TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,321,383,501,976 -0.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,606 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The rise was +0.25% or 5.8 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -6.1% and currently stands at $140.3 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
6902 MOJO Planet Mojo -33.23% 0.02 $ -1.84% -4.99%
6903 RDEX Orders.Exchange +2.96% 0.02 $ +3.84% -3.15%
6904 L1X Layer One X -40.73% 0.02 $ +3.59% -15.31%
6905 CCGDS CCGDS -7.00% 0.02 $ 0% -1.73%
6906 WCKB Wrapped CKB +62.06% 0.02 $ -8.35% +9.50%
6907 LUMI LUMI Credits +2.55% 0.02 $ -0.66% +3.48%
6908 EDE El Dorado Exchange (Base) -7.62% 0.02 $ -0.42% +3.45%
6909 DXB Dexbet -28.20% 0.02 $ +0.11% +10.03%
6910 BUM Vanilla +2.31% 0.02 $ -0.32% +2.64%
6911 AMG DeHeroGame Amazing Token +21.92% 0.02 $ +17.30% -8.93%
6912 TGR Tegro +0.03% 0.02 $ +0.07% -0.04%
6913 DKEY DKEY Bank -2.36% 0.02 $ +0.21% -14.09%
6914 WMC Wrapped BEAM +0.62% 0.02 $ -5.04% +10.73%
6915 TED Tezos Domains -13.04% 0.02 $ +1.96% -4.94%
6916 UNC Utility Net +124.51% 0.02 $ -7.31% -9.40%
6917 THG Thetan World -6.80% 0.02 $ +2.04% +3.97%
6918 ROCKY Rocky -22.54% 0.02 $ 0% -6.94%
6919 SPARK Sparkswap -6.33% 0.02 $ +2.03% +10.84%
6920 EVRY Evrynet +8.23% 0.02 $ -5.52% -9.21%
6921 DMCC Decentralized Music Chain -42.16% 0.02 $ +2.67% +139.86%
6922 MERLINBOX MerlinBox -99.86% 0.02 $ 0% 0%
6923 XPLL ParallelChain -24.31% 0.02 $ +4.72% +3.41%
6924 RUUF RuufCoin -8.41% 0.02 $ +1.80% +2.00%
6925 EMDX EMDX -11.28% 0.02 $ 0% -7.49%
6926 XMT MetalSwap +3.09% 0.02 $ -1.43% -0.03%
6927 EARN POWERCITY Earn Protocol +1.84% 0.02 $ +11.64% +41.63%
6928 BLEC Bless Global Credit -37.38% 0.02 $ -33.64% -33.07%
6929 ETHAX ETHAX -31.29% 0.02 $ -49.44% -39.93%
6930 DAL DAOLaunch +17.93% 0.02 $ -2.84% +21.17%
6931 XWC Whitecoin +129.03% 0.02 $ +0.03% +45.67%
6932 XACT XActRewards -72.99% 0.02 $ -0.14% -0.19%
6933 PRF Parifi +38.30% 0.02 $ -1.04% +9.73%
6934 FFE Forbidden Fruit Energy -13.60% 0.02 $ +0.82% +4.79%
6935 $WALC WALC +6.84% 0.02 $ +2.79% +12.54%
6936 MST Monster +122.03% 0.02 $ -2.01% +60.39%
6937 UCO Archethic -9.70% 0.02 $ +14.58% +3.11%
6938 LSD Liquid Staking Derivative -25.33% 0.02 $ +8.56% +0.53%
6939 CICC CAICA Coin -12.64% 0.02 $ +8.23% -0.60%
6940 LION Lion Scrub Money -5.79% 0.02 $ -0.90% -4.55%
6941 $FORGE $FORGE -5.07% 0.02 $ -2.73% +3.67%
6942 SHDW ShadowSwap Token -15.92% 0.02 $ -3.11% -3.56%
6943 PRTC Zaar -46.20% 0.02 $ -0.20% +2.56%
6944 WFLR Wrapped Flare -8.30% 0.02 $ -1.72% -0.67%
6945 MAJO Majo +2.85% 0.01 $ -0.51% -5.58%
6946 MDX Mdex (BSC) -7.22% 0.01 $ -2.08% +2.76%
6947 WSIENNA Sienna [ERC-20] +28.48% 0.01 $ -14.21% +37.43%
6948 TRT TRUST AI +6.52% 0.01 $ 0% +1.07%
6949 STZIL stZIL -26.26% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6950 XYM Symbol -8.80% 0.01 $ -0.20% -5.82%
6951 TYT Bounty Temple -64.64% 0.01 $ +10.29% -27.74%
6952 UMT Green Energy +2,017.54% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6953 AWM Another World +11.01% 0.01 $ -2.00% +6.09%
6954 ZED ZED RUN -8.99% 0.01 $ +0.07% -1.43%
6955 XHP XHYPE -12.29% 0.01 $ +0.04% -4.20%
6956 STSW Stackswap -31.03% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6957 HRZN Horizon -29.06% 0.01 $ -3.32% +0.55%
6958 PVC PVC META -74.54% 0.01 $ -15.26% -31.02%
6959 CSUSHI cSUSHI +5.97% 0.01 $ -0.59% +6.00%
6960 EPCT Epics Token -2.24% 0.01 $ +0.10% -0.75%
6961 MILEI MILEI Token +93.42% 0.01 $ +10.91% +59.47%
6962 STARX STARX -74.25% 0.01 $ -4.76% -21.00%
6963 XFIT XFai -8.40% 0.01 $ +0.90% +0.80%
6964 RAKER MarketRaker AI -49.89% 0.01 $ -2.54% -9.79%
6965 DMX Dymmax +53.10% 0.01 $ 0% -0.42%
6966 WONE Wrapped One +7.87% 0.01 $ +3.32% +10.29%
6967 NEADRAM Abacus -29.82% 0.01 $ -4.54% -11.24%
6968 STONE Tranquil Staked ONE -12.89% 0.01 $ 0% +9.02%
6969 BTC BlackrockTradingCurrency -51.28% 0.01 $ -7.31% -60.65%
6970 WTK WadzPay -8.31% 0.01 $ -2.58% -8.80%
6971 JTT Justus +0.60% 0.01 $ +0.61% +3.70%
6972 PERL +82.89% 0.01 $ +2,768.98% +2,744.82%
6973 NOMADS NOMADS -43.47% 0.01 $ 0% -0.45%
6974 YAKS Yak DAO -6.11% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6975 CSR CSR -8.93% 0.01 $ +2.37% -10.66%
6976 ZENIQ ZENIQ -21.25% 0.01 $ +4.28% +20.31%
6977 $BULLET Bullet Gate Betting Token -30.85% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6978 NAO Nettensor -44.98% 0.01 $ +5.75% -5.92%
6979 ROSNET Rosnet -21.98% 0.01 $ -34.99% +8.30%
6980 CB8 chabit -22.76% 0.01 $ -33.96% -31.24%
6981 ITRUMP Trump Cards Fraction Token -49.79% 0.01 $ -0.64% -25.66%
6982 XSPECTAR xSPECTAR +65.39% 0.01 $ -2.91% +15.04%
6983 CHRY CherryLend -5.91% 0.01 $ -2.22% -4.64%
6984 VD VinDax Coin +3.54% 0.01 $ -0.86% +4.81%
6985 TMNG Technology Metal Network Global -19.98% 0.01 $ +1.45% -15.61%
6986 SHK iShook +166.04% 0.01 $ -0.09% +881.87%
6987 MCD CDbio -67.54% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6988 STATIC ChargeDeFi Static -67.18% 0.01 $ -0.30% -0.27%
6989 UNION Union Finance +59.05% 0.01 $ 0% -2.29%
6990 $MECHA Mechanium -40.30% 0.01 $ +0.04% -7.01%
6991 ANARCHY Anarchy -35.25% 0.01 $ 0.00% +0.19%
6992 XRGB XRGB -33.06% 0.01 $ +15.11% +7.54%
6993 JUNGLE Jungle -13.97% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6994 BUFFS BuffSwap -32.10% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
6995 SCOP Scopuly -7.09% 0.01 $ -0.06% -2.15%
6996 ALIAS Alias -19.43% 0.01 $ -4.35% -13.25%
6997 16DAO 16DAO -0.88% 0.01 $ +11.52% -3.12%
6998 XCCX BlockChainCoinX -13.94% 0.01 $ -0.11% +0.15%
6999 EBSO eBlockStock +53.88% 0.01 $ +17.89% -3.26%
7000 ELS Ethlas -47.53% 0.01 $ -0.60% +13.05%
7001 PYI Pyrin -38.77% 0.01 $ -2.25% -18.35%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.