TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.07% or 2.5 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -0.25% and currently stands at $267.5 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9102 T2T2 T2T2 -52.83% 0.00086 $ -3.79% -1.55%
9103 RONE-BB2E OneDex rONE -41.06% 0.00085 $ -4.83% -2.67%
9104 SCL Spectra Cash -34.53% 0.00085 $ 0% 0%
9105 KRILL Polywhale -4.02% 0.00085 $ -0.71% -0.98%
9106 OPTCM Optimus -17.63% 0.00085 $ -4.47% -28.12%
9107 0XANON 0xAnon -83.94% 0.00085 $ 0% -42.53%
9108 UMY KaraStar UMY -4.54% 0.00085 $ -0.49% -1.38%
9109 FID Fidira -49.29% 0.00085 $ -2.48% -2.24%
9110 ZEUM Colizeum -16.00% 0.00084 $ +1.34% -12.68%
9111 WASP WanSwap -18.85% 0.00084 $ -2.32% -8.91%
9112 BTTOLD BitTorrent [OLD] +56.72% 0.00084 $ +6.26% -4.21%
9113 HYGT HYGT -3.59% 0.00083 $ -2.12% +3.07%
9114 $BMP BMP +2.27% 0.00083 $ 0% 0%
9115 DEC Dark Energy Crystals +10.43% 0.00082 $ +6.96% +11.85%
9116 NUARS Num ARS -3.91% 0.00083 $ -0.96% -0.41%
9117 SLIME Snail Trail -34.53% 0.00082 $ +3.90% -5.29%
9118 AZEE SurrealVerse -30.39% 0.00082 $ -1.17% -5.22%
9119 LAVA Lavaswap +17.24% 0.00084 $ -8.46% -1.08%
9120 CLOUD CRYPTO CLOUD -44.95% 0.00082 $ -4.82% -8.51%
9121 PONG Pong Heroes +0.82% 0.00081 $ -3.55% +9.33%
9122 MUMBA Mumba -29.91% 0.00081 $ 0% 0%
9123 BBT BitBook -7.84% 0.00081 $ -2.44% -4.66%
9124 EXT Exatech +213.45% 0.00081 $ +9.93% +296.08%
9125 EMP Emp Money -99.55% 0.00081 $ -7.74% -28.64%
9126 BLOX The Blox Project -25.77% 0.0008 $ -2.78% +2.45%
9127 PRP Perpetuum Coin -26.32% 0.00081 $ +0.32% -5.18%
9128 DOBO DogeBonk -29.03% 0.0008 $ -14.10% -1.08%
9129 VRM VRMARS +1.91% 0.0008 $ -0.15% -0.53%
9130 TAPROOT Taproot +5.40% 0.0008 $ +0.74% -13.98%
9131 ARAB Arab cat -44.31% 0.0008 $ -1.89% -12.05%
9132 JUGNI JUGNI -7.15% 0.00079 $ -1.13% +20.25%
9133 WAR WeStarter -38.50% 0.00079 $ 0% 0%
9134 OCX OccamX -44.52% 0.00079 $ 0% +0.56%
9135 RACEFI RaceFi -24.84% 0.00079 $ 0% +0.00%
9136 WGRT WaykiChain Governance Coin -2.40% 0.00078 $ -2.53% -4.73%
9137 CHAMP NFT Champions -7.56% 0.00077 $ -1.31% -18.82%
9138 TERZ SHELTERZ -6.51% 0.00077 $ -0.65% -1.04%
9139 KIRO KIRO -25.35% 0.00077 $ 0% +0.89%
9140 FANG FANG -8.54% 0.00075 $ 0% +75.84%
9141 CPR CIPHER +32.20% 0.00076 $ -1.40% +15.67%
9142 REDDIT Reddit -25.62% 0.00075 $ -3.38% -6.85%
9143 XBN Bantu +4.86% 0.00075 $ -0.05% -0.16%
9144 DOV DoveSwap -18.35% 0.00075 $ 0% +1.20%
9145 NVG NightVerse Game -14.09% 0.00075 $ +3.02% -0.95%
9146 ADAO ADADao -7.38% 0.00074 $ -2.17% -3.96%
9147 CSOV Crown Sovereign -40.46% 0.00074 $ -0.05% -1.62%
9148 MILK MILK -6.14% 0.00074 $ -4.96% -13.18%
9149 NTR Nether -15.59% 0.00074 $ 0.00% +0.70%
9150 ETX EthereumX -35.87% 0.00073 $ -12.78% -11.74%
9151 WSKR Wiskers -35.87% 0.00073 $ 0% -0.33%
9152 VOID TangleSwap VOID -46.35% 0.00073 $ 0% 0%
9153 WEC Whole Earth Coin -21.37% 0.00073 $ 0% +26.37%
9154 ZYR Zyrri -28.20% 0.00073 $ 0% 0%
9155 SDG Crypto SDG +0.01% 0.00073 $ -0.02% -0.03%
9156 ALTD Altitude -1.75% 0.00073 $ +0.15% +3.01%
9157 CHER Cherry Network -2.80% 0.00072 $ -0.21% -4.12%
9158 HERA Hero Arena -10.79% 0.00072 $ +2.04% -6.40%
9159 HERO Step Hero -25.31% 0.00072 $ +1.56% -5.51%
9160 FDUST Flovatar Dust -32.83% 0.00072 $ -1.90% -3.83%
9161 BXH BXH -16.99% 0.00072 $ -0.04% -13.54%
9162 XPS Xpansion Game -4.09% 0.00072 $ +0.46% +0.94%
9163 NRK Nordek +32.34% 0.00072 $ 0% 0%
9164 JAIHO Jaiho Crypto -21.14% 0.00072 $ -10.15% -10.12%
9165 DARC Konstellation -7.36% 0.00071 $ -11.13% +9.73%
9166 TBCC TBCC -17.10% 0.00071 $ +9.03% -2.99%
9167 CREAMY Creamy -0.81% 0.00071 $ 0% 0%
9168 VPR VaporFund -54.16% 0.00071 $ -0.99% -16.96%
9169 BRETT Brett -39.76% 0.00071 $ +1.55% -10.39%
9170 BARA Capybara Memecoin -22.29% 0.0007 $ -2.16% -1.59%
9171 ORT XREATORS -7.47% 0.0007 $ +3.66% -15.22%
9172 MLH Moolahverse -47.40% 0.0007 $ +3.43% +71.35%
9173 ZENITH Zenith Chain -16.85% 0.0007 $ 0% +27.47%
9174 PRXY Proxy -96.72% 0.0007 $ 0% -41.71%
9175 SRC Simracer Coin -91.25% 0.0007 $ -83.34% +27.61%
9176 CVG Convergence Finance -60.57% 0.0007 $ -2.50% +1.35%
9177 WBX Wibx -29.22% 0.00069 $ -2.38% -17.87%
9178 VIC Victory Impact -20.63% 0.00069 $ +0.83% -1.85%
9179 XARCH_AXV xDEC_Astrovault -35.71% 0.00069 $ +0.13% -20.91%
9180 DEK DekBox -19.91% 0.00069 $ -0.95% -3.31%
9181 MEB Meblox Protocol -2.48% 0.00069 $ +0.27% -0.15%
9182 MAG Magnum -98.34% 0.00069 $ +103.63% -97.95%
9183 DOGGGO Dogggo -7.47% 0.00068 $ -0.76% -1.40%
9184 CNCT Coinecta -62.42% 0.00068 $ 0% 0%
9185 CAPY Capybara -22.31% 0.00068 $ +9.01% -0.08%
9186 MTRK Matrak Fan Token +73.66% 0.00068 $ -28.21% -2.28%
9187 DEFLY Defly -39.02% 0.00068 $ -1.02% -12.00%
9188 SLC Solice +2.59% 0.00068 $ -1.17% -4.95%
9189 ARS Aquarius Loan -29.78% 0.00068 $ +1.56% -3.44%
9190 NORA SnowCrash -20.03% 0.00068 $ +1.10% -0.60%
9191 MECH Mech Master -8.12% 0.00068 $ +2.34% -0.26%
9192 QTCC Quick Transfer Coin Plus +0.07% 0.00068 $ +0.08% +0.06%
9193 STRAT Stratum Exchange -30.73% 0.00067 $ -12.88% -18.65%
9194 QLINDO QLINDO -10.95% 0.00067 $ +2.21% -0.29%
9195 GEC GreenEnvironmentalCoins +13.86% 0.00066 $ -6.11% +17.72%
9196 ONE One +0.29% 0.00066 $ +0.94% -1.29%
9197 ZEUS Zeus AI -25.65% 0.00066 $ +1.39% -11.69%
9198 TAUR Marnotaur +42.19% 0.00066 $ +11.63% -7.57%
9199 KEKO Keko -58.90% 0.00065 $ +0.38% -22.05%
9200 YIELD Crypto Valleys YIELD Token -54.04% 0.00065 $ -8.71% -30.34%
9201 APX Appics -62.07% 0.00065 $ 0% -12.02%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.