TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 2,882,571,762,986 +0.8%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

13,507 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $2.8 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.04% or 1.1 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by increased by +0.01% and currently stands at $127.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9801 XBOO Boo MirrorWorld -33.99% 0.805 $ -18.88% -2.70%
9802 ASNX Aave SNX -18.94% 0.8 $ -5.69% -8.68%
9803 ASNX Aave SNX v1 -20.55% 0.8 $ -6.06% -8.68%
9804 2SHARES 2SHARE -44.46% 0.797 $ 0% 0%
9805 EXAOP Exactly Optimism -24.91% 0.799 $ -5.07% -6.65%
9806 ASNX Aave v3 SNX -36.76% 0.796 $ -6.19% -8.81%
9807 STEAK Steak -52.21% 0.774 $ 0% 0%
9808 SHEN Shen +7.44% 0.774 $ -3.57% -6.17%
9809 ZSD Zephyr Protocol Stable Dollar -0.27% 0.761 $ -0.06% +0.10%
9810 WLYX Wrapped LYX (SigmaSwap) -35.74% 0.758 $ 0% +4.96%
9811 YVBOOST Yearn Compounding veCRV yVault -30.11% 0.756 $ +0.05% +6.09%
9812 VOLTA Volta Club -58.76% 0.755 $ 0% 0%
9813 NGY NAGAYA +8.31% 0.746 $ +0.91% -0.86%
9814 PT Phemex Token -13.35% 0.745 $ -1.78% -9.43%
9815 LUSD LUSD -21.17% 0.743 $ -13.59% -28.15%
9816 BTCV Bitcoin Vault -10.92% 0.745 $ -1.14% -0.65%
9817 ALEA Alea +5.07% 0.727 $ +3.43% +16.50%
9818 GOD Bitcoin God -27.08% 0.712 $ -0.42% -3.32%
9819 ALFA alfa.society +0.70% 0.7 $ +0.06% -0.06%
9820 B2SHARE B2SHARE -4.33% 0.7 $ +12.22% +3.08%
9821 IUSD iZUMi Bond USD -3.64% 0.697 $ -33.59% -2.81%
9822 LDOT Liquid Staking Dot -10.92% 0.693 $ -2.77% -6.36%
9823 DYDX dYdX (Wormhole) -2.36% 0.691 $ -2.43% +2.99%
9824 GTC Global Trust Coin +3.85% 0.69 $ -3.74% -2.89%
9825 MOON HoneyMOON +2.20% 0.686 $ -3.17% -2.30%
9826 YVSUSHI SUSHI yVault -22.24% 0.689 $ -5.59% -9.93%
9827 ADA Binance-Peg Cardano +10.64% 0.679 $ -3.27% -3.55%
9828 AADA Lenfi -34.04% 0.68 $ -0.81% -13.11%
9829 YFO YFIONE -47.29% 0.676 $ +0.16% +14.27%
9830 WADA Wrapped ADA +10.46% 0.678 $ -3.22% -2.97%
9831 GBE Gambex -8.94% 0.672 $ +10.78% -5.75%
9832 NRCH Enreach -44.59% 0.673 $ 0% 0%
9833 MARGA Margaritis -15.62% 0.669 $ +10.30% +3.46%
9834 AUR Aurix +1.87% 0.653 $ -1.60% -1.44%
9835 MCLB MillenniumClub Coin [NEW] -43.73% 0.64 $ 0% 0%
9836 WOULD would +10.46% 0.637 $ +1.09% +5.20%
9837 TRIM TRIMBEX -81.61% 0.619 $ 0% -77.26%
9838 DEVVE Devvio -6.71% 0.618 $ +3.57% -12.44%
9839 WBS Websea +20.67% 0.611 $ -2.31% -6.54%
9840 AFTMC Ankr Staked FTM +0.25% 0.61 $ -1.37% -1.59%
9841 DIMI Diminutive Coin -36.27% 0.606 $ -23.04% -23.63%
9842 YIELD PolyYield -12.16% 0.595 $ -2.38% -1.86%
9843 JEUR Jarvis Synthetic Euro -5.19% 0.589 $ +0.27% -2.05%
9844 SBONK SHIBONK -21.07% 0.584 $ -6.60% -11.06%
9845 DNY Dynasty Coin -48.47% 0.571 $ 0% -0.01%
9846 WIMX Wrapped IMX -17.00% 0.571 $ -2.84% -2.51%
9847 VOLR Volare Network -7.76% 0.566 $ 0% 0%
9848 FTM Fantom -14.79% 0.559 $ -0.78% +6.97%
9849 TNGBL Tangible +3.04% 0.555 $ -2.12% -0.28%
9850 HIGH Highstreet -33.96% 0.557 $ -7.30% -16.55%
9851 AVA AVA (Travala) Bridged AVA (BSC) -8.97% 0.553 $ -3.98% -12.25%
9852 MULTI Multichain -49.71% 0.542 $ -13.00% -16.10%
9853 AVAI Orca AVAI -0.60% 0.542 $ -0.34% -0.47%
9854 AGHST Aave v3 GHST +10.17% 0.543 $ +3.67% +26.36%
9855 BEST Bitpanda Ecosystem -14.21% 0.538 $ +11.06% -18.58%
9856 BEFTM Beefy Escrowed FTM -37.24% 0.533 $ -5.52% -3.23%
9857 WFTM Wrapped Fantom -18.90% 0.511 $ -10.08% -7.19%
9858 PAYN PAYNET +10.41% 0.53 $ +0.33% +2.29%
9859 MURA Murasaki -68.15% 0.53 $ -2.36% -13.71%
9860 WWEMIX WWEMIX -17.24% 0.524 $ -0.37% -0.94%
9861 UWON UWON -5.02% 0.505 $ +0.55% -1.08%
9862 KOL KeyOfLife -12.12% 0.517 $ +11.52% -9.52%
9863 MCT Metacraft -6.92% 0.502 $ -2.08% -37.08%
9864 BDT BlackDragon -37.82% 0.507 $ 0% -2.34%
9865 GFTM Geist FTM -23.51% 0.503 $ -10.82% -3.93%
9866 FB Fenerbahçe -2.63% 0.494 $ +2.09% +6.68%
9867 FTW FriendTech33 -14.96% 0.492 $ 0% 0%
9868 COIL SpiralDAO Coil -18.69% 0.49 $ +0.00% +0.05%
9869 DELTA Delta Financial -29.51% 0.489 $ +1.11% -4.97%
9870 ACRV Aave v3 CRV +33.49% 0.479 $ -9.87% -4.18%
9871 ACRV Aave CRV +50.63% 0.478 $ -11.66% -4.27%
9872 LOTUS White Lotus -22.22% 0.474 $ -0.72% -9.47%
9873 SGR Schrodinger -28.58% 0.47 $ -7.94% -6.11%
9874 CCS CloutContracts -14.67% 0.468 $ -1.92% -6.35%
9875 NCT Toucan Protocol: Nature Carbon Tonne -4.41% 0.465 $ -0.45% -2.31%
9876 NUT Nucleon -26.63% 0.457 $ -3.66% -6.98%
9877 DCHF DeFi Franc -49.13% 0.456 $ 0% 0%
9878 YFIH2 H2Finance +4.09% 0.43 $ -17.79% -11.09%
9879 WJAURA Wrapped Jones AURA -43.94% 0.429 $ 0% 0%
9880 WKAVA Wrapped Kava -1.15% 0.425 $ -4.11% -18.38%
9881 ICHI Legacy ICHI -11.77% 0.423 $ -2.17% -4.50%
9882 ROUTE Router Protocol [OLD] -20.02% 0.422 $ -1.85% -2.26%
9883 YU BountyKinds YU +11.44% 0.415 $ -4.42% -3.23%
9884 GNFT GNFT -1.71% 0.412 $ -0.42% -1.12%
9885 KFI Klever Finance -18.92% 0.403 $ -1.97% -6.12%
9886 WCORE Wrapped CORE -14.80% 0.402 $ -1.57% -11.55%
9887 D2 D2 Finance -31.52% 0.389 $ -0.31% -3.62%
9888 TOOLS Blocktools -36.07% 0.387 $ -9.73% -8.92%
9889 DRC Doric Network -1.70% 0.384 $ -1.69% -5.50%
9890 WFLOW Wrapped Flow -17.73% 0.384 $ -3.74% -7.58%
9891 WAXL Wrapped Axelar -6.91% 0.381 $ -5.55% -10.38%
9892 ABC ABC PoS Pool -21.73% 0.379 $ -4.79% -9.48%
9893 STKD Stkd SCRT -8.64% 0.374 $ -4.53% -8.13%
9894 FON FONSmartChain -1.88% 0.374 $ -0.92% +15.01%
9895 DSHARE Dibs Share -63.70% 0.371 $ 0% +1.11%
9896 SDCRV Stake DAO CRV +6.85% 0.372 $ -11.75% -5.05%
9897 VBNT Bancor Governance -31.12% 0.369 $ +0.11% -0.32%
9898 PLSARB Plutus ARB -44.57% 0.365 $ 0% 0%
9899 SGT AI Avatar +69.40% 0.359 $ +8.85% +64.87%
9900 MILK MuesliSwap MILK -0.48% 0.356 $ -3.66% -0.59%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.