TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,208,088,645,496 -8.8%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,352 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.84% or 24.9 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -22.97% and currently stands at $280.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
10302 SBONK SafeBonk -27.27% 0.0000016 $ 0% 0%
10303 SPRITZMOON SpritzMoon Crypto Token +36.36% 0.0000015 $ 0% -2.67%
10304 IVY Ivy Live -37.50% 0.0000015 $ -1.42% -19.47%
10305 SPEPE StarkPepe -40.00% 0.0000015 $ 0% -3.33%
10306 ARNX Aeron -33.33% 0.0000014 $ -0.15% +18.33%
10307 SHL Shelling -30.00% 0.0000014 $ -5.79% -5.33%
10308 GIGA GigaSwap -36.36% 0.0000015 $ -15.35% -19.44%
10309 DC DavidCoin 0% 0.0000014 $ -0.17% +0.71%
10310 IRENA Irena Coin Apps -17.65% 0.0000014 $ -1.18% -9.33%
10311 $FJB Freedom. Jobs. Business -17.65% 0.0000014 $ -2.94% -3.57%
10312 SOLAREUM SOLAREUM -41.67% 0.0000014 $ 0% +10.00%
10313 CATZ CatzCoin -18.75% 0.0000013 $ 0% -5.00%
10314 MM Millimeter -13.33% 0.0000013 $ +13.26% +20.00%
10315 GLOW Glow Token -18.75% 0.0000013 $ 0% 0%
10316 STABLE Stablecoin -18.75% 0.0000013 $ -12.86% +28.63%
10317 HER Caroline -27.78% 0.0000013 $ -2.58% 0%
10318 COPE Cope Coin -38.10% 0.0000013 $ 0% -16.00%
10319 TWD THE WORD -27.78% 0.0000013 $ -12.17% -5.71%
10320 TATO POTATO -23.53% 0.0000013 $ +1.11% +26.00%
10321 GAMER cyb3rgam3r420 -61.76% 0.0000013 $ -14.22% -23.53%
10322 SIZE SIZE -50.00% 0.0000014 $ -15.58% -15.63%
10323 LHINU Love Hate Inu +84.56% 0.0000012 $ -0.06% +2.50%
10324 LOAN Liquid Loans -14.29% 0.0000012 $ -5.70% -1.67%
10325 APES AGE OF APES -40.00% 0.0000012 $ 0% -12.86%
10326 CAKEBOT CakeBot 0% 0.0000012 $ 0% 0%
10327 MOT Mother Earth 0% 0.0000011 $ -0.28% -2.73%
10328 AAA Moon Rabbit -31.25% 0.0000013 $ +1.33% -10.71%
10329 ZKPEPE ZKPepe -26.67% 0.0000011 $ 0% +11.08%
10330 BEET BEETroot -84.72% 0.0000011 $ 0% +13.48%
10331 COF Cryptoforce -38.89% 0.0000011 $ -4.55% -4.55%
10332 SONIC Sonic Sniper BOT -45.00% 0.0000011 $ 0% +0.91%
10333 BABY Baby AlienB -26.67% 0.0000011 $ +5.87% +10.52%
10334 DFSM DFS Mafia V2 -54.55% 0.000001 $ -0.93% 0%
10335 HOICHI Hoichi -37.50% 0.000001 $ -5.05% -14.17%
10336 SONIK SONIK -35.29% 0.0000011 $ -14.32% -17.69%
10337 MTMN META MINE -9.09% 0.000001 $ 0% +3.00%
10338 OCISLY Of Course I Still Love You -44.44% 0.000001 $ -15.44% -9.09%
10339 GLXIA GalaxiaVerse -9.45% 0.000001 $ -3.67% +6.49%
10340 JIZZ JizzRocket -34.81% 0.00000098 $ -2.95% -2.07%
10341 PEACHY PEACHY -2.72% 0.00000096 $ 0% 0%
10342 AIMAGA President.exe -75.76% 0.00000095 $ -19.65% -57.03%
10343 DINGER Dinger -40.66% 0.00000095 $ -10.10% -20.76%
10344 KUKU panKUKU +1.16% 0.00000094 $ -0.17% -0.12%
10345 $BANK Bankercoin +55.64% 0.00000089 $ -27.32% +12.07%
10346 GP Nexus ASA -65.90% 0.00000089 $ 0% 0%
10347 SHIDO Shido [OLD] +3.46% 0.00000085 $ 0% 0%
10348 SNE StrongNode -57.62% 0.00000085 $ 0% +21.08%
10349 BTTOLD BitTorrent [OLD] -99.84% 0.0000008 $ +3.31% -99.79%
10350 BURRY Burrial -73.43% 0.00000077 $ 0% 0%
10351 GM GoldMiner -13.06% 0.00000076 $ -7.20% -9.20%
10352 AXN Axion -31.45% 0.00000075 $ -0.95% -4.92%
10353 RKR Reaktor -32.75% 0.00000074 $ -3.10% -2.14%
10354 ERW ZeLoop Eco Reward +0.04% 0.00000073 $ -0.17% +0.04%
10355 XLAB XCELTOKEN PLUS -26.71% 0.0000007 $ 0% +0.54%
10356 UNLUCKY UNLUCKY [OLD] -20.81% 0.0000007 $ 0% 0%
10357 DBC Dhabicoin +17.02% 0.00000069 $ +41.14% -12.30%
10358 DUCKER Ducker -54.27% 0.00000069 $ 0% -8.50%
10359 ANB Angryb -19.54% 0.00000067 $ -9.79% -8.51%
10360 ECA Electra -46.70% 0.00000064 $ -30.51% -30.11%
10361 DERP Derp Coin -30.27% 0.00000064 $ -13.59% -14.81%
10362 RPILL Red Pill -41.65% 0.00000064 $ -21.01% -24.24%
10363 TUCKER TUCKER CARLSON -19.75% 0.00000063 $ -5.82% -3.19%
10364 BSK-BAA025 Beskar -37.84% 0.00000061 $ -0.45% +14.10%
10365 PAXU Pax Unitas +26.97% 0.00000061 $ -0.61% +4.86%
10366 AFNTY Affinity -22.75% 0.00000061 $ -8.08% -7.23%
10367 CARE CareCoin -28.19% 0.0000006 $ -4.79% -22.47%
10368 PISS Pisscoin -9.32% 0.00000045 $ +0.32% 0%
10369 FWW Farmers World Wood -30.53% 0.00000057 $ +0.79% -8.25%
10370 ASH Ash Token +280.69% 0.00000055 $ -7.93% +1.15%
10371 BFT BattleForTEN +12.59% 0.00000055 $ -4.67% -2.87%
10372 KOJI Koji -0.16% 0.00000052 $ -0.17% -0.02%
10373 OIL Oil Token -32.35% 0.00000051 $ 0% 0%
10374 CIA CIA -23.98% 0.00000051 $ 0% 0%
10375 MSI Martin Shkreli Inu +6.62% 0.00000051 $ +0.48% -2.09%
10376 HONK Clown Pepe -39.15% 0.0000005 $ -7.43% -3.83%
10377 CHARM Charm -26.46% 0.00000049 $ -0.61% -11.36%
10378 BULL BullBar -28.02% 0.00000046 $ -14.94% +19.20%
10379 FOY Fund Of Yours -35.42% 0.00000046 $ -51.65% -51.47%
10380 ZOO CryptoZoo -9.59% 0.00000044 $ -6.91% -5.78%
10381 EDEN ParadiseFi -68.00% 0.00000042 $ 0% +2.64%
10382 $TREPE Trepe -87.77% 0.00000042 $ -5.94% +78.80%
10383 ROYAL ROYAL -31.93% 0.00000041 $ -13.94% +2.17%
10384 BEMD Betterment Digital -72.71% 0.00000041 $ 0% -0.05%
10385 GLXY Astrals GLXY -55.16% 0.00000041 $ +0.84% -2.43%
10386 BSKT Basket -39.45% 0.0000004 $ -16.32% -8.20%
10387 CADINU Canadian Inuit Dog -16.17% 0.00000038 $ -24.28% -31.17%
10388 SMUDCAT Smudge Cat -35.61% 0.00000038 $ 0% +1.23%
10389 TKING Tiger King Coin -32.43% 0.00000038 $ -14.55% -13.39%
10390 JOJO JOJO -41.86% 0.00000037 $ -7.48% -27.14%
10391 SPACES -21.71% 0.00000036 $ 0% +0.71%
10392 FATCAT FAT CAT -9.60% 0.00000035 $ -6.61% -4.93%
10393 LUNAT Lunatics -19.94% 0.00000032 $ 0% +0.54%
10394 SWAT SWTCoin +35.68% 0.00000032 $ -1.19% +51.77%
10395 ! WOW -35.27% 0.00000031 $ 0% +0.59%
10396 ORD ordinex -44.52% 0.00000029 $ -12.33% -26.62%
10397 NARUTO Naruto -50.43% 0.00000031 $ -14.78% -18.46%
10398 MONKEYS Monkeys Token -54.88% 0.00000031 $ -15.80% -20.15%
10399 OGZ OGzClub -24.88% 0.0000003 $ +0.72% +13.48%
10400 HBIT HashBit [OLD] +100.03% 0.0000003 $ +0.03% +25.20%
10401 NINA NinaPumps -41.42% 0.0000003 $ -15.13% -14.82%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.