Price of 1 USDC today (28 April)
$ 1
Price Min/Max
24 hrs
$ 0.9925
$ 1.002
30 days
$ 0.97
$ 1.03
1 year
$ 0.97
$ 1.03
Market Cap
$ 33,483,124,057
Trading Volume, 24h
$ 5,169,610,596
Supply token
33,485,557,383 USDC

Today USDC (USDC) During the week, the minimum price for USDC (USDC) is fixed on Wednesday at 0.9994 cents. Currently, the token USDC is trading in the range of 100 cents or 92.17 ruble for 1 USDC.

Price of USDC (USDC)

Exchanges where USDC is traded

No data

Calculator USDC


1 USDC = 1 USD

What is USDC?

USDC is a fully collateralized US dollar stablecoin. USDC is the bridge between dollars and trading on cryptocurrency exchanges. The technology behind CENTRE makes it possible to exchange value between people, businesses and financial institutions just like email between mail services and texts between SMS providers. We believe by removing artificial economic borders, we can create a more inclusive global economy.

How to add USDC to Metamask?

To add USDC to the metamask you need:

  1. In the wallet select the desired network and then in the cryptocurrencies section scroll to the bottom - click "Import tokens".
  2. Copy the smart contract address for USDC from the list below.
  3. Paste into the "Smart Contract Address" field.
  4. Click the "Add Custom Token" button.

The USDC is available on the 15 blockchain сетях. Below is a list of USDC smartcontract addresses to add to the metamask:

  • Ethereum - 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48
  • Polkadot - 1337
  • Avalanche - 0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e
  • Optimism - 0x0b2c639c533813f4aa9d7837caf62653d097ff85
  • Near Protocol - 17208628f84f5d6ad33f0da3bbbeb27ffcb398eac501a31bd6ad2011e36133a1
  • Hedera Hashgraph - 0.0.456858
  • zkSync - 0x1d17cbcf0d6d143135ae902365d2e5e2a16538d4
  • TRON - TEkxiTehnzSmSe2XqrBj4w32RUN966rdz8
  • Celo - 0xceba9300f2b948710d2653dd7b07f33a8b32118c
  • Arbitrum One - 0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831
  • Base - 0x833589fcd6edb6e08f4c7c32d4f71b54bda02913
  • Polygon POS - 0x3c499c542cef5e3811e1192ce70d8cc03d5c3359
  • Solana - EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v
  • Flow - A.b19436aae4d94622.FiatToken

Official websites and links for USDC

There are currently about 5 official links to USDC websites and social media:

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