TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.13% or 4.4 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -0.85% and currently stands at $265.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9602 MCH Mktcash -51.57% 0.00016 $ +0.16% -1.31%
9603 4DC 4DCoin +14.29% 0.00016 $ +2.43% -1.91%
9604 ROLL NinjaRoll -56.89% 0.00016 $ 0% -13.29%
9605 TRUSTNFT TrustNFT -12.14% 0.00016 $ -1.00% -4.55%
9606 PHUX PHUX Governance Token -26.99% 0.00016 $ -0.53% -12.17%
9607 CHICA BocaChica -27.26% 0.00016 $ -1.34% -1.73%
9608 DCNX DCNTRL Network -23.54% 0.00016 $ 0% -3.65%
9609 NERO Nero Token -12.81% 0.00016 $ 0% -1.38%
9610 GEON Triathon -5.34% 0.00015 $ -3.03% +13.47%
9611 MAG Monsterra MAG -68.27% 0.00015 $ +8.95% -21.70%
9612 HI hi Dollar -9.32% 0.00015 $ +0.79% -3.88%
9613 QBT Qubit -18.75% 0.00015 $ +1.65% -2.59%
9614 COP Copiosa -0.06% 0.00015 $ -0.45% +0.58%
9615 BCX BitcoinX -14.47% 0.00015 $ +4.09% -7.61%
9616 HOLD Everybody +14.59% 0.00015 $ -0.71% -12.44%
9617 NICK Hard Frog Nick -75.00% 0.00015 $ 0% 0%
9618 BONK 2.0 Bonk 2.0 -15.01% 0.00015 $ 0% -13.20%
9619 ADF Art de Finance -27.50% 0.00015 $ -3.25% -13.31%
9620 KERMIT Kermit -23.77% 0.00015 $ 0% +0.19%
9621 QR OpenSocial -11.57% 0.00015 $ -2.48% +55.14%
9622 EMPIRE Empire +14.67% 0.00014 $ +9.49% +12.06%
9623 LICO Liquid Collectibles -7.73% 0.00014 $ -0.01% -1.51%
9624 MBP Mobipad -71.86% 0.00014 $ 0% -6.07%
9625 SPILLWAYS Spillways -54.63% 0.00014 $ +0.02% -2.40%
9626 PLX PLEXUS -53.57% 0.00014 $ 0% 0%
9627 LKN Lockness -14.74% 0.00014 $ +1.76% -2.71%
9628 NXL Nexell-AI +1.42% 0.00014 $ +2.37% +8.48%
9629 LONG Long 龙 -33.52% 0.00014 $ +0.19% -11.95%
9630 BEE BNBEE -10.57% 0.00014 $ 0% -2.92%
9631 PEM Pembrock -21.26% 0.00014 $ -0.28% -2.19%
9632 SOSHE Satoshe Network -15.00% 0.00014 $ 0% 0%
9633 IRON Iron -7.73% 0.00014 $ 0% -0.60%
9634 JOB Jobchain +6.37% 0.00014 $ -0.85% +0.85%
9635 FICO Fish Crypto +7.67% 0.00014 $ 0% +11.71%
9636 FEED chikn feed +230.60% 0.00014 $ -5.82% +119.63%
9637 BANUS Banus Finance -15.27% 0.00014 $ -1.41% -5.19%
9638 AEM Atheneum -23.21% 0.00014 $ 0% +93.75%
9639 SHRIMPLE its as shrimple as that -51.12% 0.00014 $ -1.63% -14.00%
9640 RLM MarbleVerse -44.12% 0.00013 $ -3.30% -10.59%
9641 UNT Umi's Friends Unity -10.15% 0.00013 $ +16.46% +21.09%
9642 PLUG PL^Gnet +84.07% 0.00013 $ -1.32% -14.57%
9643 PHAT partyhat (Meme) -41.18% 0.00013 $ +0.18% -23.01%
9644 OCAVU Ocavu Network -2.81% 0.00013 $ -0.09% -1.69%
9645 CVT CyberVein +20.98% 0.00013 $ -1.47% +3.55%
9646 OLAND OceanLand +110.10% 0.00013 $ +5.46% +1.89%
9647 DMD Dark Matter Defi +40.26% 0.00013 $ -9.72% +41.57%
9648 ZOO ZooCoin (OLD) +15.83% 0.00013 $ -10.34% +58.01%
9649 WHITE WhiteRock +7.84% 0.00013 $ -0.75% -10.29%
9650 STI Seek Tiger +1.94% 0.00013 $ -0.07% -1.27%
9651 RANKER RankerDao -5.27% 0.00013 $ -0.06% -3.20%
9652 GME DumbMoney -96.69% 0.00013 $ -92.41% -34.55%
9653 PAF Pacific -2.27% 0.00012 $ -3.76% -1.87%
9654 BARK Barking -3.78% 0.00012 $ -0.62% -1.46%
9655 VIZ Vim -61.93% 0.00012 $ +5.43% -7.91%
9656 ATT Attila -47.90% 0.00012 $ +1.09% +0.38%
9657 YESP Yesports -13.54% 0.00012 $ -0.99% +0.90%
9658 CENX Centcex -13.31% 0.00012 $ -0.97% -8.74%
9659 LITHO Lithosphere -23.36% 0.00012 $ -2.70% -12.98%
9660 DORKL DORK LORD (ETH) -46.93% 0.00012 $ -16.25% -31.61%
9661 THE The Protocol -44.03% 0.00012 $ -6.53% -11.93%
9662 ATK Attack Wagon -11.75% 0.00012 $ +4.55% -78.06%
9663 EG EG Token -9.68% 0.00012 $ +1.01% -2.06%
9664 POCO Pocoland -5.47% 0.00012 $ +0.12% -2.24%
9665 SENT Sentiment +3.71% 0.00012 $ 0% 0%
9666 WHEY Shredded Apes Whey -26.28% 0.00012 $ 0% -0.31%
9667 DOGE-1SAT DOGE-1SATELLITE -12.68% 0.00012 $ -2.27% +8.62%
9668 UBI Universal Basic Income -37.24% 0.00012 $ -2.25% -14.04%
9669 REAL Real Realm -4.73% 0.00012 $ -5.40% -14.05%
9670 DEGG DuckyDefi -22.47% 0.00012 $ +0.68% -3.52%
9671 PANDO Pando -63.68% 0.00012 $ -33.28% -41.27%
9672 KING CryptoBlades Kingdoms +30.53% 0.00012 $ +0.46% -0.79%
9673 ALY Ally -59.57% 0.00012 $ -21.01% -12.26%
9674 SRGN SolRagon +12.62% 0.00012 $ 0% 0%
9675 PYBC PaybandCoin -44.48% 0.00012 $ -3.49% -7.94%
9676 EDUX Edufex +13.78% 0.00012 $ 0% -1.57%
9677 WOLF Wolf On Solana -20.33% 0.00012 $ +2.34% -10.14%
9678 AERO Aerovek Aviation -45.71% 0.00012 $ -2.17% -23.75%
9679 GEC GreenEnvCoalition -0.61% 0.00011 $ -0.54% +9.28%
9680 GWGW GoWrap -29.36% 0.00011 $ 0% +4.20%
9681 METX Metanyx -47.50% 0.00011 $ +1.24% -7.14%
9682 RUST Rusty Robot Country Club +46.73% 0.00011 $ -2.32% -16.68%
9683 RPTR Raptor Finance -6.64% 0.00011 $ -0.60% +0.19%
9684 HDV Hydraverse +5.27% 0.00011 $ -0.04% +6.69%
9685 METANO Metano -38.49% 0.00011 $ 0% 0%
9686 DKNIGHT Dark Knight +51.83% 0.00011 $ -9.35% +51.84%
9687 MAGA MAGA Coin ETH -41.84% 0.00011 $ +0.11% +1.08%
9688 LIQ Liquis -81.61% 0.00011 $ 0% -8.04%
9689 PYO Pyrrho +0.09% 0.00011 $ 0% -2.44%
9690 CSC Casinocoin -30.21% 0.00011 $ -10.47% -30.24%
9691 TST TaoStack -2.19% 0.00011 $ 0% -3.44%
9692 CNF CryptoNeur Network foundation +85.67% 0.00011 $ 0% 0%
9693 DYL Dyl +0.82% 0.00011 $ +0.00% +0.26%
9694 MTRX Metarix -54.70% 0.00011 $ 0% 0%
9695 CTP Captain Planet -27.94% 0.00011 $ -1.84% -8.33%
9696 NUTGV2 NUTGAIN 0% 0.00011 $ -0.02% -0.01%
9697 SPC Storepay -20.10% 0.00011 $ +1.34% -3.69%
9698 GETA Getaverse +1.05% 0.00011 $ 0% +2.73%
9699 $BANK BANK AI -44.94% 0.00011 $ -6.04% -13.70%
9700 DON Dogeon -44.36% 0.00011 $ +3.87% -5.68%
9701 INFTEE Infinitee -2.51% 0.0001 $ -0.24% -0.70%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.