TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,766,069,050,704 +5.1%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,904 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.8 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -10.18% and currently stands at $329.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7702 VD VinDax Coin +4.10% 0.0178 $ +48.92% +36.48%
7703 LSULP CaviarNine LSU Pool LP -36.83% 0.0177 $ +5.00% -12.94%
7704 WNT ioTube Bridged WNT (IoTeX) -35.23% 0.0177 $ -0.16% -11.04%
7705 BLEC Bless Global Credit -0.93% 0.0176 $ +0.39% -3.11%
7706 TUP Tenup -38.98% 0.0175 $ -0.61% -19.58%
7707 JLY Jellyverse -46.51% 0.0174 $ +5.21% -15.44%
7708 CB8 chabit +10.00% 0.017 $ +0.21% +21.42%
7709 DXCT DNAxCAT -0.94% 0.017 $ +3.28% +3.27%
7710 NOM Onomy Protocol -38.90% 0.0168 $ +2.87% -20.67%
7711 PCE PEACE COIN +38.92% 0.0166 $ 0% 0%
7712 $BULLET Bullet Gate Betting Token +12.87% 0.0166 $ 0% -1.42%
7713 GUARDAI GuardAI -34.52% 0.0164 $ 0% 0%
7714 MYS Magic Yearn Share -5.46% 0.0163 $ 0% +0.03%
7715 USTC Wrapped USTC -16.91% 0.0163 $ +4.14% -11.14%
7716 UST TerraUSD (Wormhole) -15.11% 0.0163 $ +5.64% -10.16%
7717 THG Thetan World -16.71% 0.016 $ +7.58% -2.50%
7718 MBRN Membrane +28.87% 0.0162 $ +6.81% -5.31%
7719 PLN PulseLN -15.72% 0.0162 $ +8.86% -4.90%
7720 SATOZ Satozhi -8.88% 0.0162 $ +2.45% -1.78%
7721 $FORGE $FORGE +25.82% 0.0159 $ +4.52% +16.13%
7722 TGR Tegro +0.14% 0.0159 $ +0.13% +0.01%
7723 DHX DataHighway +3.07% 0.0164 $ +15.20% +15.19%
7724 DXB Dexbet -43.76% 0.0158 $ -7.98% -29.93%
7725 DKEY DKEY Bank +1.21% 0.0157 $ +1.40% +7.76%
7726 NBR Niobio +1.56% 0.0157 $ 0% +11.05%
7727 WEVER Wrapped Ever -21.95% 0.0157 $ +0.06% -5.57%
7728 HSF Hillstone Finance +109.71% 0.0173 $ +8.49% +137.32%
7729 SOLR RazrFi -25.97% 0.0168 $ +8.54% -3.20%
7730 BASE Maximus BASE -18.83% 0.0155 $ -50.75% +0.87%
7731 PIP PIP -15.89% 0.0155 $ +3.99% +31.82%
7732 RPR The Reaper -22.48% 0.0162 $ +4.56% +5.20%
7733 FOHO Foho Coin -8.76% 0.0154 $ -0.06% +0.72%
7734 UNIVERSE Unicorn Metaverse -23.28% 0.0154 $ 0% +1.86%
7735 KEI KEI Finance -35.22% 0.0154 $ -0.15% -12.69%
7736 LUCKY Maximus LUCKY -21.49% 0.0153 $ +11.94% -0.36%
7737 TFT ThreeFold +8.80% 0.0151 $ +1.92% -1.01%
7738 YACHT YachtingVerse -10.28% 0.0149 $ -0.79% -3.88%
7739 $FMB FlappyMoonbird -9.75% 0.0149 $ -2.55% -13.82%
7740 JPG JPG -19.69% 0.0148 $ +0.22% -12.18%
7741 AQLA Aqualibre -34.66% 0.0149 $ -17.34% -11.31%
7742 WSIENNA Sienna [ERC-20] +21.82% 0.0149 $ +0.81% -10.50%
7743 PORT PackagePortal -48.04% 0.0148 $ 0% 0%
7744 SORA SorachanCoin -33.43% 0.0146 $ -4.16% -25.26%
7745 SPHRI Spherium +470.50% 0.0147 $ 0% -17.10%
7746 SRDS Sardis Network -0.33% 0.0147 $ +1.36% +12.12%
7747 LOCUS Locus Chain -11.15% 0.0144 $ +19.14% +11.48%
7748 SPORK SporkDAO +31.69% 0.0147 $ +30.00% +23.46%
7749 XYM Symbol -24.57% 0.0146 $ -1.46% -12.40%
7750 EMDX EMDX -0.62% 0.0145 $ +13.83% +7.61%
7751 MEER Qitmeer Network -45.96% 0.014 $ -11.54% -10.07%
7752 HEX HEX (PulseChain) -19.68% 0.0144 $ +7.47% -2.59%
7753 JOLT Joltify -36.33% 0.0131 $ -18.56% -14.53%
7754 FFE Forbidden Fruit Energy -9.78% 0.0144 $ +2.75% -0.10%
7755 SPDR SpiderSwap +52.82% 0.0144 $ +25.15% +36.90%
7756 STARX STARX +5.71% 0.0142 $ -0.15% +2.20%
7757 LUMI LUMI -19.22% 0.0143 $ -11.95% -10.85%
7758 MCH Meconcash -30.99% 0.0139 $ +0.19% -0.83%
7759 TLF Tradeleaf -6.00% 0.0141 $ +6.52% -4.48%
7760 LSD Liquid Staking Derivative -27.97% 0.0141 $ -1.79% -4.00%
7761 BNSX Bitcoin Name Service System -50.44% 0.0145 $ +5.83% -35.93%
7762 SUPER PeerMe SUPER -16.22% 0.0139 $ +6.04% -2.52%
7763 STSOMM Stride Staked Sommelier -19.23% 0.0137 $ +5.60% -9.10%
7764 OOFP OOFP -5.84% 0.0137 $ 0% 0%
7765 WEST Waves Enterprise +30.91% 0.0136 $ -1.64% -15.59%
7766 PARMA Parma Calcio 1913 Fan Token -20.46% 0.0136 $ +0.83% +2.22%
7767 FU FU Money -8.09% 0.0134 $ +15.10% +17.59%
7768 SHDW ShadowSwap Token -14.63% 0.0135 $ +14.23% -4.84%
7769 JTT Justus -5.55% 0.0135 $ +1.59% -2.29%
7770 ETF DisChain -29.07% 0.0134 $ +9.61% -5.49%
7771 ETCPOW ETCPOW -16.97% 0.0134 $ +6.20% -1.03%
7772 ARX Arbidex -4.17% 0.0134 $ +4.48% +11.35%
7773 YE Kanye +51.78% 0.0133 $ +11.78% +41.14%
7774 UPRO Ultrapro -29.46% 0.0134 $ +9.21% +4.28%
7775 BEFI BeFi Labs -54.29% 0.0133 $ +4.15% -5.94%
7776 XRGB XRGB -7.78% 0.0133 $ 0% +47.26%
7777 GLIDE Glide Finance -20.62% 0.013 $ -0.90% -13.21%
7778 MMT My MetaTrader -36.40% 0.0131 $ -0.54% -10.59%
7779 NEXM Nexum -24.85% 0.0132 $ +5.68% -16.21%
7780 DMX Dymmax +29.71% 0.0131 $ +0.26% +1.01%
7781 ZKUSD zkUSD -17.69% 0.0131 $ +0.83% +2.29%
7782 COMA Compound Meta +53.67% 0.013 $ 0% +3.13%
7783 MAXI Maximus -3.04% 0.0129 $ +3.95% +1.18%
7784 MJT MojitoSwap -7.82% 0.0129 $ +0.74% -9.86%
7785 XCCX BlockChainCoinX -12.14% 0.0128 $ +0.59% -7.73%
7786 MSOT BTour Chain -48.83% 0.0127 $ -0.26% +18.93%
7787 AGT Agritech -5.06% 0.0127 $ -0.86% -6.43%
7788 SCOP Scopuly -46.23% 0.0126 $ -8.87% -38.75%
7789 DFT DigiFinex +10.75% 0.0125 $ -4.32% +12.70%
7790 KDAG King DAG -79.04% 0.0126 $ +1.95% -39.60%
7791 TEIA Teia DAO -25.95% 0.0124 $ 0% -3.72%
7792 BBF Bubblefong -38.69% 0.0121 $ -10.53% -31.35%
7793 ELM ELLERIUM -39.70% 0.0121 $ -0.24% -13.90%
7794 BRIGHT BrightID -14.39% 0.0121 $ +1.30% -7.65%
7795 1SOL 1Sol -27.09% 0.0122 $ +9.73% -10.28%
7796 MST Monster -39.93% 0.0122 $ +18.94% -14.41%
7797 HBR Harbor -25.35% 0.012 $ +1.85% -15.15%
7798 TDOGE τDoge +11.21% 0.012 $ +8.26% +2.70%
7799 NEMS The Nemesis +51.60% 0.012 $ +38.30% -8.16%
7800 JCO JennyCo +245.75% 0.0119 $ -0.55% +24.93%
7801 PALAI PaladinAI -48.38% 0.0119 $ -0.82% -14.68%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

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  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.