50.80%
7655 BASIS +3.24% 0.002 $ -4.68% -11.69%
7656 FXDX FXDX +58.42% 0.002 $ +0.90% -32.58%
7657 DOGESHREK DogeShrek -0.57% 0.002 $ -2.30% -2.52%
7658 DYNMT Dynamite +4.24% 0.002 $ +7.06% +7.64%
7659 FXY Floxypay -83.15% 0.002 $ -0.09% -83.14%
7660 GAMI Gami -19.19% 0.002 $ 0% 0%
7661 TTT TabTrader -4.31% 0.002 $ -0.21% -0.24%
7662 SAT Super Athletes Token -1.89% 0.002 $ -1.00% +0.41%
7663 PFL Pangolin Flare -15.93% 0.002 $ -2.06% -3.02%
7664 SSLX StarSlax -49.31% 0.002 $ +0.16% -10.25%
7665 CDX CodeXChain -48.16% 0.002 $ -13.67% -25.91%
7666 CSOV Crown Sovereign -24.17% 0.002 $ -21.07% +28.49%
7667 SCOTTY ScottyTheAi -33.40% 0.002 $ +7.87% +19.14%
7668 FINE Refinable -3.84% 0.002 $ +0.29% +3.15%
7669 RIFI Rikkei Finance -59.05% 0.002 $ 0% +0.09%
7670 NEWM NEWM -12.97% 0.002 $ +6.14% +2.59%
7671 WAR WeStarter +12.05% 0.002 $ +19.40% +16.86%
7672 ZLW Zelwin +2.24% 0.0019 $ +2.44% +2.91%
7673 VISION VisionGame -0.38% 0.0019 $ +14.25% +9.38%
7674 RDF ReadFi +16.41% 0.0019 $ -1.77% +1.48%
7675 NXTU 4 Next Unicorn +46.94% 0.0019 $ -0.04% +7.88%
7676 SCRAP Scrap +5.80% 0.0019 $ 0% -1.97%
7677 NIOCTIB nioctiB -12.09% 0.0019 $ -0.76% +6.88%
7678 RXCG RXCGames -24.50% 0.0019 $ -0.72% +1.28%
7679 MAI Multi AI -24.03% 0.0019 $ +3.43% -23.92%
7680 FELIX FELIX +37.19% 0.0019 $ +5.00% +52.47%
7681 COSG Cosmic Champs -8.38% 0.0019 $ -0.98% -1.60%
7682 DBZ Diamond Boyz Coin -18.47% 0.0019 $ 0% +0.09%
7683 DST Dragon Soul Token -7.66% 0.0019 $ -0.31% -1.12%
7684 2GCC 2G Carbon Coin +12.46% 0.0019 $ -0.69% +4.86%
7685 BCF Bitcoin Fast -18.52% 0.0019 $ +0.03% +9.23%
7686 SWAMP Swamp Coin -2.71% 0.0019 $ -0.72% -0.96%
7687 NRV Nerve Finance -25.31% 0.0019 $ +0.76% +2.43%
7688 MARKS Bitmark +57.23% 0.0019 $ -0.27% +5.27%
7689 JEFF Jeff -6.72% 0.0019 $ 0% +4.59%
7690 FOOD Food -19.34% 0.0019 $ -0.37% -8.44%
7691 CLBK Cloudbric -1.19% 0.0019 $ +9.28% +6.62%
7692 LIS Realis Network -27.68% 0.0019 $ -1.34% -4.19%
7693 PHNX Phenix Finance (Cronos) -45.55% 0.0019 $ 0% 0%
7694 RUM Arrland RUM -40.70% 0.0019 $ -2.45% -7.21%
7695 DGC Digitalcoin +25.04% 0.0019 $ 0% +6.91%
7696 SSE Soroosh Smart Ecosystem -25.02% 0.0019 $ +7.74% +7.10%
7697 RACEFI RaceFi +13.07% 0.0019 $ 0% -0.75%
7698 UMAREUM UMAREUM -80.52% 0.0019 $ 0% -0.29%
7699 LYPTUS Lyptus -0.15% 0.0019 $ -0.09% -0.04%
7700 SCOIN SCOIN -5.97% 0.0018 $ -2.53% +21.88%
7701 SAPP Sapphire -18.98% 0.0018 $ -16.01% +2.74%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.