TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.18% or 6.1 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -13.52% and currently stands at $236.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8702 MDX Mandala Exchange -21.53% 0.003 $ -17.03% +11.24%
8703 DECI Maximus DECI +17.49% 0.0031 $ -4.10% -9.28%
8704 MUNITY Metahorse Unity -55.17% 0.003 $ -5.84% -14.37%
8705 IRISTOKEN Iris Ecosystem +0.04% 0.003 $ -0.84% -0.81%
8706 ARCHAI Archive AI -12.42% 0.003 $ 0% 0%
8707 TNX Tonex -33.89% 0.003 $ -1.60% -14.16%
8708 LAND Landboard -1.32% 0.003 $ 0% +0.49%
8709 DMC Decentralized Mining Exchange -8.82% 0.003 $ +0.86% -6.60%
8710 VEST DAO Invest -38.36% 0.003 $ +0.11% -0.86%
8711 METAN Metan Evolutions -2.21% 0.0029 $ 0% -3.43%
8712 GNL Green Life Energy -33.27% 0.0029 $ 0% -1.56%
8713 WBAN Wrapped Banano -12.73% 0.0029 $ -4.91% -9.83%
8714 KTE Kyte.One -66.93% 0.0029 $ 0% -66.75%
8715 HAL Halcyon -38.82% 0.0029 $ -1.90% -1.38%
8716 EV Evai +14.35% 0.0029 $ +0.92% +37.40%
8717 OBTC Optical Bitcoin -29.02% 0.0029 $ -1.88% -1.34%
8718 HPB High Performance Blockchain -20.46% 0.0029 $ -1.70% -2.93%
8719 BIRB Birb -20.63% 0.0029 $ -0.41% -0.53%
8720 ETH The Infinite Garden -42.26% 0.0029 $ +0.37% +3.95%
8721 UMC Ultramoc -27.40% 0.0029 $ 0% +185.03%
8722 PARAS Paras -47.57% 0.0028 $ -6.95% -10.12%
8723 XBID xBid -28.45% 0.0028 $ 0% -6.20%
8724 DLY Daily Finance -52.19% 0.0028 $ -0.90% -8.82%
8725 OMC Omchain -9.25% 0.0028 $ -1.07% -5.91%
8726 HODL HodlAssets +2.90% 0.0028 $ -1.60% -4.77%
8727 MAPE Mecha Morphing -92.12% 0.0028 $ +1.35% -3.96%
8728 DMCC Decentralized Music Chain -47.17% 0.0028 $ -20.01% -34.90%
8729 FOXY Famous Fox Federation -10.18% 0.0028 $ -0.30% +3.59%
8730 FRC Force -24.56% 0.0028 $ +5.13% +3.67%
8731 GERO GeroWallet -28.57% 0.0028 $ -3.84% -10.15%
8732 SOR Sorcery Finance -3.04% 0.0028 $ -1.44% -18.91%
8733 WEFT Weft Finance -30.17% 0.0028 $ -2.42% -19.18%
8734 NAAI NeoAudit AI -35.84% 0.0028 $ 0% 0%
8735 POLYCUB PolyCub -4.87% 0.0027 $ -1.16% -1.10%
8736 EGG Nestree -14.56% 0.0027 $ -2.26% -6.71%
8737 IOI IOI Token -45.45% 0.0027 $ -0.53% -14.56%
8738 UNITAO UNITAO -47.77% 0.0027 $ +0.31% +4.34%
8739 LITE LITE -24.73% 0.0027 $ -1.08% +8.71%
8740 GRAM Gram -11.68% 0.0026 $ -10.37% -7.48%
8741 KTX KwikTrust -63.55% 0.0027 $ 0% 0%
8742 EVU Evulus -9.12% 0.0027 $ -0.01% -3.25%
8743 PAYS Payslink Token -6.45% 0.0027 $ +48.39% +2.71%
8744 ITC ITC -16.35% 0.0026 $ -3.54% -19.32%
8745 BLURT Blurt -12.64% 0.0026 $ -2.96% -11.64%
8746 KNOT Karmaverse +6.43% 0.0027 $ +5.54% +5.12%
8747 WORK The Employment Commons Work +59.69% 0.0026 $ -30.48% +41.89%
8748 DARA Immutable -13.88% 0.0026 $ -0.03% -2.34%
8749 APEX ApeXit Finance +0.62% 0.0026 $ -0.03% -3.21%
8750 BPET BPET -61.53% 0.0026 $ +5.00% -19.31%
8751 CSWAP CSWAP -36.29% 0.0026 $ -5.91% -7.19%
8752 RDO Rodeo Finance -30.85% 0.0026 $ -1.46% -10.19%
8753 ARKS ArkStart +5.66% 0.0026 $ -1.80% +9.56%
8754 $MART ArtMeta -8.10% 0.0026 $ -1.41% +0.10%
8755 SWAG swag coin -57.91% 0.0025 $ -1.51% -29.01%
8756 OSKY OpenSky Finance -32.88% 0.0025 $ +1.55% +5.49%
8757 CGU Crypto Global United +68.01% 0.0025 $ +18.71% +66.19%
8758 ULAB Unilab -8.03% 0.0025 $ 0% 0%
8759 AOG AgeOfGods -49.39% 0.0024 $ -0.89% -5.36%
8760 BASIS -27.32% 0.0025 $ +1.60% +12.14%
8761 SUPE Supe Infinity -36.40% 0.0025 $ +2.43% -8.00%
8762 NIIFI NiiFi +68.03% 0.0025 $ +17.98% -37.47%
8763 BCAT BilliCat -13.46% 0.0025 $ +3.51% -2.06%
8764 CC CCQKL -8.41% 0.0025 $ -0.78% -4.34%
8765 UGT Unreal Finance -19.15% 0.0025 $ -2.17% -2.47%
8766 $GRL Greelance -37.47% 0.0025 $ -2.53% -2.19%
8767 BOTX BOTXCOIN +15.07% 0.0025 $ +8.02% +16.74%
8768 LNR LiNEAR Protocol LNR -34.13% 0.0025 $ -3.62% -3.99%
8769 JOVJOU JovJou -15.41% 0.0024 $ -2.18% -6.11%
8770 WINTER Winter -27.40% 0.0024 $ +3.43% +0.83%
8771 LORE Gitopia -42.56% 0.0024 $ -7.76% -2.69%
8772 FUND A Fund Baby -38.53% 0.0024 $ -2.53% -15.45%
8773 ABBC ABBC -33.70% 0.0024 $ -0.36% -10.02%
8774 SCAN 0xScans -47.28% 0.0024 $ 0% +0.95%
8775 BUNI Bunicorn -6.94% 0.0024 $ -1.17% -1.96%
8776 AUTUMN Autumn -18.32% 0.0024 $ +2.87% +1.34%
8777 POL Proof Of Liquidity -21.22% 0.0024 $ +2.26% -2.89%
8778 SPACE Spacelens -19.98% 0.0024 $ -2.24% -1.57%
8779 5MC 5mc -39.68% 0.0023 $ -10.96% -1.80%
8780 HER Her.AI -21.84% 0.0023 $ +6.34% -6.42%
8781 MAGIC MagicLand -11.18% 0.0023 $ -1.09% -0.51%
8782 SSE Soroosh Smart Ecosystem +12.21% 0.0023 $ -11.28% -34.47%
8783 SOLR RazrFi -86.55% 0.0023 $ 0% 0%
8784 BUGS Bugs Bunny -26.50% 0.0023 $ 0% +1.94%
8785 CLAY Clay Nation -26.42% 0.0023 $ -2.55% -3.67%
8786 MYRA Mytheria -19.10% 0.0023 $ 0% 0%
8787 STATS STATS -42.33% 0.0023 $ 0% +1.80%
8788 GAMI Gami +14.89% 0.0022 $ +0.05% +10.17%
8789 MDX Mdex (BSC) -25.82% 0.0022 $ +12.24% -7.01%
8790 GUAP Guapcoin +5.17% 0.0022 $ +1.38% -23.52%
8791 TRR Terran Coin -5.60% 0.0022 $ -4.66% -16.67%
8792 TINY Tiny Colony -0.94% 0.0022 $ 0% 0%
8793 GOTG Got Guaranteed -34.48% 0.0022 $ +1.50% +22.21%
8794 SPRING Spring Token -28.44% 0.0022 $ -3.13% +2.63%
8795 SHK iShook -75.76% 0.0022 $ -33.65% -8.32%
8796 SHARD Landtorn Shard -44.92% 0.0022 $ -3.87% -1.51%
8797 ATH Athena Finance -46.20% 0.0022 $ -3.34% +5.52%
8798 SUMMER Summer -29.41% 0.0022 $ -5.27% -5.33%
8799 STAR Speed Star STAR -33.52% 0.0022 $ -1.87% -1.44%
8800 SHR Share -31.88% 0.0022 $ +1.92% -9.34%
8801 LOGT Lord of Dragons -49.34% 0.0022 $ +0.21% -41.37%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.