TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,766,069,050,704 +5.1%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,904 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.8 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The drop was -0.34% or -13 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -17.87% and currently stands at $308.4 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8402 DGEN DGEN +9.57% 0.0017 $ -6.22% -7.07%
8403 FINE Refinable -4.99% 0.0017 $ +3.28% -1.15%
8404 LUXY Luxy -33.57% 0.0017 $ 0% 0%
8405 VIZSLASWAP VizslaSwap -20.03% 0.0017 $ +0.64% -4.43%
8406 FAN SuperFans.Tech -0.95% 0.0017 $ -0.13% -0.24%
8407 CLOUD CRYPTO CLOUD -54.05% 0.0017 $ +0.79% -12.15%
8408 XBN Bantu +50.56% 0.0017 $ +81.54% +176.01%
8409 BTE Betero +1.34% 0.0016 $ +1.55% +5.02%
8410 XMPWR xMPWR_Astrovault -35.64% 0.0016 $ -0.88% -8.70%
8411 GOC GoCrypto -21.70% 0.0016 $ +9.84% -6.10%
8412 FOMO FOMO -21.06% 0.0016 $ +4.02% +3.25%
8413 ROYAL Elysium Royale -50.37% 0.0016 $ -7.32% -67.93%
8414 TEMCO TEMCO -0.63% 0.0016 $ +1.38% -1.80%
8415 WORK Work.Courses -33.59% 0.0016 $ -0.88% -6.24%
8416 MNFT Marvelous NFTs -3.46% 0.0016 $ -1.35% -3.18%
8417 VST Voice Street -35.55% 0.0016 $ -0.50% -29.46%
8418 FCR FCR Coin -7.97% 0.0016 $ -0.48% -1.82%
8419 MPG Medping +187.48% 0.0016 $ 0% -0.05%
8420 GXE PROJECT XENO -37.60% 0.0016 $ -1.98% -19.66%
8421 VPR VaporFund -31.77% 0.0016 $ +0.62% -1.47%
8422 HKD HongKongDAO +10.63% 0.0016 $ 0% +1.13%
8423 TLR Taler -11.52% 0.0016 $ -0.02% -1.11%
8424 NIIFI NiiFi -12.98% 0.0016 $ -0.67% -7.06%
8425 RETIK Retik Finance -33.38% 0.0016 $ +0.46% -19.72%
8426 HODL HodlAssets -24.00% 0.0016 $ -0.01% -31.89%
8427 ASY ASYAGRO +27.89% 0.0016 $ +0.18% +4.02%
8428 BARK Bark Gas Token -16.33% 0.0016 $ 0% 0%
8429 RAID Raid -13.69% 0.0015 $ +2.47% +1.94%
8430 BP BunnyPark -10.67% 0.0015 $ +2.98% -4.57%
8431 NTD Neural Tensor Dynamics +17.57% 0.0015 $ -0.07% -8.99%
8432 SAPP Sapphire -35.66% 0.0015 $ -0.46% +32.11%
8433 RONE-BB2E OneDex rONE -19.66% 0.0015 $ +2.85% -5.18%
8434 SOULB SoulboundID +143.52% 0.0015 $ 0% 0%
8435 AVO AVOCADO BG -1.34% 0.0015 $ +0.34% -0.13%
8436 WCH WeCash -38.26% 0.0015 $ -0.58% -1.26%
8437 COCO 0xCoco +116.36% 0.0015 $ +1.03% +208.69%
8438 0XANON 0xAnon -73.69% 0.0015 $ 0% 0%
8439 CTL Citadel -9.50% 0.0015 $ +1.38% -17.52%
8440 VPND VaporNodes -9.76% 0.0015 $ +6.96% -1.37%
8441 AGI Agility -30.53% 0.0015 $ -0.01% -22.01%
8442 SAFLE Safle -3.23% 0.0015 $ -3.59% -5.62%
8443 FOOD Food +10.70% 0.0015 $ -2.03% +14.21%
8444 XBCNA xBCNA_Astrovault -85.05% 0.0015 $ +12.87% -85.70%
8445 FID Fidira -19.88% 0.0015 $ +3.51% +3.30%
8446 RIOT Riot Racers -26.08% 0.0015 $ -0.07% +0.26%
8447 HWT Honor World Token +40.47% 0.0015 $ 0% +0.05%
8448 DUNG Scarab Tools -16.07% 0.0014 $ +0.71% -5.78%
8449 VISION VisionGame -51.41% 0.0014 $ +2.25% -29.52%
8450 TRUTH TruthGPT (BSC) 0% 0.0014 $ 0% 0%
8451 TTT TabTrader -41.91% 0.0014 $ -4.78% -29.58%
8452 AUTOS AutoSingle +0.18% 0.0014 $ 0% +2.55%
8453 ZEON ZEON Network +2.90% 0.0014 $ +4.51% +11.43%
8454 ROND ROND -36.35% 0.0014 $ -5.12% -9.76%
8455 SHOE ShoeFy -7.82% 0.0014 $ +0.36% +3.20%
8456 UIS Unitus -36.54% 0.0014 $ +3.83% -3.98%
8457 YIELD Crypto Valleys YIELD Token -28.74% 0.0014 $ +1.07% -2.98%
8458 SKP SKYPlay +366.87% 0.0014 $ +40.01% +86.71%
8459 CGU Crypto Global United -25.15% 0.0014 $ -3.19% -13.93%
8460 ASPO ASPO World -13.67% 0.0014 $ +0.45% -15.31%
8461 CON PSJGLOBAL -49.74% 0.0014 $ -0.59% -27.61%
8462 1MT 1Move Token -1.23% 0.0014 $ +2.48% -2.16%
8463 ARAB Arab cat -16.29% 0.0014 $ +14.44% +22.44%
8464 QWAN The QWAN -29.68% 0.0014 $ -2.70% -11.56%
8465 BLB Blueberry -5.96% 0.0014 $ 0% +24.34%
8466 OHMI One Hundred Million Inu -20.68% 0.0014 $ -0.19% -0.48%
8467 BINGO Bingo -54.98% 0.0014 $ +5.46% -40.02%
8468 OPENX OpenSwap.One -25.98% 0.0013 $ +8.63% -1.23%
8469 BCNA BitCanna -55.85% 0.0013 $ +0.51% -38.61%
8470 ILC ILCOIN -40.01% 0.0013 $ -0.68% -1.41%
8471 BABYBONK BabyBonk +4.82% 0.0013 $ +10.02% +36.38%
8472 GOL GogolCoin +42.71% 0.0013 $ +2.57% -1.04%
8473 DBY Metaderby -22.03% 0.0013 $ 0% -17.94%
8474 M MetaVerse-M +79.23% 0.0013 $ -0.15% -4.73%
8475 MEPAD MemePad -1.33% 0.0013 $ +1.74% +4.72%
8476 AURORA AuroraToken -7.24% 0.0013 $ +0.74% -1.11%
8477 NWS Nodewaves -6.35% 0.0013 $ -0.48% -5.01%
8478 STR Solster -0.70% 0.0013 $ 0% +5.61%
8479 WOOL Wolf Game Wool -37.38% 0.0013 $ -25.02% -38.47%
8480 MIMIR Mimir -17.04% 0.0013 $ -4.64% -8.99%
8481 FOMO FomoFi -9.15% 0.0013 $ +1.97% -4.20%
8482 ATMT AiPTP +24.87% 0.0013 $ +8.47% +33.57%
8483 INSOLVENT inSOLvent +70.85% 0.0013 $ +8.83% +41.74%
8484 BDE Big Defi Energy -38.94% 0.0013 $ +7.72% +9.25%
8485 TVC Telos Velocore -18.63% 0.0013 $ 0% +0.06%
8486 SLIME Snail Trail -16.21% 0.0013 $ +4.97% -4.74%
8487 MATE Virtumate -8.87% 0.0013 $ 0% +0.02%
8488 ROCK ROCK DAO +21.51% 0.0013 $ +1.44% +7.37%
8489 MBLK Magical Blocks -7.72% 0.0013 $ +12.84% +1.79%
8490 CVTX CarrieVerse -41.38% 0.0013 $ -7.36% -24.22%
8491 XAV Xave -62.89% 0.0013 $ +2.24% -58.88%
8492 OCX OccamX -28.34% 0.0012 $ +1.59% -2.88%
8493 BLIN Blin Metaverse -0.10% 0.0012 $ -5.94% +10.95%
8494 SUGAR SugarYield -67.93% 0.0012 $ 0% -1.15%
8495 ZKDX ZKDX -24.31% 0.0012 $ 0% +0.20%
8496 UERII UERII -2.92% 0.0012 $ +1.07% +1.02%
8497 KZEN Kaizen.Finance +6.82% 0.0012 $ -4.19% -8.56%
8498 DOBO DogeBonk -10.51% 0.0012 $ +15.96% +9.55%
8499 LENDS Lends -60.67% 0.0012 $ -2.62% -8.41%
8500 OCV Ocvcoin -3.74% 0.0012 $ +1.48% -7.09%
8501 TRV Travelers Token +10.54% 0.0012 $ +4.11% +12.31%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.