TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.12% or 3.9 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +5.13% and currently stands at $224.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8902 BABYSOL BabySOL -56.88% 0.0016 $ -7.78% -16.20%
8903 SDT Stabledoc -23.61% 0.0016 $ -0.91% -2.44%
8904 GUT Genesis Universe -71.24% 0.0016 $ 0% -16.82%
8905 TTF Track The Funds Bot -75.53% 0.0016 $ 0% 0%
8906 DOCK Dock -47.86% 0.0016 $ +1.67% -3.13%
8907 FCR FCR Coin -8.60% 0.0015 $ -5.59% -5.10%
8908 ELO Elosys -38.24% 0.0016 $ 0% -1.74%
8909 ORYM Orym -24.09% 0.0016 $ +3.21% -10.32%
8910 RENQ Renq Finance -9.58% 0.0016 $ -0.24% -5.20%
8911 FINE Refinable -3.40% 0.0016 $ +5.25% +7.22%
8912 STONKS sTONks -55.08% 0.0016 $ -11.20% -30.58%
8913 BERN BonkEarn -58.53% 0.0016 $ -11.67% -25.63%
8914 CRT Cantina Royale -40.68% 0.0016 $ -2.90% -4.27%
8915 CNR Canary -35.70% 0.0016 $ -2.09% -2.29%
8916 XQWOYN xQWOYN_Astrovault -34.33% 0.0016 $ +2.09% +3.65%
8917 MVEDA MedicalVeda -42.88% 0.0016 $ +0.08% -9.52%
8918 SFL SHUFFLE -18.43% 0.0015 $ +9.12% -6.67%
8919 ROCK ROCK DAO +15.60% 0.0015 $ -0.53% +0.97%
8920 ROYAL Elysium Royale -78.41% 0.0015 $ 0% 0%
8921 AMS Antmons -13.25% 0.0015 $ -5.38% +3.31%
8922 BERRY Berry -55.70% 0.0015 $ 0% 0%
8923 PSYS Pegasys (Rollux) -34.01% 0.0015 $ -1.33% -5.93%
8924 SOULB SoulboundID +48.54% 0.0015 $ 0% 0%
8925 TRAX TRAX -50.37% 0.0015 $ -1.45% -8.49%
8926 MNFT Marvelous NFTs -9.23% 0.0015 $ 0% +14.60%
8927 PTAS La Peseta -11.58% 0.0015 $ 0% +0.02%
8928 DPR Deeper Network -20.37% 0.0015 $ -0.53% -2.14%
8929 KRU Kingaru -37.39% 0.0015 $ +3.42% -40.30%
8930 VPP Virtue Poker Points -44.17% 0.0015 $ +6.77% -0.11%
8931 STORM Storm -20.09% 0.0015 $ +0.37% -3.60%
8932 SAFLE Safle -1.96% 0.0015 $ -0.57% -1.10%
8933 DMT DarkMatter -40.00% 0.0015 $ -1.35% +7.52%
8934 HKD HongKongDAO -6.91% 0.0015 $ +0.04% -2.27%
8935 BONE BoneSwap -13.12% 0.0015 $ -1.50% -2.87%
8936 BF Bitforex +34.45% 0.0015 $ 0% 0%
8937 STAR FileStar -18.52% 0.0015 $ +0.69% -10.18%
8938 IOEN Internet of Energy Network -30.43% 0.0015 $ -1.49% -3.21%
8939 BIOT Bio Passport -41.71% 0.0015 $ -3.59% -12.17%
8940 DGEN DGEN -15.77% 0.0014 $ +2.62% +2.81%
8941 SSU SunnySideUp -33.37% 0.0014 $ -2.20% -14.03%
8942 GOC GoCrypto -11.86% 0.0014 $ -2.02% -6.37%
8943 BP BunnyPark -7.12% 0.0014 $ +2.74% -4.03%
8944 ROND ROND +1.37% 0.0014 $ +2.74% +8.22%
8945 KAF KAIF -49.85% 0.0014 $ -6.07% -12.01%
8946 OVO OVO +550.12% 0.0014 $ 231.2 ths. $ -5.59% -4.73%
8947 CARMIN Carmin +30.14% 0.0014 $ 0% +21.09%
8948 AMPWHALE Eris Amplified WHALE -52.68% 0.0015 $ -1.81% -18.28%
8949 RXCG RXCGames -23.37% 0.0014 $ -1.37% -0.35%
8950 USEDCAR A Gently Used 2001 Honda -64.41% 0.0014 $ -5.18% -24.52%
8951 ASPO ASPO World -0.50% 0.0014 $ +0.28% +3.25%
8952 PRY Perpy Finance +15.19% 0.0014 $ +2.23% -2.23%
8953 DAPPX dAppstore -28.57% 0.0014 $ -2.76% -7.22%
8954 XRPC XRP Classic -19.59% 0.0014 $ -2.52% +0.08%
8955 VIZSLASWAP VizslaSwap -18.69% 0.0014 $ -0.01% -1.82%
8956 XMPWR xMPWR_Astrovault -24.14% 0.0014 $ +0.17% +6.55%
8957 ANIM Animalia -65.68% 0.0014 $ -1.90% +9.59%
8958 JPGC JPGoldCoin -29.32% 0.0014 $ -13.71% -21.04%
8959 BARK Bark Gas Token -41.28% 0.0013 $ 0% +0.13%
8960 FOOD Food -7.89% 0.0013 $ -1.01% -1.45%
8961 DHD DHD Coin -53.51% 0.0013 $ +1.32% -9.57%
8962 STRM StreamCoin +66.76% 0.0013 $ -13.14% +48.76%
8963 AGI Agility -21.80% 0.0013 $ 0% 0%
8964 TTT TabTrader -11.62% 0.0013 $ -0.98% +9.24%
8965 CHARGED GoCharge Tech -30.65% 0.0013 $ -3.25% -3.83%
8966 EPOS TabbyPOS -22.79% 0.0013 $ -0.03% +1.92%
8967 PAGE Page -31.55% 0.0013 $ -0.88% -20.37%
8968 MGG MetaGaming Guild -7.11% 0.0013 $ +2.23% -1.32%
8969 AUTOS AutoSingle -8.01% 0.0013 $ 0% -0.54%
8970 NIOCTIB nioctiB -41.00% 0.0013 $ 0% -15.77%
8971 BTE Betero -22.10% 0.0013 $ -1.30% -6.25%
8972 PAVIA Pavia -59.19% 0.0013 $ -14.12% -15.80%
8973 LUXY Luxy -41.38% 0.0013 $ 0% -6.93%
8974 KLC KalyChain +1.70% 0.0013 $ -0.19% +0.31%
8975 NXTU 4 Next Unicorn +43.34% 0.0013 $ +0.74% -25.45%
8976 ZEON ZEON Network -10.73% 0.0013 $ -3.19% -1.51%
8977 NFTC NFT Combining +388.84% 0.0013 $ -2.90% -12.97%
8978 SYM SymVerse -56.89% 0.0013 $ 0% -72.20%
8979 HELI HeliSwap -37.49% 0.0012 $ -1.38% -9.78%
8980 SAT Super Athletes Token +4.45% 0.0012 $ +12.69% +2.30%
8981 BINGO Bingo -5.72% 0.0011 $ -49.68% +149.97%
8982 YTN YENTEN -46.23% 0.0012 $ 0% 0%
8983 VISION VisionGame -9.27% 0.0012 $ -7.10% -0.36%
8984 CID CORE ID -36.53% 0.0012 $ +2.62% -3.59%
8985 JAB Jable -14.55% 0.0012 $ +1.66% +5.57%
8986 NWS Nodewaves -18.08% 0.0012 $ -0.97% +3.18%
8987 OEX OpenEX Network Token -41.24% 0.0012 $ -4.66% -18.47%
8988 CART CryptoArt.Ai -21.89% 0.0012 $ 0% -5.62%
8989 COSG Cosmic Champs -50.68% 0.0012 $ -1.66% -12.68%
8990 REL Relation Native Token +46.26% 0.0012 $ -2.42% -16.11%
8991 INDI IndiGG -76.81% 0.0012 $ 0% 0%
8992 MBLK Magical Blocks -4.21% 0.0012 $ +9.01% +5.72%
8993 SKP SKYPlay +116.40% 0.0012 $ 0% -0.91%
8994 SMR Shimmer +1.36% 0.0012 $ -4.78% +18.73%
8995 NYAN ArbiNYAN -32.78% 0.0012 $ -1.77% -6.52%
8996 RIOT Riot Racers -36.10% 0.0012 $ -3.01% -0.13%
8997 1MT 1Move Token -13.29% 0.0012 $ -0.41% -3.56%
8998 MGA Metagame Arena +0.91% 0.0012 $ +0.21% -6.60%
8999 SMBSWAP SimbCoin Swap -14.86% 0.0012 $ 0% 0%
9000 WLD WolfWorksDAO -35.19% 0.0012 $ 0% -3.57%
9001 AKTA Akita Inu ASA -38.47% 0.0012 $ -2.54% -13.07%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.