TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,317,947,132,299 +2.6%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,612 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.06% or -1.3 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -11.5% and currently stands at $154.6 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7502 GMR GAMER -12.98% 0.0031 $ -1.84% -1.09%
7503 CREDIT PROXI DeFi +12.95% 0.0031 $ +18.39% +31.06%
7504 IOEN Internet of Energy Network +43.99% 0.0031 $ +1.25% +7.61%
7505 GRVE Grave +4.17% 0.003 $ +2.24% +1.42%
7506 WSTOR StorageChain -29.03% 0.003 $ -15.64% +0.72%
7507 HAL Halcyon +16.34% 0.003 $ 0% +25.63%
7508 CBIX-P Cubiex Power -35.75% 0.003 $ -2.20% +9.26%
7509 MOON Polywolf -7.49% 0.003 $ 0% 0%
7510 BAMBOO Bamboo DeFi -0.99% 0.003 $ +0.46% +1.60%
7511 MICE Mice (Ordinals) +34.55% 0.003 $ -1.92% -4.86%
7512 TST The Standard Token -24.97% 0.003 $ -1.19% -1.82%
7513 IRISTOKEN Iris Ecosystem -1.69% 0.003 $ -1.83% +1.00%
7514 MYIELD MuesliSwap Yield -40.65% 0.003 $ 0% -1.24%
7515 PPI Swappi -4.92% 0.003 $ -1.02% +3.50%
7516 ION ZIYØN SAS -22.46% 0.0029 $ 0% 0%
7517 HPB High Performance Blockchain +0.02% 0.0029 $ -11.88% +226.93%
7518 MAGIC MagicLand -1.54% 0.0029 $ +1.41% +3.42%
7519 POL Proof Of Liquidity -32.82% 0.0029 $ -2.89% -3.41%
7520 SYM SymVerse -2.26% 0.0029 $ +0.36% +1.05%
7521 P3D 3DPass -6.53% 0.0029 $ -0.03% -7.85%
7522 HEBE HebeBlock -25.46% 0.0029 $ 0% +2.26%
7523 TITA Titan Hunters -0.34% 0.0029 $ -3.95% -1.24%
7524 TRR Terran Coin -39.80% 0.0029 $ +30.50% -1.56%
7525 CCX ClearCryptos +3.50% 0.0029 $ -0.56% +3.41%
7526 DE Denet File Token -92.57% 0.0029 $ -21.02% -27.07%
7527 SPHRI Spherium -61.82% 0.0029 $ +30.57% +3.56%
7528 PSB Planet Sandbox -11.25% 0.0029 $ -2.87% -13.99%
7529 ALM Alium Finance -5.16% 0.0029 $ +3.68% +1.11%
7530 ORT XREATORS -4.17% 0.0029 $ -7.78% +13.19%
7531 STA STOA Network +9.08% 0.0028 $ -0.74% +1.56%
7532 CLAY Clay Nation +1.39% 0.0028 $ +6.51% +5.50%
7533 BCAT BilliCat +15.34% 0.0028 $ +0.37% +8.64%
7534 WLD WolfWorksDAO +4.89% 0.0028 $ -1.68% +9.20%
7535 GNL Green Life Energy -38.25% 0.0028 $ 0% -15.01%
7536 CTL Citadel +2.49% 0.0028 $ +0.47% +12.82%
7537 EPIKO Epiko -31.66% 0.0028 $ -10.84% -11.63%
7538 POPDOG POPDOG +128.32% 0.0028 $ +38.29% +121.87%
7539 CHER Cherry Network -0.55% 0.0028 $ -3.76% +8.69%
7540 UGT Unreal Finance -11.63% 0.0028 $ +2.18% -3.40%
7541 KDS KDSwap -19.78% 0.0028 $ -4.93% -3.10%
7542 FJT Fuji FJT +0.01% 0.0028 $ +0.41% +0.09%
7543 ZKPAD zkLaunchpad -39.71% 0.0028 $ 0% -6.41%
7544 DGH Digihealth +24.94% 0.0028 $ -0.02% +10.60%
7545 BRAND BrandPad Finance +0.42% 0.0028 $ +1.21% -4.23%
7546 SFG S.Finance -27.60% 0.0028 $ +2.63% -5.97%
7547 HDL Headline -16.50% 0.0028 $ -0.72% -6.12%
7548 SUPE Supe Infinity -4.99% 0.0027 $ +0.21% +3.44%
7549 $MART ArtMeta -20.90% 0.0027 $ +1.95% +3.11%
7550 VIZSLASWAP VizslaSwap -14.07% 0.0027 $ +3.91% +2.02%
7551 BDIN BendDAO BDIN (Ordinals) -35.23% 0.0027 $ -16.85% -18.32%
7552 ARCADIUM Arcadium -4.52% 0.0027 $ +1.77% -4.96%
7553 KOIN Koinon -69.43% 0.0027 $ 0% 0%
7554 SMART SMART BLOCKCHAIN +12.19% 0.0027 $ -3.82% +21.20%
7555 AVIVE Avive -34.35% 0.0027 $ +1.07% -10.89%
7556 POLYCUB PolyCub -0.94% 0.0027 $ +0.53% +1.77%
7557 VEST DAO Invest -1.70% 0.0026 $ +3.69% +4.82%
7558 RONE-BB2E OneDex rONE +74.77% 0.0026 $ +5.45% +54.81%
7559 AMAS Amasa -57.24% 0.0026 $ 0% -9.10%
7560 CTUS Contractus -18.87% 0.0026 $ 0% 0%
7561 TMAP DPS TreasureMaps -35.09% 0.0026 $ 0% 0%
7562 DECI Maximus DECI +103.23% 0.0026 $ -4.47% +91.80%
7563 ZEFI ZCore Finance -1.86% 0.0026 $ +0.38% +1.87%
7564 MLXV Marvellex Venture Token -80.31% 0.0026 $ 0% 0%
7565 SHARD Landtorn Shard -75.10% 0.0026 $ 0% 0%
7566 CID CORE ID +3.56% 0.0026 $ -2.38% +15.18%
7567 MELOS Melos Studio +12.78% 0.0026 $ +7.31% +36.54%
7568 BFHT BeFaster Holder Token +4.43% 0.0026 $ +6.04% +18.84%
7569 VPR VaporFund +50.85% 0.0026 $ -0.11% -4.98%
7570 MBLK Magical Blocks -16.78% 0.0026 $ -2.47% -27.21%
7571 CRDS Cradles -90.65% 0.0025 $ -8.31% -26.89%
7572 DBD Day By Day -5.64% 0.0025 $ +2.52% +1.11%
7573 APP Moon App -38.25% 0.0025 $ +6.05% +0.94%
7574 PIN Pay It Now +27.22% 0.0025 $ +9.56% +22.25%
7575 FOMO FOMO +16.78% 0.0025 $ -0.97% -60.18%
7576 LOOK LooksCoin +0.06% 0.0025 $ +0.04% +0.05%
7577 Z3 Z-Cubed -51.51% 0.0025 $ -0.33% -5.70%
7578 STAR Speed Star STAR +20.55% 0.0025 $ 0% +5.22%
7579 OSEA Omnisea -9.91% 0.0025 $ -1.08% -3.99%
7580 $MANIA ScapesMania +162.15% 0.0025 $ -18.23% +41.09%
7581 MIX DSC Mix -9.16% 0.0025 $ -0.10% -1.55%
7582 CHR Chronos Finance -4.13% 0.0025 $ +0.99% +0.84%
7583 CCR CryptoCarsReborn -1.29% 0.0025 $ 0% 0%
7584 SDT Stabledoc -7.76% 0.0025 $ -2.51% +8.32%
7585 ALTD Altitude +105.58% 0.0024 $ +37.21% +122.32%
7586 HEX HEX +104.41% 0.0024 $ +1.99% +41.23%
7587 NEFTY NeftyBlocks -22.32% 0.0024 $ +3.39% +4.00%
7588 SHARK Shark Protocol -73.02% 0.0024 $ 0% 0%
7589 DMS Documentchain -24.91% 0.0024 $ -23.32% -20.43%
7590 NIX NIX -5.22% 0.0024 $ +0.11% +0.72%
7591 IMT IMOV -7.91% 0.0024 $ -0.28% +2.32%
7592 STAR FileStar +8.56% 0.0024 $ +5.16% +15.51%
7593 BOOTY BOOTY +53.06% 0.0024 $ +6.41% +49.36%
7594 WOOL Wolf Game Wool -6.10% 0.0024 $ -6.67% -6.91%
7595 TINY Tiny Colony -2.48% 0.0024 $ 0% +0.18%
7596 CAFE 0xDEFCAFE -48.21% 0.0024 $ 0% 0%
7597 XARCH_AXV xDEC_Astrovault +24.81% 0.0024 $ -6.30% -6.53%
7598 RAKE +6.90% 0.0024 $ +0.04% -20.66%
7599 CONE HoneyWood +79.27% 0.0024 $ 0% -0.14%
7600 DGMV DigiMetaverse -11.94% 0.0024 $ -0.16% -62.89%
7601 GERO GeroWallet -20.14% 0.0024 $ -0.17% -8.72%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.