TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,991,367,409,961 -12.2%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

13,054 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.1% or 3.1 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -23.64% and currently stands at $117.8 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
901 QUIL Wrapped QUIL -31.28% 0.0343 $ 31.0 mln. $ +5.85% +27.16%
902 SRX StorX -11.46% 0.0609 $ 30.6 mln. $ +6.39% +3.92%
903 LCAT Lion Cat -7.74% 0.0865 $ 30.7 mln. $ -0.85% -4.80%
904 PSP ParaSwap -19.53% 0.0198 $ 30.5 mln. $ +3.04% +6.63%
905 STTON bemo Staked TON -2.10% 3.96 $ 30.5 mln. $ +2.57% +5.18%
906 XPLA XPLA -33.45% 0.0386 $ 30.0 mln. $ -0.32% -0.49%
907 IBGT Infrared BGT -16.13% 8.54 $ 29.9 mln. $ +8.62% +20.28%
908 SEND Suilend -44.46% 0.642 $ 31.1 mln. $ +7.09% +31.52%
909 MOC Mossland -19.23% 0.0712 $ 30.2 mln. $ +1.25% -1.45%
910 ALEX ALEX Lab -12.49% 0.0368 $ 30.4 mln. $ +14.47% +20.41%
911 STRD Stride +40.05% 0.329 $ 30.2 mln. $ -6.89% +35.53%
912 PIXEL Pixels -39.16% 0.039 $ 30.1 mln. $ +1.91% -0.21%
913 USDT.E Bridged Tether (Rainbow Bridge) +0.05% 1 $ 30.1 mln. $ -0.20% +0.11%
914 FTW Black Agnus +13,083.10% 0.0000005 $ 30.0 mln. $ +66.88% +24.63%
915 FCT Firmachain -20.88% 0.0305 $ 29.9 mln. $ +1.66% -7.12%
916 AUKI AUKI -18.87% 0.0186 $ 29.4 mln. $ +13.24% +48.65%
917 MRB MoonRabbits +9.86% 0.000047 $ 29.7 mln. $ 0% 0%
918 TOMO Viction -20.39% 0.246 $ 29.6 mln. $ +3.00% -7.91%
919 PEP Pepecoin +14.45% 0.00033 $ 29.8 mln. $ +3.04% +0.20%
920 REACT Reactive Network -53.10% 0.0937 $ 29.2 mln. $ -1.34% +1.54%
921 SUSD sUSD -1.03% 0.975 $ 29.5 mln. $ -0.81% -1.99%
922 SAI Sai -25.76% 10.88 $ 29.2 mln. $ +3.50% +8.53%
923 ARPA ARPA -20.55% 0.0297 $ 29.1 mln. $ +1.12% +7.61%
924 GRS Groestlcoin -21.08% 0.335 $ 29.2 mln. $ +2.34% +0.21%
925 VINE Vine -24.53% 0.0291 $ 29.1 mln. $ +4.61% +11.12%
926 ASUSDF Astherus Staked USDF +0.30% 1.01 $ 29.2 mln. $ -0.04% +0.15%
927 VRO VeraOne +3.90% 98.1 $ 29.1 mln. $ +0.28% +2.03%
928 GRND SuperWalk GRND +3.88% 0.0485 $ 29.2 mln. $ -0.39% -23.46%
929 CAM Camino Network -11.56% 0.089 $ 28.6 mln. $ -2.00% +0.40%
930 PEPU Pepe Unchained -46.41% 0.0036 $ 28.9 mln. $ +1.14% -8.27%
931 SPA Sperax -29.37% 0.0147 $ 28.8 mln. $ +3.02% -5.40%
932 BOLD Liquity BOLD +0.52% 0.9987 $ 28.9 mln. $ -0.36% -0.17%
933 EPIC Epic Chain -13.36% 1.37 $ 28.8 mln. $ -2.31% -4.86%
934 J Jambo -37.68% 0.22 $ 28.5 mln. $ +1.12% +1.20%
935 NEIRO Neiro on ETH +36.46% 0.0281 $ 28.2 mln. $ +0.98% -2.65%
936 EL ELYSIA -25.63% 0.0042 $ 28.3 mln. $ +1.05% +0.17%
937 PRQ PARSIQ -50.87% 0.0949 $ 27.9 mln. $ +1.19% +2.82%
938 OI O Intelligence Coin -84.64% 28,124,874 $ 27.8 mln. $ -12.74% -37.31%
939 PERP Perpetual Protocol -22.85% 0.387 $ 28.1 mln. $ +4.93% +7.32%
940 🧙 MAGIC•INTERNET•MONEY (Bitcoin) -42.04% 0.0014 $ 28.6 mln. $ -1.74% -18.36%
941 MLN Enzyme -28.20% 9.37 $ 28.1 mln. $ +2.37% -0.37%
942 MOR MorpheusAI -50.93% 8.62 $ 28.0 mln. $ +3.36% +13.65%
943 LTO LTO Network -22.75% 0.0643 $ 28.2 mln. $ +2.24% -0.10%
944 LMWR LimeWire -33.61% 0.087 $ 28.2 mln. $ +0.91% -16.46%
945 SDL -3.08% 0.475 $ 27.9 mln. $ -5.35% -3.21%
946 IDEX IDEX -19.26% 0.0299 $ 27.9 mln. $ +3.98% +3.03%
947 MAG Magnetix +715.49% 0.029 $ 29.1 mln. $ +1.92% +79.94%
948 USDC Mantle Bridged USDC (Mantle) -0.04% 0.99967 $ 27.9 mln. $ -0.09% -0.09%
949 FIS Stafi -21.34% 0.183 $ 27.8 mln. $ +2.57% -0.73%
950 REI REI Network -24.15% 0.0285 $ 27.8 mln. $ +4.13% +9.62%
951 BLD Agoric +21.01% 0.0415 $ 28.0 mln. $ +9.77% +2.43%
952 GAME GAME by Virtuals -29.88% 0.0274 $ 27.5 mln. $ +11.04% +9.44%
953 EURT Euro Tether +3.79% 1.08 $ 27.5 mln. $ -1.98% -0.05%
954 HASHAI HashAI -32.74% 0.00031 $ 27.5 mln. $ +2.09% +1.87%
955 WAGMI Wagmi -32.85% 0.0163 $ 28.1 mln. $ +2.52% +18.67%
956 MATICX Stader MaticX -26.02% 0.251 $ 27.3 mln. $ +3.65% +4.67%
957 LBT Law Blocks -0.55% 0.128 $ 27.6 mln. $ -0.09% +0.34%
958 MIMATIC MAI +0.16% 1.001 $ 27.6 mln. $ +0.09% +0.08%
959 TMG T-mac DAO +17.48% 15.58 $ 27.3 mln. $ -4.66% -21.31%
960 LYX LUKSO -26.07% 0.909 $ 27.8 mln. $ +7.07% +0.63%
961 BRISE Bitgert -17.79% 0.00000007 $ 27.6 mln. $ -0.09% -2.30%
962 BBT BabyBoomToken +127.75% 0.162 $ 26.8 mln. $ +19.18% +117.07%
963 WGBERA Wrapped gBera +29.50% 7.67 $ 27.6 mln. $ +16.10% +28.48%
964 ICE Ice Open Network -8.71% 0.004 $ 27.3 mln. $ +1.28% -2.03%
965 MYRIA Myria -32.51% 0.00095 $ 26.8 mln. $ +6.60% -4.10%
966 BLUE Bluefin -34.41% 0.0921 $ 27.0 mln. $ +1.36% +7.89%
967 POLY Polymath +7.25% 0.0299 $ 26.9 mln. $ +2.82% +5.35%
968 GGP GoGoPool -34.88% 3.79 $ 26.9 mln. $ +15.76% +7.37%
969 DADDY Daddy Tate +18.28% 0.0449 $ 26.9 mln. $ +4.40% +4.61%
970 ZCX Unizen -25.91% 0.0392 $ 27.0 mln. $ -2.76% -0.82%
971 WCFG Wrapped Centrifuge -14.59% 0.154 $ 26.9 mln. $ +4.51% +10.66%
972 AETHC Ankr Staked ETH -24.81% 2,477.66 $ 26.7 mln. $ +3.33% +10.01%
973 LIT Litentry -14.20% 0.597 $ 27.0 mln. $ +11.02% +2.66%
974 AQUA Aquarius -21.41% 0.0008 $ 26.6 mln. $ +1.31% +3.72%
975 CDAI cDAI +0.41% 0.0245 $ 26.7 mln. $ +0.08% +0.21%
976 NAKA Nakamoto Games -21.69% 0.404 $ 26.3 mln. $ +1.81% -0.99%
977 KEKIUS Kekius Maximus +102.58% 0.0258 $ 25.8 mln. $ +7.96% +76.44%
978 TPT TokenPocket Token -13.43% 0.0076 $ 26.1 mln. $ -3.42% +0.43%
979 ATLAS Star Atlas -19.01% 0.0014 $ 25.6 mln. $ +2.97% +0.88%
980 SFM SafeMoon -12.04% 0.000069 $ 25.5 mln. $ -15.23% +6.14%
981 VSC Vyvo Smart Chain -32.01% 0.0062 $ 25.8 mln. $ -3.32% -6.00%
982 VICE VICE +2.25% 0.0336 $ 26.5 mln. $ -10.37% -11.11%
983 ARRR Pirate Chain -30.33% 0.132 $ 25.9 mln. $ +2.78% +1.78%
984 ALCX Alchemix -16.67% 10.7 $ 25.7 mln. $ +4.79% +4.70%
985 TREE Tree -9.21% 0.258 $ 25.5 mln. $ +7.69% +4.76%
986 MATH MATH -25.81% 0.141 $ 25.7 mln. $ +0.73% -0.68%
987 BCN Bytecoin +45.09% 0.00011 $ 20.1 mln. $ +310.56% +49.48%
988 SAT Satoshi Airline -71.19% 0.271 $ 28.3 mln. $ -49.31% -63.91%
989 NATI IlluminatiCoin -24.00% 0.00000076 $ 25.1 mln. $ +14.79% +7.56%
990 OMIKAMI AMATERASU OMIKAMI -3.86% 0.0256 $ 25.6 mln. $ +2.10% +4.41%
991 SHADOW Shadow -35.58% 90.3 $ 25.7 mln. $ +15.25% +33.98%
992 FARTCOIN Based Fartcoin +65.02% 0.00026 $ 25.7 mln. $ +15.45% +37.75%
993 AI Sleepless AI -30.22% 0.195 $ 25.4 mln. $ +4.14% +3.93%
994 SLF Self Chain +10.15% 0.259 $ 25.1 mln. $ +1.18% +1.30%
995 PALM PaLM AI -27.95% 0.33 $ 25.5 mln. $ +9.82% +18.78%
996 HEGIC Hegic -27.70% 0.024 $ 25.9 mln. $ +1.67% +5.57%
997 PINKSALE PinkSale -7.03% 254.18 $ 25.3 mln. $ +2.87% +0.66%
998 FRONT Frontier +17.36% 0.282 $ 25.4 mln. $ +2.60% +8.00%
999 UPP ChainBounty -25.63% 0.0497 $ 25.1 mln. $ +2.06% -6.65%
1000 KARRAT Karrat -27.26% 0.104 $ 23.7 mln. $ +23.49% +18.02%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.