TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,378 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.2% or 6.6 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -0.5% and currently stands at $266.8 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9703 OPA Option Panda Platform -4.57% 0.0001 $ -0.92% +6.06%
9704 CNW CoinWealth -1.05% 0.0001 $ -18.20% -18.31%
9705 OTX OTX EXCHANGE -46.91% 0.0001 $ -2.23% -2.31%
9706 TRENDX Trend X -89.08% 0.0001 $ 0% 0%
9707 CIND Cindrum -13.42% 0.0001 $ -10.63% +23.13%
9708 CHUNKS Chunks +0.49% 0.0001 $ 0% 0%
9709 TUPELO tupelothedog -52.89% 0.0001 $ 0% +1.45%
9710 LANC Lanceria -32.63% 0.0001 $ 0% -12.96%
9711 CRDC Cardiocoin -22.54% 0.0001 $ -0.44% -9.88%
9712 WAR Water Rabbit -15.98% 0.0001 $ +3.61% -0.45%
9713 KRN KRYZA Network -32.58% 0.0001 $ 0% -8.74%
9714 GHOST IC Ghost -40.34% 0.0001 $ -0.93% -12.45%
9715 KWS Knight War Spirits +6.97% 0.0001 $ +3.04% +6.89%
9716 XLIST XList -45.96% 0.0001 $ +0.97% +68.19%
9717 WZM Woozoo Music 0% 0.0001 $ -0.03% -0.02%
9718 CLNY MarsColony -39.08% 0.0001 $ +2.26% +4.55%
9719 CANDY Candy Pocket -48.69% 0.0001 $ 0% 0%
9720 QIN QUINCOIN +53.61% 0.0001 $ -0.02% -4.12%
9721 LINKFI LINKFI -8.87% 0.0001 $ 0% -0.24%
9722 SNFT SupreNFT -24.22% 0.0001 $ 0% 0%
9723 IPX Tachyon Protocol +140.19% 0.000099 $ +0.63% -14.62%
9724 ORACLE OracleSwap -33.47% 0.000098 $ -1.97% -1.37%
9725 WEAR MetaWear -19.67% 0.000098 $ -0.09% +4.04%
9726 XPP -90.38% 0.000097 $ -8.86% -73.26%
9727 XPND Xpendium -15.94% 0.000097 $ 0% 0%
9728 SCC Stem Cell Coin +8.60% 0.000096 $ 0% 0%
9729 $WIF shibawifhat -27.08% 0.000094 $ 0% -9.03%
9730 ASNT Assent Protocol +45.86% 0.000095 $ -11.83% +50.50%
9731 OUT Outter Finance -18.35% 0.000094 $ -5.37% -0.79%
9732 XRPAYNET XRPayNet -44.38% 0.000094 $ -0.56% -24.48%
9733 NEURALAI Neural AI -11.46% 0.000093 $ +0.13% -1.71%
9734 BAPE Baseape -39.03% 0.000092 $ -4.88% -7.25%
9735 $WNZ Winerz +7.02% 0.000092 $ -0.02% -0.98%
9736 DRIP DripDropz -27.10% 0.000091 $ -4.90% -5.64%
9737 UNQ Unique Venture clubs +0.22% 0.000091 $ 0% +1.82%
9738 MFET MFET -8.48% 0.000091 $ +12.93% -27.51%
9739 UNBNK Unbanked -30.22% 0.00009 $ +8.67% +42.26%
9740 VT Viterium -50.06% 0.00009 $ -9.85% -64.51%
9741 SUNC Sunrise -37.03% 0.00009 $ 0% +0.08%
9742 ARCHIVE Chainback -29.78% 0.00009 $ -4.30% -1.36%
9743 PIXEL PixelVerse -50.66% 0.000089 $ -0.35% -44.07%
9744 SHIB2 SHIB2 -47.78% 0.000089 $ +3.14% -22.02%
9745 SLNV2 SLNV2 -18.03% 0.000088 $ -4.43% -15.39%
9746 GMEX Game Coin -2.54% 0.000088 $ +0.15% +3.28%
9747 BHO BHO Network +3.05% 0.000088 $ -5.38% -10.89%
9748 ROSE Rose -35.46% 0.000087 $ 0% -6.28%
9749 TETRAP TETRA -33.49% 0.000087 $ +0.83% -7.27%
9750 PUGGLE PuggleVerse -30.99% 0.000086 $ 0% 0%
9751 BABYPEPE Baby Pepe -35.21% 0.000086 $ 0% -2.37%
9752 SLIZ SolidLizard -19.93% 0.000086 $ -2.74% +0.06%
9753 ITEM ITEMVERSE -5.02% 0.000085 $ -2.54% -1.52%
9754 AVTM Aventis Metaverse -23.47% 0.000085 $ -14.18% +15.47%
9755 LAY Starlay Finance -32.91% 0.000085 $ -1.38% +19.41%
9756 BIDP BID Protocol -73.72% 0.000081 $ -32.53% -59.37%
9757 THEOS Theos -16.03% 0.000084 $ -1.73% +9.84%
9758 PRNT PRNT -9.19% 0.000084 $ -6.86% +42.13%
9759 MXY Metaxy -26.32% 0.000083 $ 0% -1.20%
9760 MIS Artemis -29.31% 0.000083 $ -1.96% -1.89%
9761 KDX Kaidex -31.30% 0.000082 $ 0% +2.95%
9762 HVE2 Uhive -9.69% 0.000082 $ 0% 0%
9763 TRUTH TruthGPT -14.47% 0.000082 $ -1.51% -7.13%
9764 ZAM -44.01% 0.000081 $ -0.19% +0.89%
9765 LIGHT Light Defi -11.16% 0.000081 $ 0% -3.16%
9766 BOTC Bot Compiler -20.38% 0.000081 $ +0.12% -2.04%
9767 CRAZY Crazy Frog Coin -18.02% 0.000081 $ -6.24% +8.00%
9768 SMART Smart Game Finance +2.56% 0.00008 $ +1.50% -0.39%
9769 ERGOPAD Ergopad -49.87% 0.00008 $ +1.01% +3.58%
9770 HYP Element +1.39% 0.00008 $ 0% +33.49%
9771 VRL VIRTUAL X -20.18% 0.00008 $ 0% 0%
9772 VENTION Vention -0.87% 0.000079 $ +0.51% +0.69%
9773 EVERMOON EverMoon ERC -25.35% 0.000079 $ -2.47% -2.15%
9774 TIIM TriipMiles -1.63% 0.000078 $ +0.26% +3.19%
9775 DEEP DEEP -33.45% 0.000079 $ -4.40% -14.53%
9776 ROBO Robotrade -7.46% 0.000078 $ 0% -4.13%
9777 LOON Loon Network -8.20% 0.000077 $ -1.83% -1.29%
9778 ZHC ZHC : Zero Hour Cash -5.98% 0.000077 $ -1.43% -3.65%
9779 HAO HistoryDAO +7.69% 0.000077 $ -0.12% +6.36%
9780 LABS LABS Protocol -29.21% 0.000076 $ 0% 0%
9781 GEO$ Geopoly -74.38% 0.000076 $ 0% 0%
9782 SHIB2.0 Shib2.0 -22.21% 0.000076 $ 0% +2.10%
9783 LUNCH LunchDAO -20.06% 0.000076 $ -14.70% -29.35%
9784 VITRA Vitra Studios -6.06% 0.000076 $ +2.10% +0.47%
9785 XNO Xeno -30.91% 0.000076 $ -5.04% -9.55%
9786 GENS Genshiro +4.02% 0.000075 $ -0.07% +6.71%
9787 WIN WINkLink BSC -23.33% 0.000076 $ -6.76% -4.55%
9788 FCP Filipcoin -4.82% 0.000075 $ +0.01% -1.44%
9789 DYNMT Dynamite -96.71% 0.000074 $ 0% 0%
9790 STICKBUG stickbug -31.09% 0.000074 $ +12.86% -2.70%
9791 DOGET Doge Token -2.79% 0.000073 $ -13.00% -20.69%
9792 KNFT KStarNFT -37.93% 0.000073 $ +2.80% -17.98%
9793 PIX Pixie -14.82% 0.000072 $ -0.17% -2.79%
9794 LUNC Terra Classic (Wormhole) -11.53% 0.000073 $ -3.26% -7.02%
9795 LTHN Lethean +12.56% 0.000073 $ -15.86% -1.82%
9796 DEVIL Devil Finance +18.17% 0.000072 $ -4.64% +16.86%
9797 SEND Social Send -30.92% 0.000072 $ 0% +2.33%
9798 TRUCK Cybertruck -26.95% 0.000071 $ -7.34% +6.88%
9799 KSC KStarCoin -25.44% 0.000064 $ -9.83% -18.92%
9800 LOF LonelyFans -11.45% 0.00007 $ 0% +6.34%
9801 SOLANA Solana Beach -48.63% 0.000071 $ -13.75% -29.24%
9802 ALTB Altbase -18.63% 0.00007 $ -0.01% -6.96%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.