TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.16% or 5.5 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -26.37% and currently stands at $212.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9502 A3A 3A +28.48% 0.00023 $ -8.47% +20.75%
9503 MHUNT MetaShooter -22.86% 0.00023 $ +5.15% +2.30%
9504 POT TraderDAO Proof Of Trade -56.14% 0.00023 $ 0% 0%
9505 GCME GoCryptoMe -31.17% 0.00023 $ 0% +3.27%
9506 MOE Moe -46.83% 0.00023 $ 0% 0%
9507 SON Souni -5.31% 0.00022 $ -15.94% +4.09%
9508 BSL BankSocial -36.05% 0.00023 $ -0.72% +16.66%
9509 GBURN GBURN -7.90% 0.00022 $ -0.36% -6.89%
9510 LOP Kilopi +3.41% 0.00022 $ -0.34% -0.04%
9511 $BULL Bull Market -41.05% 0.00022 $ -1.42% +3.18%
9512 AI Chat AI -17.33% 0.00022 $ 0% 0%
9513 UM Continuum World -1.24% 0.00022 $ -11.76% -11.83%
9514 TRDC Traders Coin -4.88% 0.00022 $ -0.18% -1.07%
9515 SKY Skydrome -16.62% 0.00022 $ -2.40% -1.76%
9516 AFX Afrix +131.34% 0.00022 $ +0.06% -31.29%
9517 METADOGE MetaDoge BSC -19.01% 0.00022 $ -2.72% -5.87%
9518 CKC ChikinCoin -31.44% 0.00022 $ -0.88% -8.32%
9519 TREAT Treat Token -43.69% 0.00022 $ +2.87% +9.66%
9520 BURP Burp -8.65% 0.00022 $ 0% -0.08%
9521 KRO Krogan +0.75% 0.00021 $ +0.27% +0.26%
9522 RAYS RAYS -26.73% 0.00021 $ +0.48% -5.65%
9523 BOO GhostKids -15.94% 0.00021 $ 0% 0%
9524 QTZ Quartz -25.23% 0.00021 $ -3.33% -12.27%
9525 PULSEDOGE PulseDoge -1.86% 0.00021 $ 0% 0%
9526 VS veSync -23.86% 0.00021 $ -4.15% -2.40%
9527 KCT Konnect -35.84% 0.00021 $ -5.18% +7.31%
9528 M2 M2 -25.10% 0.00021 $ -2.38% -3.99%
9529 PUMPR Pumpr -37.39% 0.00021 $ -0.47% -16.45%
9530 LCMG ElysiumG +20.52% 0.00021 $ -0.31% +26.24%
9531 HVT HireVibes -35.58% 0.00021 $ 0% -1.53%
9532 PUMA Puma -38.84% 0.00021 $ +2.44% -10.99%
9533 PRO Prophet -38.52% 0.00021 $ +0.00% +0.42%
9534 GOV SubDAO +7.81% 0.00021 $ -1.68% +4.13%
9535 BABY AROF BABY AROF -42.57% 0.0002 $ 0% +2.68%
9536 MIC Magic Internet Cash -5.48% 0.0002 $ -4.52% +35.00%
9537 WOLF LandWolf -29.76% 0.0002 $ 0% +0.89%
9538 NBLA Nebula Project -29.11% 0.0002 $ +32.10% +33.08%
9539 LEMN Crypto Lemon -44.94% 0.0002 $ 0% 0%
9540 AVN AVNRich -7.32% 0.0002 $ 0% 0%
9541 L2DAO Layer2DAO -20.32% 0.0002 $ -1.42% -0.40%
9542 EPETS Etherpets -75.30% 0.0002 $ 0% 0%
9543 DD DogeDragon -59.89% 0.00019 $ 0% -5.01%
9544 GRAPE Grape Protocol -44.99% 0.0002 $ +2.09% -25.15%
9545 PPY Patriot Pay +29.11% 0.0002 $ 0% 0%
9546 MELD MetaElfLand -24.73% 0.00019 $ -4.02% +3.75%
9547 RPGMAI RPG Maker Ai -18.02% 0.00019 $ 0% -0.72%
9548 BABYFLOKI BabyFloki -35.24% 0.00019 $ +0.73% +0.28%
9549 FTMO Fantom Oasis +24.85% 0.00019 $ -8.63% +33.03%
9550 YOU U Protocol -18.37% 0.00019 $ 0% 0%
9551 CUBI CUBISWAP +19.64% 0.00019 $ -0.46% -0.75%
9552 STREAMERINU Streamer Inu -11.36% 0.00019 $ -0.03% +8.59%
9553 VTG Victory Gem +3.83% 0.00019 $ -0.09% -10.11%
9554 DAWG Dawg Coin +7.97% 0.00019 $ +4.97% +32.76%
9555 UPX uPX -17.22% 0.00019 $ +2.99% +6.56%
9556 REIGN Reign of Terror +11.76% 0.00019 $ +2.22% +7.49%
9557 DXLM DogeLumens -33.79% 0.00019 $ -5.40% -1.36%
9558 TRES Tres Chain -30.95% 0.00019 $ 0% 0%
9559 GIF Ghostwifhat -43.42% 0.00019 $ -1.85% -16.91%
9560 KON KonPay -23.98% 0.00019 $ -6.66% -4.98%
9561 PONYHAWK PONYHAWK -27.90% 0.00019 $ 0% -4.30%
9562 SUGAR Sugarchain -6.10% 0.00019 $ 0% 0%
9563 BAG tehBag -7.72% 0.00019 $ +0.34% +15.07%
9564 FNZ Fanzee Token -26.63% 0.00018 $ -4.75% -3.73%
9565 BEARDY Bearded Dragon -46.52% 0.00018 $ -2.71% -19.48%
9566 UNILAPSE UNILAPSE -76.94% 0.00018 $ +0.53% +22.14%
9567 STREETH STREETH -12.55% 0.00018 $ -13.39% -12.54%
9568 AIRT AirNFT -1.20% 0.00018 $ -0.31% -3.31%
9569 AURUM Raider Aurum -18.33% 0.00018 $ -0.90% -4.31%
9570 WACO Waste Digital Coin -21.90% 0.00018 $ -4.61% +16.41%
9571 3KM 3 Kingdoms Multiverse -28.39% 0.00018 $ -3.31% -11.68%
9572 FURY FURY -1.31% 0.00018 $ -0.21% +1,803.79%
9573 PWC Pixel Battle -12.23% 0.00018 $ 0% 0%
9574 APT Apidae +8.60% 0.00018 $ 0% -0.32%
9575 ROUP Roup (Ordinals) -33.89% 0.00018 $ -3.98% +131.51%
9576 FREL Freela -13.82% 0.00018 $ -0.17% -1.78%
9577 GNP Genie Protocol -51.57% 0.00018 $ 0% -57.92%
9578 ISET-84E55E Isengard NFT Marketplace -32.14% 0.00017 $ -2.51% -4.02%
9579 NNT Nunu Spirits -32.12% 0.00017 $ +0.06% -1.38%
9580 DRAC DRAC Network +17.46% 0.00017 $ +2.80% +79.73%
9581 KORA Kortana -35.07% 0.00017 $ 0% 0%
9582 JP JP -11.48% 0.00017 $ -3.18% -4.63%
9583 SHAN Shanum +11.65% 0.00017 $ +40.53% +39.58%
9584 HOOF Metaderby Hoof +16.01% 0.00017 $ 0% 0%
9585 LYD Lydia Finance -21.21% 0.00017 $ -0.81% -3.97%
9586 SWU Smart World Union -39.18% 0.00017 $ 0% -45.18%
9587 C4 Cardano Crocs Club -33.95% 0.00017 $ -7.46% -10.78%
9588 SLO SmoLanO -50.46% 0.00017 $ -3.13% -17.99%
9589 WOOSH woosh -22.75% 0.00017 $ +1.24% -9.54%
9590 AVO Avoteo +5.94% 0.00017 $ 0% 0%
9591 BRICKS MyBricks -11.80% 0.00017 $ -0.74% -7.16%
9592 MCV MCVERSE -37.99% 0.00017 $ +5.19% +2.20%
9593 XVG Verge (ETH) -25.79% 0.00017 $ -18.61% -7.65%
9594 DPAY Fuel -39.78% 0.00017 $ +0.53% -7.62%
9595 BOK BONKLANA -33.06% 0.00016 $ -5.74% +13.16%
9596 MELON MELON -25.31% 0.00016 $ -5.08% -1.31%
9597 SQUID Squid Game -20.99% 0.00016 $ +3.92% -6.80%
9598 SPKY SpookyShiba -9.69% 0.00016 $ 0% 0%
9599 MASH SolMash -72.66% 0.00016 $ 0% 0%
9600 REBUS Rebus -69.02% 0.00016 $ -11.11% -76.96%
9601 BITWALLET Bitcoin E-wallet -42.88% 0.00016 $ -0.02% -35.33%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.