TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,766,069,050,704 +5.1%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,904 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.8 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.18% or -6.8 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -28.41% and currently stands at $283 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
7802 LFC Supernova Shards Life Coin -32.04% 0.0119 $ +2.96% +4.47%
7803 PALAI PaladinAI -48.34% 0.0119 $ -0.72% -14.62%
7804 POPE PopeCoin -82.15% 0.0118 $ 0% -72.06%
7805 BTRS Bitball Treasure -53.53% 0.0117 $ +0.28% -26.81%
7806 BASED -96.58% 0.0117 $ 0% -31.88%
7807 MNDCC Mondo Community Coin -14.65% 0.0116 $ 0% -10.90%
7808 BUFFS BuffSwap -13.67% 0.0115 $ 0% 0%
7809 ALCA AliceNet +5.41% 0.0116 $ +3.29% +3.03%
7810 EARN POWERCITY Earn Protocol -21.73% 0.0115 $ +2.25% -27.76%
7811 ULX ULTRON -1.86% 0.0113 $ +0.15% +1.60%
7812 SUNDAE SundaeSwap -7.76% 0.0115 $ -0.96% -10.05%
7813 CHUB 0xCalls -38.11% 0.0114 $ 0% 0%
7814 :ZKT: ZkTsunami +15.70% 0.0114 $ 0% +1.14%
7815 SUNDAE Sundae the Dog -26.98% 0.0113 $ +3.21% -7.50%
7816 KAI Kreaitor -38.99% 0.0113 $ +4.68% -14.21%
7817 CICC CAICA Coin -18.34% 0.0113 $ -3.26% -1.03%
7818 SNG Synergy Land Token -25.90% 0.0112 $ +5.60% -17.39%
7819 RLOOP rLoop -17.92% 0.0113 $ +7.54% +1.44%
7820 NEWT Newt -26.92% 0.0112 $ -0.92% -11.38%
7821 $OPCAT OPCAT -62.92% 0.0112 $ 0% -20.47%
7822 OPY OPYx -12.80% 0.0111 $ +0.32% -11.03%
7823 BRL Borealis -4.75% 0.011 $ +4.94% +4.65%
7824 DAL DAOLaunch -7.06% 0.011 $ +0.05% +1.84%
7825 KRX KRYZA Exchange +68.93% 0.011 $ 0% 0%
7826 STONE Tranquil Staked ONE -60.60% 0.011 $ 0% -29.97%
7827 PRF Parifi +1.30% 0.0109 $ +3.74% +39.06%
7828 PLSB PulseBitcoin -45.00% 0.0109 $ -6.55% -8.18%
7829 BLOOD Impostors Blood -15.10% 0.0109 $ +3.41% +1.66%
7830 LIMO Limoverse +35.58% 0.0108 $ -1.02% -4.49%
7831 PVC PVC META +28.69% 0.0109 $ +3.24% -1.51%
7832 GMMT Giant Mammoth -3.29% 0.0112 $ +15.55% +30.89%
7833 ELS Ethlas -24.77% 0.0108 $ +5.36% -9.76%
7834 STZ 99Starz +18.29% 0.0108 $ +0.19% -23.15%
7835 BAY Moon Bay [OLD] -80.85% 0.0107 $ 0% 0%
7836 ZED ZED RUN +13.31% 0.0107 $ +9.65% -7.75%
7837 ARNC Arnoya classic +1.42% 0.0107 $ +0.04% -0.76%
7838 HEDG HedgeTrade +32.87% 0.0106 $ +8.48% +62.54%
7839 VMPX VMPX -43.08% 0.0106 $ +0.41% -12.48%
7840 XMT MetalSwap +3.04% 0.0106 $ -0.05% -6.13%
7841 0XSEARCH Search -3.72% 0.0105 $ 0% -5.98%
7842 MEM Memecoin -21.97% 0.0105 $ +1.25% +4.73%
7843 EVRY Evrynet -26.17% 0.0104 $ -6.56% -13.30%
7844 $FISHY $FISHY +3.18% 0.0105 $ +6.67% +19.08%
7845 GVC Global Virtual Coin +45.14% 0.0103 $ +0.85% -8.35%
7846 ALT AptosLaunch Token -12.62% 0.0103 $ -0.04% +1.62%
7847 SPADE PolygonFarm Finance -6.64% 0.0102 $ +3.23% +0.51%
7848 TED Tezos Domains -24.05% 0.0102 $ +0.64% -5.09%
7849 MMSS MMSS (Ordinals) -52.54% 0.0102 $ +12.55% -11.30%
7850 MCL Marmara Credit Loops -9.85% 0.0102 $ +6.19% +16.34%
7851 IZA AmaterasuFi Izanagi -5.04% 0.0101 $ +3.48% +3.37%
7852 DOG Dogeswap (HECO) +1,878.18% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
7853 $SPF Spectrum Finance -12.03% 0.01 $ -0.32% -13.21%
7854 WCKB Wrapped CKB -16.18% 0.01 $ +7.52% -5.64%
7855 VBIT VALOBIT +12.78% 0.0099 $ +3.72% -20.20%
7856 OPEN Open Platform -2.86% 0.0097 $ +5.53% +23.81%
7857 $BIOP BIOP -40.47% 0.0098 $ +7.04% -20.44%
7858 DNA EncrypGen -22.07% 0.0098 $ +0.16% -12.12%
7859 2OMB 2omb -47.61% 0.0097 $ +17.58% -22.19%
7860 GGR GAGARIN -31.44% 0.0097 $ +0.04% -2.79%
7861 GTN GlitzKoin +37.87% 0.0097 $ -0.38% -42.25%
7862 CZZ ClassZZ -30.89% 0.0095 $ -8.72% -15.46%
7863 DSQ DollarSqueeze -11.25% 0.0096 $ +8.52% -19.22%
7864 MAJO Majo -50.14% 0.0096 $ +0.94% -28.51%
7865 TOMB+ Tomb+ -71.33% 0.0096 $ 0% -20.39%
7866 $INR Inery +8.82% 0.0096 $ +2.42% -0.51%
7867 KEL KelVPN -46.25% 0.0095 $ -1.47% -24.71%
7868 FRBK FreeBnk -34.91% 0.0089 $ +6.38% -17.53%
7869 ITAM ITAM Games -1.74% 0.0095 $ +2.64% -1.15%
7870 ROFI HeroFi ROFI +9.37% 0.0093 $ 0% 0%
7871 JUNGLE Jungle -24.33% 0.0093 $ +0.14% -6.63%
7872 WHIRL Whirl -53.24% 0.0093 $ -0.29% +0.56%
7873 RF ReactorFusion +76.43% 0.0092 $ +6.05% -24.28%
7874 DOGWIFHAT dogwifhat Eth -17.91% 0.0092 $ +4.11% -0.24%
7875 MONKGG -48.42% 0.0091 $ 0% -0.83%
7876 EGG LoserChick EGG -1.06% 0.0091 $ +0.51% -0.29%
7877 ROSNET Rosnet -42.24% 0.009 $ -0.96% -16.62%
7878 CLNY Colony Network -28.42% 0.009 $ +0.14% -1.85%
7879 BOOTY BOOTY +28.29% 0.0088 $ +4.88% +26.33%
7880 OPENAI ERC OpenAI ERC +112.37% 0.0089 $ +105.12% +122.09%
7881 WNOW WalletNow +6.32% 0.0088 $ 0% +2.17%
7882 7 Lucky7 +6.81% 0.0088 $ 0% 0%
7883 XFIT XFai -11.99% 0.0088 $ 0% +5.90%
7884 APC APass Coin +8.87% 0.0087 $ 0% 0%
7885 DEXTR DeXter -60.86% 0.0087 $ -0.74% -33.85%
7886 FLTH Liberty Square Filth -27.47% 0.0086 $ +1.42% -13.62%
7887 DOZY Dozy (Ordinals) -20.71% 0.0087 $ +33.74% +6.12%
7888 EZ EasyFi V2 -24.79% 0.0086 $ +5.32% -7.60%
7889 TOKKI CRYPTOKKI -4.65% 0.0086 $ +6.50% -1.49%
7890 KPC K-POP CLICK COIN +2.32% 0.0086 $ +6.68% +7.68%
7891 VT Virtual Tourist -36.27% 0.0086 $ +1.63% -10.77%
7892 AGS Collector Coin +4.74% 0.0086 $ +2.77% +0.14%
7893 BABYPEPE Babypepefi +25.72% 0.0086 $ +3.52% -35.43%
7894 STORE Bit Store +71.26% 0.0083 $ +40.80% -0.34%
7895 CLE CLECOIN +105.15% 0.0085 $ 0% 0%
7896 EAG Emerging Assets Group -22.67% 0.0085 $ 0% 0%
7897 RAM Ramifi Protocol -1.87% 0.0085 $ +5.75% +16.70%
7898 DMIND DecentraMind -25.34% 0.0084 $ +2.77% -5.07%
7899 AMT Amateras +0.87% 0.0085 $ +3.23% -0.15%
7900 LIF3 Lif3 -10.36% 0.0083 $ -2.43% +16.21%
7901 WJXN Jax.Network +3.22% 0.0083 $ +4.61% +9.08%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.