TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,944,753,128,899 -16.4%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,342 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.01% or 316.6 mln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -3.65% and currently stands at $271.9 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
1301 ECET Evercraft Ecotechnologies -23.65% 0.0201 $ 13.9 mln. $ -0.46% -0.31%
1302 OZO Ozone Chain -10.73% 0.182 $ 13.8 mln. $ -6.25% -6.89%
1303 GOG Guild of Guardians -23.13% 0.0195 $ 13.8 mln. $ -3.44% -5.79%
1304 HTR Hathor -34.24% 0.0299 $ 13.7 mln. $ -1.44% -4.64%
1305 CLOUD Cloud -35.78% 0.0767 $ 13.8 mln. $ +14.99% +1.68%
1306 SOVRN Sovrun -52.67% 0.0165 $ 13.8 mln. $ +2.32% -7.11%
1307 NXRA Nexera -38.23% 0.0148 $ 13.1 mln. $ +0.67% -17.81%
1308 SPECTRA Spectra -49.55% 0.0397 $ 13.5 mln. $ -4.04% -6.24%
1309 COCOS COMBO -25.21% 0.191 $ 13.6 mln. $ -24.99% -32.20%
1310 GLDGOV GOLDAO -18.52% 0.0193 $ 13.5 mln. $ -5.70% -12.74%
1311 SEAM Seamless Protocol -31.05% 0.415 $ 13.6 mln. $ -7.57% -15.79%
1312 FOOM Foom -15.79% 0.000000088 $ 15.5 mln. $ +4.96% -0.26%
1313 FOXSY Foxsy AI -27.60% 0.0321 $ 13.4 mln. $ +1.97% +0.63%
1314 XPM XPmarket -15.90% 0.0608 $ 13.5 mln. $ +18.37% +16.89%
1315 TRUMP Meme TrumpCoin -1.86% 0.0002 $ 13.4 mln. $ +1.90% +3.65%
1316 YULI YULI +18.43% 0.0017 $ 13.5 mln. $ -2.03% +8.37%
1317 10SET Tenset -20.03% 0.0813 $ 13.6 mln. $ +2.96% -11.34%
1318 $MICRO Micro GPT -0.53% 0.0134 $ 13.4 mln. $ +2.18% -25.16%
1319 NC Nodecoin +31.05% 0.0705 $ 13.5 mln. $ -8.90% -10.86%
1320 SIGMA Sigma -51.40% 0.0146 $ 13.1 mln. $ -1.89% +12.79%
1321 DOG Own The Doge -39.82% 0.001 $ 13.4 mln. $ +3.35% -12.81%
1322 CLY Colony +2.78% 0.118 $ 13.3 mln. $ -5.59% -10.30%
1323 LOKA League of Kingdoms -1.65% 0.117 $ 13.4 mln. $ +0.16% -6.93%
1324 STOS Stratos -8.28% 0.197 $ 13.1 mln. $ +2.68% +6.24%
1325 LCT Lemonschain +126.64% 0.105 $ 13.3 mln. $ +3.79% -3.33%
1326 RIFT RIFT AI -37.28% 0.0132 $ 13.1 mln. $ -8.81% -18.56%
1327 BLZ Bluzelle -31.59% 0.029 $ 13.4 mln. $ -1.04% -12.20%
1328 DPI DeFi Pulse Index -22.13% 82.7 $ 13.3 mln. $ +9.12% -9.16%
1329 BGSOL Bitget Staked SOL -14.92% 150.63 $ 13.2 mln. $ +4.49% +2.52%
1330 AKI Aki Network -29.21% 0.0077 $ 13.0 mln. $ +0.18% +1.83%
1331 JMPT JumpToken +0.26% 0.934 $ 13.2 mln. $ +3.07% -2.85%
1332 BOMB Fantom Bomb -21.36% 0.0264 $ 13.0 mln. $ +2.44% -7.19%
1333 ARENA The Arena +58.64% 0.0079 $ 13.5 mln. $ +10.35% -22.44%
1334 NOOT Noot Noot +455.78% 0.0131 $ 13.2 mln. $ +27.61% +62.83%
1335 TRYB BiLira -2.12% 0.0271 $ 13.1 mln. $ -0.98% -1.23%
1336 GUD Gud Tech +9.70% 0.0159 $ 13.2 mln. $ +35.15% +44.38%
1337 CGO Comtech Gold +2.37% 92.99 $ 13.1 mln. $ +0.29% +0.03%
1338 SVL Slash Vision Labs -10.00% 0.0026 $ 13.0 mln. $ -1.97% -4.77%
1339 NATIX NATIX Network +2.46% 0.00074 $ 13.0 mln. $ +16.32% +7.39%
1340 KWEEN KWEEN +34.59% 0.0125 $ 12.5 mln. $ +2.80% +5.34%
1341 KARATE Karate Combat -36.37% 0.00022 $ 13.0 mln. $ +0.92% -18.07%
1342 TORUS Torus -53.63% 0.195 $ 12.9 mln. $ -11.66% -12.59%
1343 VADER VaderAI by Virtuals -58.74% 0.0129 $ 12.9 mln. $ +1.40% -14.69%
1344 AVUSD Avant USD +0.06% 0.9988 $ 12.9 mln. $ +0.01% +0.07%
1345 TROY TROY -9.48% 0.0013 $ 12.8 mln. $ +0.64% -12.88%
1346 YLAY Yelay -21.31% 0.0185 $ 12.8 mln. $ +0.51% -9.71%
1347 AUSD AUSD +0.07% 0.99979 $ 12.8 mln. $ +0.09% +0.09%
1348 ASF Asymmetry Finance -36.53% 1.38 $ 12.6 mln. $ +10.14% +12.20%
1349 ACOLYT Acolyt -52.23% 0.0127 $ 12.8 mln. $ +9.17% +33.63%
1350 BUZZ Hive AI -75.21% 0.0126 $ 12.6 mln. $ -5.46% -23.99%
1351 FARTCOIN Based Fartcoin -44.33% 0.00013 $ 12.4 mln. $ +15.16% +25.40%
1352 PARTY Party +51.08% 0.0063 $ 12.2 mln. $ -15.59% -11.81%
1353 REX REVOX -19.96% 0.0141 $ 12.7 mln. $ +3.44% -13.41%
1354 CLORE -45.58% 0.0255 $ 12.7 mln. $ +3.18% +2.35%
1355 OX Open Exchange Token -56.04% 0.0022 $ 12.6 mln. $ +4.27% -33.06%
1356 TALOS Talos +122.49% 0.0121 $ 12.1 mln. $ +6.83% +24.89%
1357 ZTX ZTX -41.52% 0.003 $ 12.8 mln. $ +0.94% -19.18%
1358 SFTMX BeethovenX sFTMX +23.91% 0.633 $ 12.6 mln. $ +1.28% -23.43%
1359 STRONGSOL Stronghold Staked SOL -39.03% 154.18 $ 12.4 mln. $ +4.47% +2.65%
1360 LUNA Luna by Virtuals -42.06% 0.0122 $ 12.2 mln. $ -3.24% -22.90%
1361 ZKCRO Cronos zkEVM CRO -34.59% 0.0742 $ 12.4 mln. $ -3.75% -2.73%
1362 MEMDEX MEMDEX100 -59.59% 0.0125 $ 12.4 mln. $ -12.64% -41.93%
1363 MANEKI MANEKI -41.62% 0.0014 $ 12.3 mln. $ +4.27% -0.85%
1364 STAPT Amnis Staked Aptos Coin -11.59% 6.11 $ 12.3 mln. $ -0.56% -10.54%
1365 FLEXUSD flexUSD -21.23% 0.0746 $ 12.4 mln. $ +14.49% +16.85%
1366 EPS Ellipsis [OLD] -2.88% 0.0177 $ 12.4 mln. $ +4.71% -3.83%
1367 AGRS Agoras: Tau Net -3.77% 0.685 $ 12.3 mln. $ +6.73% +16.94%
1368 BTC Osmosis allBTC -12.48% 86,766 $ 12.2 mln. $ +3.83% +2.38%
1369 PROPS Propbase -23.56% 0.0309 $ 12.4 mln. $ +5.79% +8.11%
1370 CELL Cellframe -5.41% 0.427 $ 12.3 mln. $ -1.35% -5.98%
1371 SETH2 sETH2 -32.93% 2,154.28 $ 12.3 mln. $ +4.55% +0.33%
1372 CAST Castello Coin +27.95% 0.0578 $ 12.3 mln. $ 0% 0%
1373 TET Tectum -43.96% 1.68 $ 12.2 mln. $ +7.43% -9.68%
1374 PPC Peercoin +0.10% 0.417 $ 12.3 mln. $ +0.84% -1.98%
1375 MOXIE Moxie -39.83% 0.0021 $ 11.9 mln. $ +1.19% -40.64%
1376 FB Fractal Bitcoin -42.00% 0.87 $ 12.1 mln. $ +0.66% -23.00%
1377 CRTS Cratos -20.78% 0.00019 $ 12.2 mln. $ -2.00% -9.28%
1378 MIX MixMarvel -32.24% 0.0013 $ 12.2 mln. $ -0.59% -8.05%
1379 IRON Iron Fish -27.90% 0.207 $ 12.1 mln. $ -6.28% -10.14%
1380 OFN Openfabric AI -28.97% 0.0494 $ 12.2 mln. $ -5.83% -6.74%
1381 INDEX Index Cooperative -26.08% 1.8 $ 12.1 mln. $ +11.68% 0%
1382 PSTAKE pSTAKE Finance -13.99% 0.0238 $ 11.9 mln. $ +6.89% +15.05%
1383 BCUT bitsCrunch Token -24.14% 0.0302 $ 12.1 mln. $ +5.23% +15.13%
1384 FARM CryptoFarmers +43.49% 0.44 $ 12.1 mln. $ -3.40% +0.39%
1385 WEPE Wall Street Pepe -74.41% 0.00006 $ 11.9 mln. $ +0.18% +4.39%
1386 OWN Otherworld -8.59% 0.339 $ 12.0 mln. $ -2.94% -7.82%
1387 PLA PlayDapp -20.80% 0.0195 $ 11.8 mln. $ +0.41% -13.69%
1388 TREAT Shiba Inu Treat -47.46% 0.0056 $ 12.0 mln. $ +6.44% -11.89%
1389 GST-SOL STEPN Green Satoshi Token on Solana -16.96% 0.0104 $ 11.9 mln. $ -3.71% -9.98%
1390 BILLY BILLION•DOLLAR•CAT (Bitcoin) -52.49% 0.0118 $ 11.8 mln. $ -10.84% +2.82%
1391 BSDETH Based ETH -21.25% 2,202.41 $ 11.8 mln. $ +4.12% -6.52%
1392 ASTO Altered State Machine -26.81% 0.0146 $ 11.8 mln. $ -1.41% -3.19%
1393 STEAMX Wrapped STEAMX +1.73% 0.0554 $ 11.9 mln. $ -0.72% -0.44%
1394 WUSD Worldwide USD +0.02% 0.99987 $ 11.9 mln. $ +0.02% +0.09%
1395 ZKML zKML -42.09% 0.124 $ 11.9 mln. $ -3.39% +1.08%
1396 PEIPEI PeiPei -26.82% 0.000000028 $ 11.8 mln. $ +4.24% -11.41%
1397 YUSD YUSD Stablecoin +0.51% 0.9946 $ 11.8 mln. $ +0.05% +0.38%
1398 VEIL Veil Token +30.53% 0.119 $ 11.9 mln. $ +28.76% +39.32%
1399 ALEPH -28.96% 0.0628 $ 11.7 mln. $ +0.33% -18.82%
1400 FPIS Frax Price Index Share -30.23% 0.358 $ 11.7 mln. $ +1.71% -8.86%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.