TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,318,138,444,356 +2.6%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

10,607 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. The rise was +0.02% or 550 mln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -5.34% and currently stands at $174.5 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8302 OLV OLIVE +18.04% 0.00044 $ -3.91% +26.11%
8303 DCNX DCNTRL Network -61.55% 0.00044 $ 0% 0%
8304 YOYO Yoyo Market -76.38% 0.00044 $ 0% -4.02%
8305 PUNK PunkSwap -8.30% 0.00043 $ +4.30% +7.31%
8306 WOKE Woke Frens -49.38% 0.00043 $ +8.39% +13.46%
8307 SWYCH Swych -7.84% 0.00043 $ +3.98% +10.86%
8308 HIKARI Hikari Protocol -24.29% 0.00043 $ 0% +2.19%
8309 FRED FRED Energy -12.18% 0.00043 $ -0.16% +0.43%
8310 XBY XTRABYTES -58.38% 0.00043 $ 0% 0%
8311 NPAI NeuroPulse AI +1.33% 0.00043 $ +4.51% +7.77%
8312 CNETA cNETA -21.74% 0.00043 $ +3.43% +1.71%
8313 ALY Ally -5.81% 0.00042 $ +0.06% +8.48%
8314 NZERO NETZERO -2.93% 0.00041 $ -2.33% -5.42%
8315 MINU Mantle Inu -12.20% 0.00042 $ +3.07% +7.58%
8316 LAVA Lavaswap -16.18% 0.00042 $ -1.18% +21.22%
8317 PEPE Pepe King Prawn -69.57% 0.00042 $ 0% 0%
8318 JUDGE Judge AI -41.76% 0.00042 $ 0% -4.94%
8319 GBURN GBURN -4.92% 0.00042 $ 0% -1.41%
8320 SQUID Squid Game -91.60% 0.00042 $ +21.25% +2,180.03%
8321 RUX RunBlox -6.90% 0.00042 $ +0.17% +0.60%
8322 FTMO Fantom Oasis +12.48% 0.00042 $ +0.26% +22.69%
8323 DUET Duet Protocol +19.55% 0.00042 $ -0.61% +4.72%
8324 AI Chat AI -5.57% 0.00042 $ +0.85% +1.96%
8325 YOCO YocoinYOCO -0.53% 0.00041 $ +1.50% +3.13%
8326 MTRK Matrak Fan Token +6.33% 0.00041 $ -1.21% -0.34%
8327 NMT NFTMart -88.38% 0.00041 $ 0% -33.43%
8328 UBI Universal Basic Income +32.30% 0.00041 $ +16.44% +18.82%
8329 SINGLE Single Finance -27.48% 0.00041 $ +1.83% -28.41%
8330 MOE Moe -16.93% 0.00041 $ +39.04% +109.85%
8331 XYA GameFi Crossing +18.79% 0.00041 $ +4.86% +11.06%
8332 RNGD Renegade -49.11% 0.0004 $ +0.73% -1.79%
8333 ADF Art de Finance -35.35% 0.00041 $ +10.67% -5.64%
8334 DHLT DeHealth +6.39% 0.0004 $ 0% -2.08%
8335 FUND A Fund Baby -73.29% 0.0004 $ +4.39% -66.69%
8336 SWU Smart World Union -11.18% 0.0004 $ -0.18% -0.03%
8337 FLY Hoppers Game -15.29% 0.0004 $ 0% +0.23%
8338 BBOX BlockBox -37.68% 0.0004 $ +0.22% +0.98%
8339 CRE Crypto Real Estate -31.38% 0.0004 $ 0% 0%
8340 COAL Coalculus -52.98% 0.0004 $ +100.28% +2.87%
8341 $CRYPT Secret Skellies Society -35.47% 0.0004 $ 0% 0%
8342 BMTC Metabit Network -99.94% 0.0004 $ 0% 0%
8343 REIGN Reign of Terror +82.63% 0.00039 $ -2.05% +19.87%
8344 DEFIDO DeFido -2.26% 0.00039 $ +6.78% +46.81%
8345 MIMO Million Monke -32.10% 0.00039 $ 0% +8.16%
8346 SYNTX Syntax AI -97.12% 0.00039 $ 0% 0%
8347 $SNRK Snark Launch -20.59% 0.00039 $ +4.54% +10.82%
8348 POST Post.Tech -53.60% 0.00039 $ 0% 0%
8349 PUMA Puma +12.64% 0.00038 $ +11.35% +15.65%
8350 EXP Expanse -31.49% 0.00038 $ +1.05% +10.04%
8351 BLAZE Blaze -21.88% 0.00038 $ +6.42% +24.40%
8352 DXP DexPad -28.56% 0.00038 $ +3.41% +8.15%
8353 LOVE Deesse -6.91% 0.00038 $ -1.30% -0.31%
8354 BENJI Taylor Swift's Cat Benji -23.61% 0.00038 $ +7.90% +6.96%
8355 LEMC LemonChain +0.43% 0.00038 $ -6.87% -39.24%
8356 ZAM +18.71% 0.00036 $ -11.86% -6.20%
8357 QTZ Quartz +50.59% 0.00037 $ -2.92% -2.77%
8358 BPAD BlokPad -6.72% 0.00037 $ +0.53% +4.53%
8359 TITANS TitanBorn -19.48% 0.00037 $ 0% +0.65%
8360 TETRIS Tetris -47.59% 0.00037 $ 0% -5.23%
8361 VOID The Great Void Token -11.86% 0.00037 $ -3.43% -9.92%
8362 CRAZY Crazy Frog Coin +233.39% 0.00037 $ +74.97% +315.11%
8363 SOUL Soulsaver +41.71% 0.00036 $ -5.31% +59.49%
8364 OLEA Olea Token +20.22% 0.00036 $ -5.11% -3.18%
8365 MMT Moments Market +92.66% 0.00036 $ +7.91% +189.37%
8366 ANI AnimeSwap +68.15% 0.00038 $ +35.46% +46.25%
8367 KABY Kaby Arena -3.32% 0.00036 $ -0.81% +0.67%
8368 SCRIV SCRIV -22.57% 0.00036 $ 0% -11.80%
8369 WOLF LandWolf -31.41% 0.00036 $ +4.81% -2.44%
8370 NICK Hard Frog Nick -28.92% 0.00036 $ 0% +8.46%
8371 TADA TheADA -38.91% 0.00036 $ 0% -1.65%
8372 DD DogeDragon -69.44% 0.00036 $ 0% +5.13%
8373 BURP Burp +5.31% 0.00036 $ +1.69% +2.39%
8374 ISET-84E55E Isengard NFT Marketplace +1.92% 0.00036 $ +2.26% -5.79%
8375 BAYE Bayesian -48.19% 0.00035 $ 0% 0%
8376 GINZA Ginza Network +0.40% 0.00035 $ +3.01% +2.30%
8377 MOONPOT MoonPot Finance -1.93% 0.00035 $ 0% +3.19%
8378 PHUX PHUX Governance Token -3.26% 0.00035 $ +5.17% +23.57%
8379 DOG Basic Dog Meme -4.40% 0.00035 $ +1.96% +7.21%
8380 DHP dHealth -21.58% 0.00035 $ -0.56% +34.47%
8381 GTX Gigantix Wallet -37.71% 0.00035 $ 0% -3.25%
8382 BOK BONKLANA -1.66% 0.00034 $ +9.16% +13.21%
8383 LANC Lanceria -44.47% 0.00034 $ +0.75% +8.94%
8384 TENSHI Tenshi -34.83% 0.00034 $ 0% +1.46%
8385 VT Viterium +15.51% 0.00034 $ -20.63% +3.68%
8386 DOGGY Doggy -14.27% 0.00034 $ +1.27% +3.73%
8387 SLIZ SolidLizard -18.15% 0.00034 $ -0.03% +0.20%
8388 CTK Cryptyk -65.19% 0.00034 $ -2.54% -70.94%
8389 BABY AROF BABY AROF -0.64% 0.00034 $ +3.28% -16.07%
8390 NYT New Year +0.90% 0.00034 $ -0.13% +0.04%
8391 DINO Dino +18.48% 0.00034 $ +5.17% +25.89%
8392 GEO$ Geopoly -2.65% 0.00034 $ +0.01% +0.36%
8393 XPS Xpansion Game -53.32% 0.00034 $ 0% -52.43%
8394 $BULL Bull Market -28.45% 0.00034 $ +15.25% +31.98%
8395 FEED chikn feed -0.33% 0.00033 $ +6.17% +20.34%
8396 ERA Era7 +8.90% 0.00033 $ 0% -0.66%
8397 RANKER RankerDao -34.52% 0.00033 $ -7.22% -3.87%
8398 NT NEXTYPE Finance -4.05% 0.00033 $ -1.74% -3.22%
8399 T2T2 T2T2 -7.04% 0.00033 $ -8.31% +3.21%
8400 SEND Sendpicks -44.33% 0.00033 $ -0.26% +9.07%
8401 KMN KASPAMINING -25.89% 0.00033 $ +4.78% +8.95%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.