TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.25% or 8.3 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -17.49% and currently stands at $228.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
8502 CDAO cDAO -20.99% 0.0059 $ +3.52% -3.52%
8503 BOOTY BOOTY -35.36% 0.0059 $ -2.65% -15.70%
8504 BTCINU Bitcoin Inu -20.94% 0.0059 $ -1.78% +1.63%
8505 PLSB PulseBitcoin -55.48% 0.006 $ +16.40% -93.51%
8506 BVT Billionview -6.63% 0.0059 $ -2.63% -9.91%
8507 SUNDAE Sundae the Dog -55.41% 0.0059 $ 0% 0%
8508 MDI Medicle -20.97% 0.0059 $ +2.04% -12.02%
8509 WSGB Wrapped Songbird -18.92% 0.0058 $ -1.82% -1.23%
8510 PRTC Zaar -41.64% 0.0058 $ -11.96% -7.31%
8511 FU FU Money -57.01% 0.0058 $ -5.42% -9.91%
8512 HEDG HedgeTrade -15.24% 0.0058 $ -2.12% -2.78%
8513 ADO ADO Protocol -23.76% 0.0058 $ 0% 0%
8514 F3 Friend3 +3.06% 0.0057 $ -16.93% +48.94%
8515 GS Genesis Shards -19.83% 0.0057 $ -0.05% -4.83%
8516 ABEL ABEL Finance -0.03% 0.0056 $ 0.00% -0.01%
8517 XCOMB xDai Native Comb -10.71% 0.0056 $ -0.09% -0.08%
8518 MEE Medieval Empires -44.08% 0.0056 $ -9.74% -18.83%
8519 CZZ ClassZZ -36.18% 0.0056 $ -15.36% -25.92%
8520 KPC K-POP CLICK COIN -40.60% 0.0056 $ +0.11% -16.06%
8521 RAPHAEL Raphael -14.36% 0.0056 $ 0% 0%
8522 SOLCADE Solana Arcade -21.32% 0.005 $ -23.80% -5.00%
8523 MCF MCFinance +3.58% 0.0056 $ -0.28% -0.47%
8524 ZZZ GoSleep ZZZ -3.10% 0.0056 $ -8.52% -15.22%
8525 OASIS Oasis Metaverse +830.44% 0.0055 $ -2.08% +18.05%
8526 EHASH EHash -23.31% 0.0055 $ -8.16% -1.81%
8527 HYPE Hyperbolic Protocol -8.59% 0.0055 $ +2.74% +7.30%
8528 ETHAX ETHAX -34.30% 0.0055 $ -9.40% -3.85%
8529 MLNK Malinka +86.52% 0.0055 $ +0.98% +6.92%
8530 NSWAP Nulswap -20.99% 0.0054 $ 0% +5.62%
8531 PLENTY Plenty DeFi -27.70% 0.0054 $ 0% -4.90%
8532 DNA EncrypGen -20.79% 0.0065 $ -0.02% +0.05%
8533 SMON StarMon -5.42% 0.0054 $ +0.35% +0.65%
8534 DEXTR DeXter -39.56% 0.0054 $ 0% +4.74%
8535 DICE Klaydice -10.37% 0.0054 $ +5.45% +5.59%
8536 ARENA ArenaSwap -7.80% 0.0053 $ -0.43% -7.48%
8537 KEL KelVPN -39.04% 0.0054 $ -1.65% -31.00%
8538 $WALC WALC -16.61% 0.0053 $ 0% +8.15%
8539 LIGHT Lightning Protocol -30.68% 0.0053 $ 0% -1.96%
8540 IZI iZUMi Finance -30.40% 0.0053 $ -12.79% -16.15%
8541 BLY Blocery -7.33% 0.0053 $ -1.53% -4.94%
8542 STORE Bit Store -26.81% 0.0052 $ -5.14% -14.33%
8543 SARA Pulsara -12.57% 0.0052 $ -3.88% -23.46%
8544 GETH Goerli ETH -22.84% 0.0052 $ -3.48% +2.38%
8545 HBDC Happy Birthday Coin -25.87% 0.0051 $ -0.30% -6.46%
8546 LOTT Beauty Bakery Linked Operation Transaction Technology -6.47% 0.0051 $ +2.35% +2.35%
8547 ONIC Trade Bionic -20.76% 0.0051 $ +3.60% +7.05%
8548 HDL Headline -30.76% 0.0051 $ -0.85% -12.04%
8549 CRFI CrossFi +108.32% 0.0051 $ -3.75% +16.23%
8550 BMX BitMinerX -27.22% 0.0051 $ -2.35% -3.67%
8551 BTCPAY Bitcoin Pay +1.91% 0.0041 $ -18.51% -28.32%
8552 LINKS Links -10.82% 0.005 $ 0% +0.02%
8553 BCNT Bincentive -17.22% 0.0047 $ +1.22% -7.09%
8554 VSXP Venus SXP -17.94% 0.005 $ -4.13% +0.06%
8555 OREO OreoSwap -12.21% 0.005 $ +1.18% +2.24%
8556 MMETA Duckie Land Multi Metaverse -28.60% 0.0054 $ -7.89% -25.15%
8557 VDOGE Venus DOGE -31.44% 0.0049 $ -4.20% -13.45%
8558 TOMB+ Tomb+ -83.21% 0.0049 $ 0% -0.79%
8559 MSOT BTour Chain -76.18% 0.0049 $ 0% 0%
8560 RDEX Orders.Exchange -8.31% 0.0049 $ -1.62% -6.50%
8561 POTS Moonpot -14.44% 0.0049 $ -0.29% -1.13%
8562 NOVA Nova Finance -30.44% 0.0049 $ +0.57% -5.80%
8563 JCO JennyCo -55.24% 0.0049 $ +0.65% -37.00%
8564 FRBK FreeBnk -40.98% 0.0049 $ +8.34% -2.46%
8565 FTRB Faith Tribe +6.42% 0.0048 $ +5.78% -7.10%
8566 EEG EEG -14.02% 0.0048 $ -4.00% -20.59%
8567 RDF ReadFi -5.82% 0.0048 $ +3.15% +3.15%
8568 RABBIT Rich Rabbit -37.09% 0.0048 $ -0.63% -11.70%
8569 $INR Inery -44.16% 0.0048 $ -1.20% -11.60%
8570 OXN 0xNumber -73.13% 0.0048 $ -5.78% -29.02%
8571 FX1 FX1Sports -29.46% 0.0048 $ -7.92% -16.77%
8572 DGMV DigiMetaverse -28.05% 0.0048 $ -5.31% -10.38%
8573 NEMS The Nemesis -55.85% 0.0048 $ +1.15% +16.08%
8574 BDO bDollar -1.37% 0.0048 $ -0.03% -0.11%
8575 FANC fanC -21.66% 0.0048 $ -3.42% -9.68%
8576 ALT AptosLaunch Token -52.49% 0.0048 $ +2.29% +7.10%
8577 BAJU Bajun Network -44.04% 0.0047 $ 0% +13.96%
8578 MCOIN MariCoin +242.86% 0.0047 $ -7.62% -33.12%
8579 POLYBUNNY Pancake Bunny Polygon -20.07% 0.0048 $ -1.69% -1.18%
8580 FLTH Liberty Square Filth -61.90% 0.0047 $ +0.02% +4.75%
8581 CENNZ CENNZnet -29.41% 0.0047 $ +3.64% +0.95%
8582 IBH iBitHub -22.40% 0.0046 $ 0% 0%
8583 CRYPTO BetbuInu -21.77% 0.0046 $ 0% -2.10%
8584 POLIS Polis -6.35% 0.0046 $ -0.37% -2.27%
8585 HOM Homeety +94.40% 0.0046 $ -6.47% -25.68%
8586 MOONARCH Moonarch -1.56% 0.0046 $ -0.01% +0.03%
8587 TAS Tao Accounting System -20.70% 0.0046 $ +1.99% +5.49%
8588 XPLL ParallelChain -53.15% 0.0045 $ 0% 0%
8589 XFIT XFai -48.75% 0.0045 $ +0.16% -0.11%
8590 HNB HNB Protocol +128.28% 0.0045 $ +2.89% +15.20%
8591 SNS Sonorus -41.49% 0.0045 $ -2.93% -2.86%
8592 GAJ Gaj Finance -13.50% 0.0045 $ -1.38% -3.88%
8593 LOVE HunnyDAO +5.72% 0.0045 $ 0% 0%
8594 AEVUM Aevum -57.99% 0.0045 $ +1.67% -0.42%
8595 GEMS GemPad -29.27% 0.0044 $ -0.02% -1.38%
8596 EXC Excalibur +45.28% 0.0045 $ -9.96% +53.60%
8597 TUR Turex -10.72% 0.0044 $ 0% -1.11%
8598 QI QiSwap -60.15% 0.0041 $ -18.03% -17.90%
8599 CORAL Coral Swap -47.18% 0.0045 $ -54.76% -54.07%
8600 CEX ChainEx -17.94% 0.0043 $ +1.82% +2.31%
8601 NT NexDAX -29.34% 0.0043 $ -0.04% +0.01%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.