TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,605,839,220,819 -3%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,167 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.6 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.94% or -33.4 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +2.56% and currently stands at $176.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8802 M MetaVerse-M -19.45% 0.0011 $ -13.78% -13.29%
8803 OMEN Augury Finance +0.07% 0.0011 $ -1.85% -2.40%
8804 CTL Citadel -40.86% 0.0011 $ -0.25% -7.01%
8805 MINE SpaceMine +250.12% 0.001 $ +0.34% -14.62%
8806 CLA ClaimSwap -31.49% 0.001 $ -1.63% -3.73%
8807 ACM Actinium +1.09% 0.001 $ 0% -0.08%
8808 KI Genopets KI +2.08% 0.001 $ -0.67% -0.06%
8809 CHR Chronos Finance -71.54% 0.001 $ -4.39% -68.43%
8810 OPENX OpenSwap.One -36.09% 0.0011 $ -10.13% -10.72%
8811 MCOS Mocossi Planet -13.99% 0.001 $ -7.43% -10.43%
8812 KEKO Keko -37.60% 0.001 $ 0% -5.43%
8813 BRETT Brett -50.89% 0.001 $ -5.81% -10.06%
8814 HYP Element +1,844.13% 0.001 $ 0% +1,171.58%
8815 XARCH_AXV xDEC_Astrovault -59.31% 0.001 $ -5.91% -8.80%
8816 BECN Beacon -65.91% 0.001 $ -0.06% +3,155.81%
8817 OPTCM Optimus -27.03% 0.001 $ 0% -1.77%
8818 SYNAPTICAI Synaptic AI +9.29% 0.001 $ -1.59% -4.22%
8819 STC Student Coin -56.86% 0.001 $ 0% +20.33%
8820 SLM Slimcoin +1.87% 0.001 $ -2.36% -4.46%
8821 GBX GoByte -33.84% 0.001 $ -0.75% +0.21%
8822 $GLORY Eternity GLORY Token -73.48% 0.001 $ 0% 0%
8823 TUR Turing Network +6.45% 0.001 $ -5.35% +15.79%
8824 BT Bitenium +0.01% 0.001 $ -0.02% -0.01%
8825 OCX OccamX -32.84% 0.001 $ -7.18% -18.75%
8826 ARAB Arab cat -39.40% 0.00097 $ -8.44% -36.47%
8827 WOOL Wolf Game Wool -43.75% 0.001 $ -15.71% -6.10%
8828 SKT Sukhavati Network -12.22% 0.00099 $ +9.65% -2.50%
8829 CNTM Connectome -8.27% 0.00099 $ -3.22% +25.03%
8830 KIRO KIRO -15.27% 0.00099 $ 0% +0.91%
8831 WELLE Welle -3.26% 0.00099 $ -0.70% -1.59%
8832 DFI DfiStarter -33.89% 0.00099 $ +0.92% -2.62%
8833 STRM StreamCoin +32.00% 0.00099 $ +3.02% -18.07%
8834 CBD Greenheart CBD -14.31% 0.00098 $ 0% -1.40%
8835 BLOX The Blox Project -22.35% 0.00098 $ -1.57% -7.30%
8836 XCRX xCRX -27.76% 0.00097 $ -6.59% -15.46%
8837 BF Bitforex +7.72% 0.00098 $ 0% 0%
8838 REGU RegularPresale -0.06% 0.00097 $ 0% -2.94%
8839 VOID TangleSwap VOID +72.90% 0.00097 $ 0% -0.88%
8840 CVTX CarrieVerse -52.01% 0.00096 $ -6.81% -27.13%
8841 X7DAO X7DAO -60.88% 0.00096 $ 0% -2.38%
8842 DEFLY Defly -40.70% 0.00096 $ -7.77% -13.27%
8843 UMC Ultramoc -73.93% 0.00096 $ 0% +0.54%
8844 ILC ILCOIN -59.01% 0.00095 $ +1.74% -21.10%
8845 WASP WanSwap -25.00% 0.00094 $ -7.54% -6.25%
8846 DOBO DogeBonk -22.57% 0.0011 $ -6.09% +0.52%
8847 SMR Shimmer -55.00% 0.00094 $ -14.08% -18.13%
8848 WBX Wibx -18.39% 0.00093 $ -1.98% -8.09%
8849 STRAT Stratum Exchange -24.66% 0.00092 $ -4.15% -1.32%
8850 BINGO Bingo -66.95% 0.00093 $ -4.92% -17.86%
8851 MICE Mice (Ordinals) -28.31% 0.00093 $ -0.67% -4.86%
8852 PRIDE Nomad Exiles -0.48% 0.00092 $ -0.37% -0.87%
8853 WSKR Wiskers -53.64% 0.00092 $ 0% 0%
8854 CNCT Coinecta -52.51% 0.00092 $ -1.89% +0.97%
8855 KIRA KIRA -0.89% 0.00092 $ 0% +0.06%
8856 YON YESorNO [OLD] 0% 0.00091 $ 0% 0%
8857 NTR Nether -5.66% 0.0009 $ -3.78% -5.06%
8858 BABYBONK BabyBonk -20.54% 0.00089 $ -5.59% -34.03%
8859 VIC Victory Impact -5.11% 0.00089 $ 0% -1.05%
8860 WEND Wellnode -30.66% 0.00089 $ -5.04% +1.26%
8861 DOV DoveSwap -23.79% 0.00089 $ -4.11% -1.39%
8862 NVX NovaDEX -46.22% 0.00089 $ -12.18% -50.92%
8863 MUMBA Mumba -34.28% 0.00089 $ 0% -5.01%
8864 DARC Konstellation +10.53% 0.00089 $ +12.87% +17.98%
8865 CAPY Capybara -7.85% 0.00089 $ -0.11% +6.83%
8866 KRILL Polywhale -1.77% 0.00088 $ -0.22% -2.02%
8867 SORA Sora AI -24.24% 0.00088 $ -5.65% -10.89%
8868 CLOUD CRYPTO CLOUD -74.83% 0.00087 $ -28.32% -39.96%
8869 LAVA Lavaswap +54.65% 0.0008 $ -33.87% +21.02%
8870 FDUST Flovatar Dust -28.05% 0.00085 $ -11.70% -16.44%
8871 ADAO ADADao -19.22% 0.00087 $ -2.81% -6.10%
8872 HZN Horizon +9.06% 0.00091 $ +28.44% +42.11%
8873 ORAO ORAO Network +21.62% 0.00087 $ +14.97% +16.84%
8874 SCL Spectra Cash -37.75% 0.00088 $ -3.23% -14.51%
8875 BXH BXH +8.81% 0.00087 $ -0.02% -0.53%
8876 CASTLE bitcastle +146.59% 0.00087 $ -1.46% +68.69%
8877 BLS BlueSale -89.58% 0.00087 $ 0% -41.59%
8878 HERO Step Hero -18.38% 0.00087 $ +1.23% -9.32%
8879 TMNG Technology Metal Network Global -30.22% 0.00087 $ +0.32% +5.37%
8880 DRBT DeFi-Robot -13.55% 0.00086 $ 0% +6.83%
8881 BARA Capybara Memecoin -24.68% 0.00086 $ -1.56% -4.13%
8882 PONG Pong Heroes +3.27% 0.00086 $ 0% -0.83%
8883 NUARS Num ARS -0.93% 0.00084 $ -0.32% -0.37%
8884 UMY KaraStar UMY -7.19% 0.00085 $ -3.43% -4.07%
8885 PTGC The Grays Currency +146.22% 0.00082 $ -7.97% +7.17%
8886 RAKE -6.62% 0.00086 $ -0.24% +9.74%
8887 ARS Aquarius Loan -36.11% 0.00086 $ -1.64% -10.37%
8888 MELOS Melos Studio -42.34% 0.00085 $ -3.83% -10.51%
8889 RACEFI RaceFi -19.22% 0.00085 $ +0.02% +1.05%
8890 WGRT WaykiChain Governance Coin +3.79% 0.00085 $ -2.09% +41.86%
8891 HYGT HYGT -4.67% 0.00085 $ +0.27% -0.53%
8892 CVG Convergence Finance -4.28% 0.00084 $ 0% -2.68%
8893 ZEUS Zeus AI -2.69% 0.00084 $ -0.50% -2.71%
8894 PRP Perpetuum Coin -7.92% 0.00084 $ -0.97% -13.76%
8895 WCH WeCash -70.79% 0.00085 $ -18.63% -29.50%
8896 ZYR Zyrri -5.28% 0.00084 $ 0% +82.44%
8897 ABY ArtByte -37.47% 0.00083 $ -4.32% -8.75%
8898 STRX Storex -25.04% 0.00082 $ -7.37% -15.15%
8899 JAIHO Jaiho Crypto -11.37% 0.00083 $ -0.01% -12.73%
8900 ORT XREATORS -43.11% 0.00083 $ +15.43% +10.07%
8901 $BMP BMP +2.27% 0.00083 $ 0% -0.92%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.