TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,317,947,132,299 +2.6%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,612 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.04% or -875.6 mln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -3.55% and currently stands at $168.4 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7702 ZENC Zenc Coin -0.10% 0.0018 $ -0.23% -0.04%
7703 1CAT Bitcoin Cats -2.16% 0.0018 $ -2.46% +0.65%
7704 CUCK Cuckadoodledoo -48.12% 0.0018 $ -0.45% +6.77%
7705 LBC LBRY Credits -5.96% 0.0018 $ +9.98% -14.34%
7706 XNJ xNinja.Tech Token -22.17% 0.0018 $ -2.64% -1.99%
7707 TLR Taler -36.83% 0.0018 $ 0% +4.40%
7708 ELS Elysian ELS -3.51% 0.0018 $ +19.44% +5.73%
7709 BLB Blueberry -5.37% 0.0018 $ +1.24% +8.78%
7710 DUNG Scarab Tools -20.53% 0.0018 $ -1.14% -1.64%
7711 KZEN Kaizen.Finance -4.58% 0.0018 $ +0.15% -3.93%
7712 TEX IoTeXPad -4.71% 0.0018 $ 0% -3.99%
7713 ASPO ASPO World -1.03% 0.0018 $ -0.62% -4.92%
7714 NVG NightVerse Game +5.58% 0.0018 $ +1.24% +8.51%
7715 BP BunnyPark -6.40% 0.0018 $ -0.27% +0.86%
7716 VSHARE V3S Share +12.59% 0.0018 $ 0% +2.03%
7717 MORA Mora -22.81% 0.0018 $ -8.67% -16.50%
7718 CAL Calcium -23.07% 0.0018 $ +1.62% -0.15%
7719 NIIFI NiiFi -8.70% 0.0018 $ +0.01% -7.32%
7720 BARK Bark Gas Token -49.37% 0.0017 $ 0% 0%
7721 STORM Storm +7.09% 0.0017 $ +4.69% +9.58%
7722 PTX PlatinX -29.13% 0.0017 $ 0% 0%
7723 TES Tiny Era Shard -19.56% 0.0017 $ +1.09% -2.68%
7724 SWAG swag coin -21.07% 0.0017 $ +0.11% +1.42%
7725 STBOT SolTradingBot -12.39% 0.0017 $ -0.29% -13.55%
7726 CBS Çağdaş Bodrumspor Fan Token +10.98% 0.0017 $ -1.14% +3.85%
7727 DCARD DECENTRACARD -1.01% 0.0017 $ +1.93% +1.24%
7728 OASIS Oasis Metaverse -25.75% 0.0017 $ -0.01% +6.41%
7729 MNFT Marvelous NFTs -36.08% 0.0017 $ +0.01% -0.01%
7730 CAI CryptoAI +2.67% 0.0017 $ +4.95% +4.06%
7731 FAN SuperFans.Tech -0.04% 0.0017 $ -0.02% +0.17%
7732 TAPROOT Taproot -31.62% 0.0017 $ -5.37% -20.74%
7733 STREAM ZilStream -21.66% 0.0017 $ -2.63% +1.68%
7734 SURV Surveyor DAO +2.19% 0.0017 $ +0.15% +9.94%
7735 ZW Zenith Wallet -44.85% 0.0017 $ 0% -6.38%
7736 RWA Real World Assets +24.94% 0.0017 $ -2.11% +0.86%
7737 ATNT Artizen -25.28% 0.0017 $ +3.04% -29.24%
7738 WBX Wibx +32.34% 0.0016 $ -6.35% -7.63%
7739 FOX FoxSwap +11.18% 0.0016 $ +3.54% +4.79%
7740 NWS Nodewaves -4.06% 0.0016 $ -1.46% -1.75%
7741 HOD -0.21% 0.0016 $ -1.53% +0.29%
7742 TEMCO TEMCO +8.61% 0.0016 $ -1.34% -0.28%
7743 MMP Moon Maker Protocol -8.26% 0.0016 $ 0% -1.67%
7744 ARS Aquarius Loan -18.82% 0.0016 $ -5.56% +0.08%
7745 BONE BoneSwap -21.16% 0.0016 $ -0.20% -3.04%
7746 BIIS Biis (Ordinals) -31.96% 0.0016 $ -4.21% +1.24%
7747 FINA Defina Finance +0.64% 0.0016 $ -1.16% -1.40%
7748 WTS WatchTowers AI -46.18% 0.0016 $ 0% -1.58%
7749 AUDIT SmartAudit AI -29.47% 0.0016 $ 0% 0%
7750 MVEDA MedicalVeda -20.23% 0.0016 $ 0% +0.66%
7751 SFL SHUFFLE by HUPAYX -12.77% 0.0016 $ +5.57% -3.13%
7752 FDUST Flovatar Dust -9.87% 0.0016 $ -2.27% +23.90%
7753 MLNK Malinka -1.60% 0.0016 $ +0.40% -0.77%
7754 MLH Moolahverse -41.57% 0.0016 $ +3.48% -1.91%
7755 BABYBONK BabyBonk +12.32% 0.0016 $ +2.73% +12.98%
7756 WPT WPT Investing Corp -74.85% 0.0016 $ 0% -46.92%
7757 EV Evai -17.81% 0.0016 $ 0% -2.12%
7758 CVG Convergence Finance +308.52% 0.0016 $ -0.39% -0.55%
7759 DONK Donkey -2.98% 0.0016 $ -0.98% +9.93%
7760 TUNA Fishing Tuna -13.01% 0.0016 $ 0% -0.62%
7761 OPTCM Optimus -6.61% 0.0016 $ -1.49% +18.20%
7762 CART CryptoArt.Ai -74.88% 0.0015 $ -15.17% -29.60%
7763 CCASH C-Cash -21.38% 0.0016 $ -4.52% +2.44%
7764 CNTM Connectome -16.99% 0.0016 $ -4.34% +7.57%
7765 IXT iXledger +37.31% 0.0016 $ +17.60% +0.52%
7766 SINDI SINDI -2.42% 0.0016 $ +0.89% +0.60%
7767 MOLLY Molly AI -25.02% 0.0016 $ 0% 0%
7768 NXTU 4 Next Unicorn +16.44% 0.0019 $ +0.01% +7.79%
7769 KAF KAIF -10.79% 0.0016 $ -12.12% +24.58%
7770 WCH WeCash -11.84% 0.0015 $ -1.28% +1.97%
7771 GB Grand Base -2.62% 0.0015 $ +5.23% +10.70%
7772 SML Smell +25.02% 0.0015 $ -2.99% +3.62%
7773 KANG3N kang3n -78.59% 0.0015 $ 0% 0%
7774 VCK 28VCK -5.90% 0.0015 $ 0% -22.66%
7775 SPK SparksPay -73.53% 0.0015 $ 0% -69.73%
7776 MEPAD MemePad -1.82% 0.0015 $ +0.01% -1.46%
7777 BDE Big Defi Energy -10.19% 0.0015 $ +0.99% +2.85%
7778 OKI HDOKI +12.56% 0.0015 $ -0.01% +0.18%
7779 LOCAL Local Money +7.22% 0.0015 $ -3.78% -53.17%
7780 VUZZ VuzzMind -18.89% 0.0015 $ -5.96% +1.13%
7781 HOLY -4.03% 0.0015 $ +1.27% +5.23%
7782 SOULB SoulboundID +1.47% 0.0015 $ +0.16% +1.76%
7783 BERC Fair BERC20 -40.58% 0.0015 $ 0% -4.23%
7784 DEK DekBox +11.13% 0.0015 $ -1.88% +0.97%
7785 ARAB Arab cat +2.91% 0.0015 $ +11.39% +19.95%
7786 SHOE ShoeFy -15.27% 0.0015 $ +2.94% +7.39%
7787 BIOT Bio Passport +0.90% 0.0015 $ +0.19% -0.22%
7788 1MT 1Move Token -2.69% 0.0015 $ -0.58% +2.41%
7789 MMF MMFinance (Arbitrum) -2.92% 0.0015 $ -0.30% +0.01%
7790 LMCSWAP Limocoin Swap +22.00% 0.0015 $ +2.08% +3.74%
7791 MNR Mooner -10.03% 0.0015 $ 0% +4.50%
7792 STRAT Stratum Exchange -35.38% 0.0015 $ -1.54% -5.22%
7793 BTE Betero -5.16% 0.0015 $ +1.34% +4.54%
7794 BYN NBX -0.85% 0.0015 $ +19.69% +37.93%
7795 TUR Turing Network -36.99% 0.0014 $ -3.35% -5.68%
7796 FNZ Fanzee Token -35.76% 0.0015 $ -4.36% -15.58%
7797 TIME T.I.M.E. Dividend +40.00% 0.0014 $ +5.84% +56.39%
7798 DPAY Fuel -29.46% 0.0014 $ +0.96% -24.20%
7799 TRUTH TruthGPT (BSC) -1.60% 0.0014 $ 0% 0%
7800 AUTOS AutoSingle -40.29% 0.0014 $ 0% -0.17%
7801 TRESTLE TRESTLE -8.27% 0.0014 $ +7.81% +31.46%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.