TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,378 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.2% or 6.6 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -0.5% and currently stands at $266.8 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8303 CBG Chainbing -74.35% 0.0129 $ -26.87% -20.77%
8304 CORE CORE (Ordinals) -30.64% 0.0127 $ +8.27% -20.57%
8305 WSIENNA Sienna [ERC-20] -14.11% 0.0126 $ -0.06% -0.45%
8306 ZRPY Zerpaay -32.25% 0.0126 $ 0% 0%
8307 JLY Jellyverse -23.68% 0.0125 $ +1.98% +9.63%
8308 SENSO SENSO -44.35% 0.0125 $ -10.82% -17.38%
8309 NBR Niobio -50.83% 0.0125 $ +27.53% +60.33%
8310 BASE Maximus BASE -21.14% 0.0125 $ -0.64% -3.86%
8311 PLSB PulseBitcoin (PulseChain) -53.55% 0.0123 $ +0.75% -5.89%
8312 SANDR Bridged Andromeda -27.05% 0.0124 $ +0.51% +8.61%
8313 XMT MetalSwap +15.97% 0.0124 $ +2.49% +2.35%
8314 FOHO Foho Coin -19.67% 0.0122 $ 0% 0%
8315 FACTORY ChainFactory -40.64% 0.0122 $ -3.12% -1.41%
8316 MAJO Majo +9.98% 0.0121 $ -13.75% -9.16%
8317 TTG Trust Trading Group -47.43% 0.0123 $ +15.98% +14.22%
8318 FREED Freedomcoin -26.48% 0.0113 $ -66.84% -70.57%
8319 TLF Tradeleaf -14.52% 0.0121 $ -13.33% -16.32%
8320 OPENAI ERC OpenAI ERC -54.09% 0.0121 $ -4.34% -27.45%
8321 TFT ThreeFold -21.16% 0.0122 $ +2.07% -5.82%
8322 STARX STARX -12.53% 0.0121 $ +0.50% -4.17%
8323 HEX HEX (PulseChain) -19.39% 0.012 $ -1.83% -18.93%
8324 XGPT X-GPT -45.53% 0.0119 $ -6.11% -4.42%
8325 STARS StarLaunch -33.83% 0.0118 $ +2.47% -8.65%
8326 COMA Compound Meta +45.21% 0.0118 $ 0% -8.45%
8327 UNIVERSE Unicorn Metaverse -38.67% 0.0118 $ +2.97% +3.20%
8328 SMOG Smog -37.96% 0.0118 $ -1.86% -13.46%
8329 BNSX Bitcoin Name Service System -56.77% 0.0116 $ +0.07% +0.68%
8330 NOM Onomy Protocol -30.27% 0.0115 $ +12.06% -0.13%
8331 LSD Liquid Staking Derivative -22.81% 0.0116 $ -6.84% +3.92%
8332 GTN GlitzKoin +15.87% 0.0115 $ -29.97% +24.75%
8333 XCCX BlockChainCoinX -9.11% 0.0114 $ -3.06% -1.42%
8334 MNDCC Mondo Community Coin +0.61% 0.0114 $ +1,029.75% -5.59%
8335 MAGIK Magik +53.42% 0.0114 $ -10.22% +55.14%
8336 PVC PVC META +4.99% 0.0112 $ -0.08% +1.15%
8337 PBUX Playbux -48.50% 0.0111 $ -7.14% -16.55%
8338 CRETA Creta World +68.89% 0.011 $ -1.55% +7.60%
8339 GLIDE Glide Finance -26.32% 0.011 $ -1.89% -11.05%
8340 ZKUSD zkUSD -19.75% 0.0109 $ -6.62% -3.68%
8341 DFT DigiFinex -15.82% 0.0109 $ +2.39% +10.50%
8342 PLN PulseLN -39.66% 0.0107 $ -3.25% -11.62%
8343 JTT Justus -20.77% 0.0107 $ -3.99% -7.82%
8344 NUA Nuance -39.26% 0.0107 $ +3.60% -13.67%
8345 $REACH Reach +28.95% 0.0108 $ -41.45% +641.08%
8346 SNG Synergy Land Token -1.72% 0.0106 $ -1.13% +3.75%
8347 MBASE Minebase +58.76% 0.0106 $ -0.95% +194.36%
8348 WIFI ioTube Bridged WIFI (IoTeX) -50.93% 0.0111 $ -8.84% -31.44%
8349 PIP PIP -28.15% 0.0105 $ -0.30% -13.38%
8350 CSR CSR -48.24% 0.0105 $ -14.41% -15.33%
8351 MMT My MetaTrader -48.56% 0.0105 $ 0% +2.19%
8352 2OMB 2omb +18.96% 0.0106 $ -11.55% +36.58%
8353 CICC CAICA Coin -5.95% 0.0104 $ +0.61% +5.71%
8354 WEVER Wrapped Ever -34.75% 0.0103 $ -7.52% -9.23%
8355 VP Vortex Protocol +27.88% 0.0102 $ +1.21% +100.01%
8356 SUPER PeerMe SUPER -20.56% 0.0104 $ -1.21% -4.13%
8357 $FMB FlappyMoonbird -31.86% 0.0102 $ +3.31% -19.81%
8358 TRIBL Tribal Token -98.36% 0.0102 $ -36.68% -6.10%
8359 TCS Timechain Swap +6.79% 0.0103 $ -9.54% +54.87%
8360 EZ EasyFi V2 +20.40% 0.0101 $ +12.71% -2.23%
8361 TEST Test +8,853.22% 0.0103 $ +5.49% -11.87%
8362 LFC Supernova Shards Life Coin -11.55% 0.01 $ +1.65% +1.96%
8363 ARG Argonon Helium -85.10% 0.01 $ 0% 0%
8364 DHX DataHighway -37.56% 0.0099 $ +8.56% -16.53%
8365 VBIT VALOBIT -21.28% 0.01 $ 0% -0.10%
8366 BRIGHT BrightID -16.89% 0.01 $ +0.88% -1.04%
8367 PRF Parifi -10.78% 0.0099 $ -2.14% +10.44%
8368 MCL Marmara Credit Loops -2.02% 0.0097 $ -6.78% +63.61%
8369 ALCA AliceNet -15.55% 0.0097 $ -2.89% -1.80%
8370 DAL DAOLaunch -15.30% 0.0096 $ 0% +5.23%
8371 PORT PackagePortal -35.15% 0.0096 $ +0.48% -10.11%
8372 JEFE Jefe +83.31% 0.0097 $ -11.23% +300.75%
8373 $BIOP BIOP -43.39% 0.0096 $ 0% 0%
8374 WMC Wrapped BEAM -48.95% 0.0096 $ -5.47% -14.55%
8375 BEFI BeFi Labs -36.01% 0.0095 $ +15.86% -4.65%
8376 BLOOD Impostors Blood -12.75% 0.0095 $ -4.61% +8.10%
8377 SCOP Scopuly -22.77% 0.0095 $ -4.06% -18.43%
8378 CTCN Contracoin -71.32% 0.0093 $ 0% -7.90%
8379 JUNGLE Jungle -13.63% 0.0093 $ 0% -2.60%
8380 MEER Qitmeer Network -27.45% 0.0092 $ -1.52% -0.86%
8381 SPDR SpiderSwap +7.12% 0.0092 $ -2.77% -5.34%
8382 OPY OPYx -23.65% 0.0092 $ -2.81% -6.40%
8383 EGG LoserChick EGG -0.49% 0.0091 $ -0.66% -0.17%
8384 DAUMEN Daumenfrosch -63.48% 0.0091 $ -3.99% -24.96%
8385 SRDS Sardis Network -40.58% 0.009 $ +2.44% -23.27%
8386 MILO MILO -38.57% 0.009 $ 0% +0.28%
8387 MUSD Mad USD -61.73% 0.009 $ -1.68% -4.73%
8388 ROFI HeroFi ROFI -11.63% 0.009 $ 0% -1.71%
8389 RAM Ramifi Protocol +9.05% 0.009 $ -0.08% -0.09%
8390 NXT NXTChain +53.49% 0.009 $ 0% 0%
8391 LIMO Limoverse -15.40% 0.009 $ -3.52% -6.89%
8392 CKU Cryptoku +11.01% 0.0089 $ 0% +465.00%
8393 EVRY Evrynet -16.26% 0.0089 $ +4.80% -1.05%
8394 SONAR SonarWatch -5.93% 0.0088 $ +7.45% -12.63%
8395 STZ 99Starz -28.50% 0.0088 $ +3.49% -3.89%
8396 ITAM ITAM Games -4.44% 0.0088 $ -0.33% -1.81%
8397 BABYPEPE Babypepefi +3.94% 0.0088 $ +6.76% +4.27%
8398 THG Thetan World -39.19% 0.0087 $ +0.40% -11.95%
8399 ARNC Arnoya classic -19.99% 0.0088 $ -2.54% -1.67%
8400 LOOK LooksCoin +73.30% 0.0087 $ -4.86% -24.66%
8401 CDN Canada eCoin +218.28% 0.0087 $ 0% 0%
8402 $FORGE $FORGE -58.47% 0.0087 $ +4.19% -6.56%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.