TOP 100 Cryptocurrencies

Top gainers in the last 24 hours
Market Cap Change (30d)
$ 3,379,002,722,442 -11.5%
Top 1000 Cryptocurrencies, 24h

11,379 cryptocurrencies found. The market capitalization of cryptocurrencies reached $3.3 Tn. in the last 24 hours. Growth amounted to +0.18% or 6.1 bln. US Dollar. The 24-hour trading volume for all crypto coins has changed by decreased by -13.52% and currently stands at $236.2 bln. The cryptocurrency exchange rate is updated in real time.

Cryptocurrency Price (30d) Price Market Cap 24h 7d
9902 EMOTI EmotiCoin -33.08% 0.000045 $ 0% +3.88%
9903 LUM Lum Network -40.08% 0.000044 $ -8.47% -17.49%
9904 ARB ARB Protocol -26.41% 0.000044 $ -8.67% -39.12%
9905 EVIL Doctor Evil -15.90% 0.000044 $ 0% -3.72%
9906 UPS UPFI Network -34.04% 0.000044 $ 0% -3.45%
9907 MORA Mora -9.82% 0.000044 $ +7.10% -2.70%
9908 REAP ReapChain -19.52% 0.000044 $ -6.74% +4.63%
9909 ESPT Esport +3.29% 0.000044 $ -0.66% -2.36%
9910 NRB SAFEONE CHAIN +28.61% 0.000044 $ +5.81% +66.21%
9911 HCT HurricaneSwap -11.43% 0.000043 $ +0.62% +0.02%
9912 CHAX CHAX -46.20% 0.000043 $ +10.52% +5.60%
9913 SUN Sunala -37.17% 0.000043 $ -11.65% -14.29%
9914 TOKC Tokyo Coin +4.37% 0.000043 $ -4.26% -25.99%
9915 DONS The Dons -38.10% 0.000043 $ +0.59% +1.20%
9916 WPLS Wrapped Pulse -18.43% 0.000043 $ -2.54% -10.34%
9917 UNLEASH UnleashClub -25.13% 0.000042 $ -2.47% -4.86%
9918 FERRET Ferret AI -25.04% 0.000043 $ +0.30% +0.75%
9919 PLS PulseChain -18.93% 0.000042 $ -2.02% -10.91%
9920 $PUDGY Pudgy Cat -19.24% 0.000042 $ +0.01% +9.62%
9921 BTR BTRIPS -45.82% 0.000042 $ -0.05% -32.84%
9922 S4F S4FE -17.65% 0.000042 $ 0% -10.62%
9923 TOONS City Boys -34.70% 0.000041 $ +0.15% -2.62%
9924 MIKE MiKeNeKo -78.80% 0.000041 $ 0% 0%
9925 SRS Sirius Finance -60.73% 0.000041 $ 0% -5.50%
9926 BGPT BlockGPT -43.51% 0.000041 $ 0% +0.95%
9927 $SPONGE Sponge (OLD) +13.56% 0.00004 $ 0% +3.30%
9928 DBX DBX +1.55% 0.000039 $ -0.09% -1.08%
9929 GOOCH Gooch -68.86% 0.000039 $ -26.55% -39.42%
9930 VNDC VNDC +1.84% 0.000039 $ -0.56% -3.05%
9931 KALA Kala -1.03% 0.000039 $ -22.05% -61.42%
9932 MONK Monk +11.82% 0.000039 $ -3.60% +1.68%
9933 CCFI CloudCoin Finance -0.27% 0.000038 $ -0.07% +0.00%
9934 BLOCK Block -43.14% 0.000038 $ -1.40% -22.91%
9935 CGS CougarSwap -2.36% 0.000037 $ -5.32% +2.17%
9936 D/ACC d/acc -6.06% 0.000037 $ -2.46% +23.72%
9937 DMS Dragon Mainland Shards -11.93% 0.000037 $ +2.50% -2.55%
9938 DOGEMOON Dogemoon -11.33% 0.000037 $ -1.42% -2.66%
9939 SST SmartsetToken -30.83% 0.000037 $ -1.94% +1.97%
9940 DXT Dexit Network -4.92% 0.000037 $ -0.61% -3.87%
9941 MELI Meli Games -2.42% 0.000036 $ +6.55% +0.74%
9942 BITB Bean Cash -32.96% 0.000036 $ -13.76% +41.78%
9943 MXT MX TOKEN -29.13% 0.000036 $ 0% 0%
9944 GME DumbMoney -48.34% 0.000036 $ 0% 0%
9945 HALO Halo Coin +12.62% 0.000036 $ -3.04% +17.03%
9946 AGT Agritech -99.73% 0.000036 $ 0% -37.05%
9947 ARKER Arker -16.15% 0.000035 $ +0.14% +1.42%
9948 PAINT MS Paint -41.49% 0.000035 $ -1.66% -20.51%
9949 ZOOA Zoopia -85.73% 0.000035 $ 0% -2.99%
9950 PLSX PulseX -1.73% 0.000034 $ -0.47% -9.63%
9951 OPC OP Chads -41.54% 0.000034 $ -1.53% +3.15%
9952 NUNA Nuna -35.74% 0.000034 $ -5.36% -12.36%
9953 HTH Help The Homeless Coin +213.89% 0.000034 $ 0% +302.52%
9954 YCT Youclout -17.60% 0.000034 $ +0.57% -1.48%
9955 $BOO BOO -35.03% 0.000033 $ -1.52% +26.44%
9956 BARB Baby Arbitrum -20.43% 0.000033 $ 0% 0%
9957 ROSY Rosy -57.50% 0.000033 $ 0% 0%
9958 LUNC Wrapped Terra Classic +19.15% 0.000034 $ -0.08% -25.00%
9959 SOY Soyjak -66.49% 0.000032 $ 0% +3.83%
9960 PORY Porygon -30.54% 0.000032 $ -0.02% -5.62%
9961 FDT Frutti Dino -29.74% 0.000035 $ +4.46% -33.44%
9962 MVS MVS Multiverse -0.62% 0.000032 $ -0.78% -0.25%
9963 LION Lion +0.96% 0.000032 $ +3.81% +5.49%
9964 LBP LaunchBlock -90.30% 0.000032 $ 0% -0.69%
9965 MAI MatrixGPT -25.24% 0.000031 $ 0% -4.09%
9966 MACHINA Church of the Machina -26.57% 0.000032 $ -2.35% +14.54%
9967 REWD Reward Protocol +167.96% 0.000028 $ -11.19% +307.29%
9968 BUTTER Butter -65.94% 0.000031 $ -1.21% -19.70%
9969 NBP NFTBomb 0% 0.00003 $ +0.97% +14.34%
9970 STA STA -1.64% 0.00003 $ -0.55% +7.34%
9971 SOLPAD Solpad Finance -32.28% 0.00003 $ -2.99% -11.68%
9972 BBK BNB Bank -11.50% 0.00003 $ -2.06% -1.32%
9973 MIIDAS Miidas -35.42% 0.00003 $ +2.59% -4.71%
9974 XRDOGE XRdoge -30.47% 0.00003 $ 0% +0.94%
9975 DOBI DOBI -37.18% 0.00003 $ -1.21% -15.27%
9976 TOLY Toly -47.44% 0.00003 $ -0.80% -16.06%
9977 CARTEL Cartel Coin -34.29% 0.00003 $ -1.32% -14.71%
9978 CHURRO Churro -70.93% 0.00003 $ -7.85% -32.62%
9979 KEK KeKChain -57.83% 0.00003 $ +0.12% +0.16%
9980 XVC Xave Coin -4.58% 0.000029 $ 0% 0%
9981 XGEM Exchange Genesis Ethlas Medium -37.55% 0.000029 $ 0% -2.64%
9982 CROISSANT Croissant Games -62.09% 0.000029 $ 0% -34.10%
9983 SEG Solar Energy -17.77% 0.000029 $ 0% +0.02%
9984 LEMO LemoChain -26.74% 0.000029 $ -0.07% -12.45%
9985 CLIPPY Clippy -35.67% 0.000029 $ 0% -14.91%
9986 PEPI Pepito -39.32% 0.000028 $ 0% -0.67%
9987 DPEX DPEX -12.35% 0.000028 $ -0.51% -1.32%
9988 CHAP Chappie -50.87% 0.000028 $ 0% +0.77%
9989 $PP Print The Pepe -97.55% 0.000028 $ 0% -14.70%
9990 SWP Sprint -43.80% 0.000028 $ -2.64% -27.85%
9991 APAD Anypad -56.30% 0.000028 $ 0% -28.91%
9992 NXD Nexus Dubai -9.68% 0.000028 $ -0.21% -6.68%
9993 SSB Solana Street Bets +4.89% 0.000028 $ +1.34% -19.28%
9994 SONA Sonata Network -26.53% 0.000028 $ 0% -5.48%
9995 SUV Suvereno +4,646.45% 0.000028 $ 0% 0%
9996 IHC Inflation Hedging Coin -14.55% 0.000028 $ +1.22% -2.78%
9997 EGT Elon GOAT -55.48% 0.000028 $ -20.66% -18.60%
9998 PC Pepechain -50.00% 0.000028 $ 0% 0%
9999 ICPI ICPI -17.91% 0.000028 $ +1.53% -16.41%
10000 VPRM Vaporum Coin -13.42% 0.000027 $ 0% 0%
10001 LEMC LemonChain -91.55% 0.000027 $ 0% -35.73%

This page provides a snapshot of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It includes an overview of significant price changes, market capitalization values, and trading volume changes without specifying exact numbers that could become outdated quickly.

What drives crypto prices?

Factors include:

  • News,
  • Big player actions,
  • Demand shifts.

Prices rise if people invest in cryptos like Ethereum and Bitcoin. Digital currency's popularity, like Bitcoin’s media presence, also affects its value.

Cryptocurrency rates allow for blockchain use, pioneered by Bitcoin. Platforms track all types of transactions. You can capitalize on cryptos at the best rate and transfer them to a blockchain wallet, featuring:

  • Unchangeable data without proper access.
  • Transparent transactions.
  • Exchange, buy, and sell capabilities.

Our site offers real-time updates and a cryptocurrency list. Today, Bitcoin's price is trending upwards. Just pick the best exchange offer. For better deals, use our calculator.